Tercüme ve adaptasyon dönemi (1850-1914)
Cachia, Pierre
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Arap dünyası, Yunan düşüncesiyle çok erken bir tarihte tanışmış olmasına rağmen, Arap müelliflerin Avrupa dillerinden yaptıkları çeviriler 19. yüzyılın ikinci yarısına tekabül eder. Avrupa etkisinin Arap dünyasına girdiği iki büyük kapı vardır; bunlardan ilki, çoğunluğu Lübnan’da bulunan Hıristiyan Arap edebiyatçılar, diğeri de Napolyon’un Mısır’ı işgali sonucunda ortaya çıkan kültürel ortamdır. Tercüme ve adaptasyon döneminin ilk başlarında mutlak manada taklide dayalı edebî ürünler verilirken, günümüze doğru giderek özgünlük kazanan nitelikli eserler kaleme alınmaya başlanmıştır.
It is not very early that Arabic speaking world get acquinted with European literature (i.e. in the second half of the 19th. century) and literary genres although they had met Greek thought in a very early period. The first eminent effect of European literature on Arabic literature emerged as translations and adaptations. So, Arabic writers had the opportunity of considering new genres such as novel, drama and so on. As for now, we can say that present Arabic literature has assimilated these genres and adopted them as a part of their own literature.
It is not very early that Arabic speaking world get acquinted with European literature (i.e. in the second half of the 19th. century) and literary genres although they had met Greek thought in a very early period. The first eminent effect of European literature on Arabic literature emerged as translations and adaptations. So, Arabic writers had the opportunity of considering new genres such as novel, drama and so on. As for now, we can say that present Arabic literature has assimilated these genres and adopted them as a part of their own literature.
Bu yazı, Pierre Cachia’nın An Overview of Modern Arabic Literature isimli kitabının 29–42. sayfalarında yer alan The Age of Translation and Adaptation adlı makalesinin tercümesidir (Edinburgh University Press, 1990).
Translation, Adaptation, Arabic literature, Literary genres, Çeviri, Uyarlama, Arap edebiyatı, Edebî türler
Cachia, P. (2004). "Tercüme ve adaptasyon dönemi (1850-1914)". çev. Hasan Taşdelen. Uludağ Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 13(1), 195-212.