Hattat Hüseyin Kutlu'nun hayatı ve eserleri
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Hattat Hüseyin Kutlu, hat sanatının günümüzde yaşayan önemli temsilcilerinden biridir. İlmî bir muhitte yetişmiştir. Yükseköğrenimini, İstanbul Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Felsefe Bölümü'nde tamamlamıştır. Ne var ki, felsefe alanında ilerleme hayalini geride bırakarak, İmam Hatip olarak görev yapmış ve sanatla meşgul olmuştur. Bunun en önemli sebebi, sanat ile iştigal eden birisi olarak câmide yapacağı hizmetlerin daha yararlı olacağı düşüncesidir. Onun hayatında en önemli yer, 1976 senesinde göreve geldiği Hekimoğlu Ali Paşa Câmi'dir. Burada 2002 senesine kadar görevde bulunur. Bu süre zarfında câmi ile sanat kavramlarını buluşturur. Sanatını vesile kılarak, câmiyi yapabileceği ölçüde ihya etme gayreti içerisine girer. Çünkü ona göre, bir zamanlar hayatın ve kalbin merkezi olan câmiye yüklenen fonksiyonlar günümüzde bertaraf edilmiştir. Bu fark edişten sonra "câmi" düşüncelerinin ana merkezini oluşturur. Ona göre, "İslâm medeniyeti mazide kalmış bir nostaljiden ibaret değildir ve bu medeniyetin merkezi de câmidir". Bu idealle Hekimoğlu Ali Paşa'da görevini yerine getirir. Câmiyi mamur etmeye çalışır. Kütüphaneyi, Uygulamalı Türk-İslâm Sanatları Merkezi olarak hayata geçirir. Mimari ile hüsn-i hat sanatı arasındaki ilişki üzerinde çokça durur. Eserlerinde mânaya, leke etkisine, kalem hakkına, diğer sanatlarla uyumuna ve fonksiyonlu olmasına dikkat eder. Onun sanat telakkisi, sadece söz ile sınırlı değildir; o, tahayyül ettiklerini icraata geçiren bir sanat adamıdır. İcra ettiklerini ilmî çalışmalara da aktarma gayretinde bulunan bir hattattır. Bu tez, günümüz hat sanatının bir temsilcisi olarak Hüseyin Kutlu'nun hayatı ve eserlerini konu edinmektedir. Bu yapılırken konunun daha iyi anlaşılması için günümüz hat sanatının durumuna ilişkin bazı tespitler de yapılmıştır.
Calligrapher Hüseyin Kutlu is one of the important representatives of calligraphy today. He has growe up in a scholarly milieu. He completed his higher education at Philosophy Department, Faculty of Science and Letters, Istanbul University. However, leaving behind his dream of progressing in the field of philosophy, he has served as Imam Hatip and has been engaged in art. The most important reason for this is his belief that his service for mosque would be more beneficial as a person who engages in art. The most important place in his life is Hekimoğlu Ali Pasha Mosque where he inaugurated in 1976. He stays on service there until 2002. In the meantime, he brings together the notions of mosque and art. By means of his art, he makes efforts to rehabilitate the mosque as far as he can do. Because, according to him, the functions attributed to mosques, which were the centers of life and heart once upon a time, have been defeated. After this realization, "mosque" constitutes the main focus of his ideas. For him, "Islamic Civilization is not only a bygone nostalgia and the center of this civilization is mosque." With this ideal, he fulfills his service in Ali Pasha Mosque. He tries to flourish the mosque. He brings into life the library as Center of Applied Turkish-Islamic Arts. He dwells on the relationship between architecture and calligraphy. He pays attention to moral rights, stain effect, harmony with other arts and its functionality while he is practicing his art. His consideration on art is not limited to words; he is an artist who puts into practice what he imagines. A calligrapher who shows effort to transfer what he renders into scholarly works as well. This thesis deals with the life and works of Hüseyin Kutlu as a representative of contemporary calligraphy. While doing this, for a better understanding of the subject, some evaluations about the situation of contemporary calligraphy has made.
Calligrapher Hüseyin Kutlu is one of the important representatives of calligraphy today. He has growe up in a scholarly milieu. He completed his higher education at Philosophy Department, Faculty of Science and Letters, Istanbul University. However, leaving behind his dream of progressing in the field of philosophy, he has served as Imam Hatip and has been engaged in art. The most important reason for this is his belief that his service for mosque would be more beneficial as a person who engages in art. The most important place in his life is Hekimoğlu Ali Pasha Mosque where he inaugurated in 1976. He stays on service there until 2002. In the meantime, he brings together the notions of mosque and art. By means of his art, he makes efforts to rehabilitate the mosque as far as he can do. Because, according to him, the functions attributed to mosques, which were the centers of life and heart once upon a time, have been defeated. After this realization, "mosque" constitutes the main focus of his ideas. For him, "Islamic Civilization is not only a bygone nostalgia and the center of this civilization is mosque." With this ideal, he fulfills his service in Ali Pasha Mosque. He tries to flourish the mosque. He brings into life the library as Center of Applied Turkish-Islamic Arts. He dwells on the relationship between architecture and calligraphy. He pays attention to moral rights, stain effect, harmony with other arts and its functionality while he is practicing his art. His consideration on art is not limited to words; he is an artist who puts into practice what he imagines. A calligrapher who shows effort to transfer what he renders into scholarly works as well. This thesis deals with the life and works of Hüseyin Kutlu as a representative of contemporary calligraphy. While doing this, for a better understanding of the subject, some evaluations about the situation of contemporary calligraphy has made.
Hattat Hüseyin Kutlu, İstanbul, Günümüz hat sanatı, Hâmid Aytaç, Hüsn-i Hat sanatı, Hattat (Calligrapher) Hüseyin Kutlu, Istanbul, Art of Hüsn-i Hat (Islamic calligraphy) of contemporary, Hâmid Aytaç, Hüsn-i Hat (İslamic Calligraphy)
Kemikli, S. B. (2018). Hattat Hüseyin Kutlu'nun hayatı ve eserleri. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.