Bursa ve çevresinden toplanan ve ticareti yapılan bazı ekonomik bitkiler
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bursa ili ve yakın ilçelerinde yetişen, halkın pazarlardan ve aktarlardan temin ederek kullandığı bitkiler ve kullanım amaçları yaptığımız anketlerle saptanmaya çalışılmıştır. 2003-2005 yılları arasında Bursa aktarları ile Bursa ve yakın ilçelerinin pazarları gezilerek 210 bitki örneği toplanmıştır. Yörede toplanan bu örnekler halk tarafından gerek sebze olarak değerlendirilmekte gerekse alternatif tıp da kullanılmaktadır. Aktar veya pazarlara getirilen bitkilerin büyük bir kısmı yöre köylüleri veya toplayıcılar tarafından doğal habitatlardan toplanmaktadır. Bununla beraber kültüre alınmış tarımı yapılan 10 kadar takson saptanmıştır . Çalışma sonunda 37 familyaya ait 67 cins ve buna ait 86 takson saptanmıştır. 3 takson Pteridophyta bölümüne geriye kalan 85 takson Spermatophyta bölümüne aittir Gymnosperm alt bölümü. 2 takson, Angiosperm alt bölümü 83 taksona sahiptir. Angiospermler de 79 takson Dikotiledon, 4 takson Monokotiledon sınıfına aittir. Pazarlarda ve aktarlarda tüketimi en fazla olanlar Ericaceae, Lamiacae, Asteraceae, Polygonaceae, Rosaceae, Tiliaceae, Urticaceae ve Umbelliferae familyalarına ait türlerdir.
The plants which grow in Bursa city and surroundings and consumed by people after buying them from local markets and herbalists are tried to be determined by means of questionairres. 210 plant specimens have been collected from local herbalists and markets in and arround Bursa between the years 2003-2005. The collected speciments are used either as vegetables or for medical purposer. Most of the planrt speciment brought to herbalists and markets are collected by villagers and collectors from their natural environments. Arround ten taxa are determined as agricultural products. At the and of this study, 67 genera belonging to 37 families, and also 86 taxa belonging to this genera are determined. 3 taxa belong to Pteridophyta division and the remaining 85 taxa belong to Spermatophyta division. Gymnospermae subdivision has 2 taxa and Angiosperm division has 83. For Angiosperms; 79 taxa belong to Dicotyledonae while 4 belong to Monocotyledonae. The most consumed species at markets and herbalists are the ones belonging to the families Ericaceae, Lamiaceae, Asteraceae, Polygonaceae, Rosaceae, Tiliaceae, Urticaceae and Umbelliferae.
The plants which grow in Bursa city and surroundings and consumed by people after buying them from local markets and herbalists are tried to be determined by means of questionairres. 210 plant specimens have been collected from local herbalists and markets in and arround Bursa between the years 2003-2005. The collected speciments are used either as vegetables or for medical purposer. Most of the planrt speciment brought to herbalists and markets are collected by villagers and collectors from their natural environments. Arround ten taxa are determined as agricultural products. At the and of this study, 67 genera belonging to 37 families, and also 86 taxa belonging to this genera are determined. 3 taxa belong to Pteridophyta division and the remaining 85 taxa belong to Spermatophyta division. Gymnospermae subdivision has 2 taxa and Angiosperm division has 83. For Angiosperms; 79 taxa belong to Dicotyledonae while 4 belong to Monocotyledonae. The most consumed species at markets and herbalists are the ones belonging to the families Ericaceae, Lamiaceae, Asteraceae, Polygonaceae, Rosaceae, Tiliaceae, Urticaceae and Umbelliferae.
Takson, Aktar, Sistematik, Morfoloji, Sebze, Tıbbi bitki, Taxa, Herbalist, Systematic, Morphology, Vegetables, Medical plants
Şanlı, B. Z. (2006). Bursa ve çevresinden toplanan ve ticareti yapılan bazı ekonomik bitkiler. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.