İkinci Dünya Savaşı sürecinde Türkiye'nin sosyo-ekonomik durumu (1939-1945)
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
İkinci Dünya Savaşı Sürecinde Türkiye’nin Sosyo-Ekonomik Durumu (1939- 1945) adlı yüksek lisans çalışması, tez kriterinde ele alınmış bir incelemedir. Bu çalışmada, İkinci Dünya Savaşı sürecinde Türkiye’nin sosyo-ekonomik yapısı tahlil edilerek, bu süreçteki sosyal ve ekonomik politikaların uygulama ve sonuçlarının, savaş sonrası süreçteki siyasal, sosyal ve ekonomik olaylar üzerindeki etkileri incelenmiştir. Birinci başlık altında, İkinci Dünya Savaşı öncesi Türkiye’nin sosyo-ekonomik durumu incelenmiştir. Bu bölümde, Cumhuriyet’in Osmanlıdan aldığı ekonomik miras, Cumhuriyetin ilk yılları ve iktisat politikası arayışları, liberal ekonomik dönemdeki ekonomi politikaları ve bu politikaların sonuçları, devletçiliğe geçiş süreci ve devletçi ekonomik dönemdeki ekonomi politikaları ve bu politikaların sonuçları üzerinde durulmuştur. Ayrıca bu bölümde, Atatürk dönemi olarakta adlandırdığımız, 1923-1938 döneminin sosyo-ekonomik bakımdan genel bir değerlendirilmesi yapılmıştır. İkinci ana başlık altında, tezimizin de ana konusunu oluşturan, İkinci Dünya Savaşı Sürecinde Türkiye’nin sosyo-ekonomik durumu incelenmiştir. Bu bölümde, savaş ekonomisine geçişte yapılan yasal düzenlemeler ve ekonomik yapılanmanın yeniden kuruluşu, savaş döneminde yükselen fiyatlara ve karaborsaya karşı devletin müdahaleleri, savaş dönemi ekonomisini kontrol etmeye yönelik geçmişte ve şimdi de çok tartışılan Karne Uygulaması, Yüzde 25 Kararı, Varlık Vergisi, Toprak Mahsulleri Vergisi ve Çiftçiyi Topraklandırma Kanunları üzerinde durulmuş ve bu kanunların uygulama ve sonuçları tahlil edilmiştir. Ayrıca bu bölümde, İkinci Dünya savaşı öncesi süreçten başlayarak, Türkiye’deki nüfus, sağlık, eğitim ve kültür politikalarının uygulama ve sonuçları incelenmiştir. Üçüncü ana başlık altında, İkinci Dünya savaşı yıllarında uygulanan sosyal ve ekonomik politikaların savaş sonrası süreçteki siyasal, toplumsal ve ekonomik yapıya yansımaları üzerinde durulmuştur. Bu çalışma, İkinci Dünya Savaşından günümüze kadar gelen süreci daha iyi anlamamıza ve Türkiye’deki Çok Partili hayata geçişin, dış etkilerinden çok, iç etkilerini ayrıntılı bir biçimde irdeleyen, hem resmi kaynakları, hem de ulusal basında yer alan kaynakları eleştirel bir biçimde inceleyen ve bu konuda araştırma yapacak olan araştırmacılara kaynak olacak bir çalışma olacağı inancındayım.
First of all this is a kind of research which considered as bachelor’s degree study. Turkey’s Social and Economical Situation During The World War II. (1939- 1945) In this research I try to indicate economical and social aspects of Turkish Republic before and during the world war 2nd. This research also try to explain the effects and results of political desicions in Turkey. Within the first topicheadline in this research the readres can see Turkey’s social and economical situation before the World War II very clearly. In this topic the main subject considered about the existence of young Turkish Repuplic and liberal economy how developed with the Ottoman Empire’s economical heritage In the begining of young Turkish Repuplic try to find an economical policy in liberal way. The effects and results of liberal economic policy encouraged by the Turkish Government Investments. This is called Atatürk’s Period between 1923-1938. There is an explanation and an evaluation of this period. Within the second topic headline in this research the main subject is Turkey’s situation during the World War II. There were numerous battles in World War II. Some of these battles lasted only days while others took months or years. Some of the battles were notable for the material losses such as tanks or aircraft carriers while others were notable for the number of human losses. Although this is not a comprehensive list of all battes of WWII, it is a list of the major battles of World War II. The readers can see how Turkish Repuclic government work in accordance with war economy. What kind of principles and rules serviced to protect people such as having a licence for bread. National Economical Principles resist price increase and black markets. Here are some rules and principles such as, 25 percent tax, owners value tax, agriculture tax, giving land to farmers, There is an explanation and an evaluation about education, health, population increase and cultural policies. Within the third topic headline in this research the main subject is Turkey’s social and economical situation after the World War II. By means of this research the total evaluation help us to understand our daily life clearly. In any way the internal reasons occurs rather than external for transfering from one political group through multi political groups in Turkey. I beleive that this research satisfied readers in many ways who wants to get informations by critisizing government multi political groups in democrasy.
First of all this is a kind of research which considered as bachelor’s degree study. Turkey’s Social and Economical Situation During The World War II. (1939- 1945) In this research I try to indicate economical and social aspects of Turkish Republic before and during the world war 2nd. This research also try to explain the effects and results of political desicions in Turkey. Within the first topicheadline in this research the readres can see Turkey’s social and economical situation before the World War II very clearly. In this topic the main subject considered about the existence of young Turkish Repuplic and liberal economy how developed with the Ottoman Empire’s economical heritage In the begining of young Turkish Repuplic try to find an economical policy in liberal way. The effects and results of liberal economic policy encouraged by the Turkish Government Investments. This is called Atatürk’s Period between 1923-1938. There is an explanation and an evaluation of this period. Within the second topic headline in this research the main subject is Turkey’s situation during the World War II. There were numerous battles in World War II. Some of these battles lasted only days while others took months or years. Some of the battles were notable for the material losses such as tanks or aircraft carriers while others were notable for the number of human losses. Although this is not a comprehensive list of all battes of WWII, it is a list of the major battles of World War II. The readers can see how Turkish Repuclic government work in accordance with war economy. What kind of principles and rules serviced to protect people such as having a licence for bread. National Economical Principles resist price increase and black markets. Here are some rules and principles such as, 25 percent tax, owners value tax, agriculture tax, giving land to farmers, There is an explanation and an evaluation about education, health, population increase and cultural policies. Within the third topic headline in this research the main subject is Turkey’s social and economical situation after the World War II. By means of this research the total evaluation help us to understand our daily life clearly. In any way the internal reasons occurs rather than external for transfering from one political group through multi political groups in Turkey. I beleive that this research satisfied readers in many ways who wants to get informations by critisizing government multi political groups in democrasy.
İkinci Dünya Savaşı, Sosyal tarih, Ekonomik tarih, Sosyal yapı, Varlık vergisi, Çiftçiyi Topraklandırma Kanunu, Toprak mahsulleri vergisi, Nüfus, Eğitim, The World War II, Social history, Economical history, Social situation, Owners value tax, Gving land to farmers, Agricultere tax, Population, Education
Çetin, H. (2007). İkinci Dünya Savaşı sürecinde Türkiye'nin sosyo-ekonomik durumu (1939-1945). Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.