Yayılı kütle taşıyan plak titreşimlerinin deneysel incelenmesi
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bu çalışmada iki farklı yayılı kütle taşıyan bir plağın zorlanmış titreşimlerinin hem analitik hem de deneysel incelenmesi hedeflenmiştir. Kirişler gibi plaklar da mühendislik yapılarında yaygın olarak kullanılan elemanlardır. Plaklarda üçüncü boyut (genelde kalınlık) diğer iki boyuta göre küçüktür. En küçük boyutun en büyük boyuta oranı 1/10 dan küçük ise ince plak teorisinden istifade edilebilir. Kalınlık artıkça diğer bazı etkenlerin de hesaba katılması kaçınılmaz olur. Makine mühendisliği uygulamaların da karşılaşılan ve plak gibi göz önüne alınacak yapı elemanları genelde ince plak teorisiyle incelenebilirler. Pratikte plak tipi elemanlar genelde üzerlerinde bazı cisimler taşırlar veya bunlarla ilişkilendirilmiştir. Tekrarlı kuvvetlere maruz bu tür elemanların incelenmesi yaklaşık kırk yıldan beri mühendis ve bilim adamlarını meşgul etmektedir. Bir plağın taşıdığı veya bağlantılı olduğu eklentiler (ek kütleler, yaylar vs) plağın doğal titreşim özelliklerini bir hayli etkileyebilmektedir. Bir kaç yıl öncesine kadar yapılan çalışmalarda bu eklentiler genelde ayrık olarak, mesela konsantre kütleler, noktasal bağlı yaylar şeklinde göz önüne alınmıştır. Ancak bazı hallerde plak elemanının taşıdığı kütlenin oturma alanı ve diğer boyutları bu eklentinin yayılı kütle olarak alınmasını gerekli kılar. Nitekim bu çalışmada boyutları plak boyutları yanında ihmal edilemeyecek düzeyde iki adet prizmatik kütle taşıyan plağın zorlanmış titreşimleri ele alınmıştır. Zorlanmış titreşim üretmek için bu kütlelerden birinin üzerine merkez kaç kuvvet üreteci bir motor yerleştirilmiştir. Diğer kütle üzerinde ise ivme ölçümü yapılmıştır. Buradaki amaç, herhangi bir esnek zemine bağlı bir titreşim kaynağının aynı zemine yataklanan diğer bir cisim üzerindeki etkisini görmek ve bu etkiyi azaltacak uygun yerleşim konfigürasyonunu saptamaktır. Bu çerçevede sistemin doğal frekansları ve modal şekilleri teorik olarak saptanmaya çalışılmıştır. Titreşim kaynağı olan dengelenmemiş disk ideal, düşey harmonik tahriki tam olarak sağlamadığından doğal frekansların deneysel olarak hassas bir biçimde doğrulanması mümkün olmamıştır. Bununla birlikte kütlelerin çeşitli yerleşim tarzlarına göre iki frekansta rezonans halinin hemen hemen oluştuğu gözlemle ve yapısal kaynaklı sesten anlaşılmıştır. Titreşim motorunda devir sayısı kontrolü bir DA motor sürücü ile fakat çok da hassa olmayan bir biçimde örneğin 3600 dev/dak civarında değişimler artı eksi 30-50 dev/dak arasında olmaktadır. İvme ölçümünde SONY firmasının veri toplama kartı ve sensörü kullanılmış, verilerin değerlendirilmesi ve grafiğe dökülmesi ncode® yazılımıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışma sonucunda ANSYS, NASTRAN ve Galerkin metoduna dayalı MATLAB kodundan ulaşılan sonuçların ilk iki frekans haricinde tamamen örtüşmediği saptanmıştır. Sonuçların farklılığının seçilen analiz yöntemle ilgili olduğu görülmüştür. Diğer önemli bir sonuç herhangi bir cismin titreşim kaynağından en aza etkilenecek bir konuma getirilebileceğinin görülmesidir. Burada ilgi çekici olan husus, cismin titreşim kaynağına uzak olmasının etkilenmeme için yeterli bir kriter olmayacağının gözlenmesidir.
