Kırmızı figürlü seramiklerde Eos ve lir tasvirleri
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
İnsan için “ölümsüzlük” varoluştan itibaren peşinden koşulan ve elde edilmek için türlü çabalar gösterilen bir ödül olarak görülmüştür. Zamana yenik düşen bedenlerimiz ile er ya da geç vedalaşırız. Müzik ve şiir ile ruhunu besleyen insan sanat eserleri yaratmış ve kendini değilse de onları ölümsüz kılmayı başarmıştır. Yunan mitolojisi tanrıların insani özellikler kazandığı insanların da tanrısal özellikler kazandığı hikayelerden oluşmaktadır. İnsan ve Tanrı arasındaki en temel ayrımlardan biri olan ölümsüzlük ise aşk, müzik ve şiir ile harmanlandığında karşımıza Eos ve Tithonos çıkar. Çalışmamızda ressamlara büyük ölçüde özgürlük sağlayan kırmızı figür tekniği ile işlenmiş seramikler üzerinde Eos ve lirin ilişkisini açıklamaya çalışılmıştır. Tezimizde literatürde sadece birlikte tasvir edildikleri ancak lirin sahnedeki anlamının açıklanmayışı ile oluşan boşluğu doldurmak amaçlanmaktadır.
Immortality for human beings has been seen as a reward that has been pursued from existence and made various efforts to obtain it. Sooner or later, we say goodbye to our bodies that have defeated to time. The human being feed his soul with music and poetry, our have created works of art and has succeeded in making them immortal, if not himself. Greek mythology consists of stories in which gods gain human characteristics and people gain divine characteristics. Eos and Tithonos appear before us when immortality, which is one of the most fundamental distinctions between man and God, is blended with love, music, and poetry. Our study has tried to explain the relationship of Eos and lyre on ceramics processed with the red-figure technique, which provides a great deal of freedom to the painters. Our thesis aims to fill the gap created by the fact that they are only depicted together in the literature, but the meaning of the lyre in the scene is not explained.
Immortality for human beings has been seen as a reward that has been pursued from existence and made various efforts to obtain it. Sooner or later, we say goodbye to our bodies that have defeated to time. The human being feed his soul with music and poetry, our have created works of art and has succeeded in making them immortal, if not himself. Greek mythology consists of stories in which gods gain human characteristics and people gain divine characteristics. Eos and Tithonos appear before us when immortality, which is one of the most fundamental distinctions between man and God, is blended with love, music, and poetry. Our study has tried to explain the relationship of Eos and lyre on ceramics processed with the red-figure technique, which provides a great deal of freedom to the painters. Our thesis aims to fill the gap created by the fact that they are only depicted together in the literature, but the meaning of the lyre in the scene is not explained.
Seramik, Kırmızı figür, Lir, Eos, Ceramic, Lyre
Gül, K. C. (2021). Kırmızı figürlü seramiklerde Eos ve lir tasvirleri. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.