Yeniçağ biliminde sosyolojik dönüşümler
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
17. Yüzyılda yaşanan ve günümüze değin önemini koruyan bilimsel düşüncedeki değişimin temel bir noktası da devrimi yaratanların kavramlarında yaşadığı dönüşümdür. Varlık, evren, insan, madde, uzay, zaman gibi temel kavramaların algılanış şeklindeki dönüşüm yeni çağ doğa felsefecilerine bilgiyi algılayışına da yansımıştır. 17. Yüzyıl doğa felsefecilerinin bu kavramları algılayışı Antik Yunan Çağından gelen bir etkiyle şekillenmiştir. Ancak Yeni çağda değişen kavramlar Orta çağ kavramlarının da dönüşmesini gerektirmiştir. Ortaçağda Hristiyanlığın etkisiyle tanımlanan varlık, evren, insan, madde, uzay, zaman kavramları Yeni çağ doğa felsefecileri için büyük bir engel oluşturmuştur. Fizik, kimya ve biyoloji biliminin oluşması bu kavramların Orta çağ kökeninden kopuşuyla anlaşılabilir. lk olarak doğanın açıklanmasında dinin sunduğu modellemeler reddedilmiş ve modern fizik bilimi oluşmuştur. kinci olarak maddenin tanımlanmasında simyanın etkisi kırılarak kimya bilimi oluşmuştur. Son olarakta insanın ve diğer canlıların neliği hakkında semavi dinlerin söylemi kırılarak modern biyolojinin yöntemine ulaşılmıştır. Günümüz insanının ve özellikle bilim insanlarının bu tarihsel dönüşümü algılaması ve geçmişin dinamiklerini fark edebilmesi modern bilim için sadece bir tarih çalışması değil, ama metod açısından da değer taşıyacaktır.
The fundamental point of the tranformation of the scientific thought which was taken place in 17. centuryand has gone on until present time is tranformation of notions in their minds who has created therevolution. Tranformation in perception of the main notations like existence, universe, human, substance,space and time has affected the perception of knowledge of the nature philosophers in the New Age. Theperception of these notations by the nature philosophers of the 17. century has been shaped by an effectfrom Antique Greek Age. But the notations were changed in the New Age force to tranformate thenotations of the Middle Age. The notations which have been shaped by the effect of the Christianity inthe Middle Age like existence, universe, human, substance, space and time have been a huge obstacle forthe nature philosophers of the New Age. The formation of the physics, the chemistry and the biology isable to understand that these notations have been derived from the Middle Age. First it was refused thatthe models had been offered by the religion so the modern physics took place. Secondly, the effect of thealchemy was broken in the meaning substance and the chemistry took place. Finally, the pronunciation ofthe celestial religions about the meaning of the human and the other creatures was broken and have beenarrived to metodology of the modern biology. It is very valuable that man especially scienctists are able tocomprehend this historical tranformation and figure out dynamics of the past for the modern science. It isnot only a historical study but also a value for the method.
The fundamental point of the tranformation of the scientific thought which was taken place in 17. centuryand has gone on until present time is tranformation of notions in their minds who has created therevolution. Tranformation in perception of the main notations like existence, universe, human, substance,space and time has affected the perception of knowledge of the nature philosophers in the New Age. Theperception of these notations by the nature philosophers of the 17. century has been shaped by an effectfrom Antique Greek Age. But the notations were changed in the New Age force to tranformate thenotations of the Middle Age. The notations which have been shaped by the effect of the Christianity inthe Middle Age like existence, universe, human, substance, space and time have been a huge obstacle forthe nature philosophers of the New Age. The formation of the physics, the chemistry and the biology isable to understand that these notations have been derived from the Middle Age. First it was refused thatthe models had been offered by the religion so the modern physics took place. Secondly, the effect of thealchemy was broken in the meaning substance and the chemistry took place. Finally, the pronunciation ofthe celestial religions about the meaning of the human and the other creatures was broken and have beenarrived to metodology of the modern biology. It is very valuable that man especially scienctists are able tocomprehend this historical tranformation and figure out dynamics of the past for the modern science. It isnot only a historical study but also a value for the method.
Yeniçağ bilimi, Darwin, Sosyolojik dönüşüm, Antik Çağ, Yeniçağ, Varlık, İnsan, Evren, Zaman, Madde, Uzay, Temel kavramlar, Fizik, Kimya, Biyoloji, Platon, Aristoteles, Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, Newton, Lavoiser, Dalton, New Age science, Biology, Antique Age, Middle Age, New Age, Existence, Human, Universe, Time, Substance, Space, Main notations, Physics, Chemistry
Sakin, M. (2006). Yeniçağ biliminde sosyolojik dönüşümler. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.