This work aims at the study of the forced vibration of a plate carrying two separate masses both analytically and experimentally. Plates are structural elements frequently used in engineering systems like beams. In plates, the third dimension (usually the thickness ) smaller than the other two dimensions. When the raito of the smallest dimension to the biggest one is one tenth or smaller the theory of thin plates can be employed. With the increasing thickness, it is indispensable to take some additional dynamic effects into account. Structural elements which are encountered in mechanical engineering applications and are considered as plates , can usually be studied with the aid of thin plates theory. In the practice, plate-type elements carry some bodies, or are connected with them. Engineers and scientists have dealt with this kind of elements subjected to repeated loads about for forty years. The attachments, lke masses, springs etc, which a plate carries or is connected with, can seriously affect the free vibration properties of that plate. In the works carried out up to last few years these attachments have been considered as discrete elements, such as lamped or concentrated masses, pointwise connected springs. In certain cases, however, contact area and the other dimensions requires the consideration of this attachment as a distributed mass. Hence, in this study, the forced vibrations of a plate which carries two prismatic bodies of not negligible dimensions are treated. To produce a forced vibrations a DC motor that rotates unbalanced disc has been located on one of these bodies. The acceleration of the other body has been measured. The reason for doing this is to observe the effect of the vibration source fixed on an elastic foundation on another body supported on the same ground , and to determine the suitable positional configuration of these bodies so as to decrease this effect. In this context, the natural frequencies and the aasociated modes have been obtained theoretically. Since the unbalanced disc used a vibrator does not provide an ideal, vertically acting driving force, one has not been able to verify the natural frequencies, while depending on the configurations, it is concluded by observation and the structure-borne noise that resonance occurs at two different frequencies about 40 and 60 Hz in general. The speed control of the DC-motor has been made via a DC-driver, but in a not too accurate way,i.e., at 3600rpm the change read on the display of the optic tachometer are between +/- 30-50 rpm. For the measurement of acceleration, a Sony data acquisition card and its sensor have been used. The evaluation of the data and graphical representation in the time domain have been realized through the ncode®-software. Two significant conclusions drawn from this study are as follows: - The frequencies obtained by using ANSYS, NASTRAN and the Galerkin-methodbased MATLAB code do not coincide except first two frequencies. This difference between the results is caused by the use of different methods, eg., the reduced method or the Lanczos method in ANSYS, the lumped or coupled mass approach in NASTRAN, the omitting of secondary effects in the MATLAB code. A body, a machine or a coordinate measurement system, to be isolated from environmental vibration can be located at a proper position, which would made an extra contribution to the conventional vibration isolation.
This work aims at the study of the forced vibration of a plate carrying two separate masses both analytically and experimentally. Plates are structural elements frequently used in engineering systems like beams. In plates, the third dimension (usually the thickness ) smaller than the other two dimensions. When the raito of the smallest dimension to the biggest one is one tenth or smaller the theory of thin plates can be employed. With the increasing thickness, it is indispensable to take some additional dynamic effects into account. Structural elements which are encountered in mechanical engineering applications and are considered as plates , can usually be studied with the aid of thin plates theory. In the practice, plate-type elements carry some bodies, or are connected with them. Engineers and scientists have dealt with this kind of elements subjected to repeated loads about for forty years. The attachments, lke masses, springs etc, which a plate carries or is connected with, can seriously affect the free vibration properties of that plate. In the works carried out up to last few years these attachments have been considered as discrete elements, such as lamped or concentrated masses, pointwise connected springs. In certain cases, however, contact area and the other dimensions requires the consideration of this attachment as a distributed mass. Hence, in this study, the forced vibrations of a plate which carries two prismatic bodies of not negligible dimensions are treated. To produce a forced vibrations a DC motor that rotates unbalanced disc has been located on one of these bodies. The acceleration of the other body has been measured. The reason for doing this is to observe the effect of the vibration source fixed on an elastic foundation on another body supported on the same ground , and to determine the suitable positional configuration of these bodies so as to decrease this effect. In this context, the natural frequencies and the aasociated modes have been obtained theoretically. Since the unbalanced disc used a vibrator does not provide an ideal, vertically acting driving force, one has not been able to verify the natural frequencies, while depending on the configurations, it is concluded by observation and the structure-borne noise that resonance occurs at two different frequencies about 40 and 60 Hz in general. The speed control of the DC-motor has been made via a DC-driver, but in a not too accurate way,i.e., at 3600rpm the change read on the display of the optic tachometer are between +/- 30-50 rpm. For the measurement of acceleration, a Sony data acquisition card and its sensor have been used. The evaluation of the data and graphical representation in the time domain have been realized through the ncode®-software. Two significant conclusions drawn from this study are as follows: - The frequencies obtained by using ANSYS, NASTRAN and the Galerkin-methodbased MATLAB code do not coincide except first two frequencies. This difference between the results is caused by the use of different methods, eg., the reduced method or the Lanczos method in ANSYS, the lumped or coupled mass approach in NASTRAN, the omitting of secondary effects in the MATLAB code. A body, a machine or a coordinate measurement system, to be isolated from environmental vibration can be located at a proper position, which would made an extra contribution to the conventional vibration isolation.
Eklentili plak, Yayılı kütle, Insert plate, Spread mass
Mitmit, C. (2005). Yayılı kütle taşıyan plak titreşimlerinin deneysel incelenmesi. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.