John Locke ve Jean Jacques Rousseau'da politik ve etik bir kavram olarak adalet
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Adalet arayışlarının ilkçağlardan günümüze kadar devam ettiğini görmekteyiz. Bu çalışmanın konusunu her ne kadar Locke ve Rousseau'nun adalet anlayışları oluştursa da, hiçbir felsefi düşüncenin kendisinden önce ifade edilenlerle hesaplaşmadan gelişemeyeceği düşüncesinden hareketle, Locke ve Rousseau öncesi belli düşünürlerin adalet anlayışlarının ortaya konmasının doğru olacağı konusunda fikir birliğine varıldı. Bu amaçla çalışmanın ilk bölümü Eski Yunan, Ortaçağ ve Locke öncesi belli filozofların (Nicolo Machiavvelli ve Thomas Hobbes) adalet anlayışlarının ele alınması olarak belirlendi. Eski Yunan düşünürlerinden Platon'da insan hayatının temel amacı erdemdir. Bu bağlamda adalet ise temel erdemi oluşturur ve o diğer tüm erdemleri kendisinde toplar. Eski Yunan'ın diğer bir önemli filozofu olan Aristoteles'te adalet kavramı hem etik hem de politik bir içerik taşımaktadır. Buna göre erdemli ve mutlu yaşamı sağlamayı kendine amaç edinen insanlar, adalete uygun bir şekilde eylemde bulunmak durumundadırlar. Ortaçağda adalet, Yunan düşüncesinde olduğu gibi, hem etik bir erdem olarak hem de iktidar ve egemenlik meselelerinin değerlendirilmesinde temel bir kavram olarak ele alınmıştır. Bu dönemdeki adalet anlayışları insanın iyi ve mükemmel bir hayat yaşaması için öncelikle kendine çeki düzen vermesi ve diğer insanlarla, Tanrıyla ve kainatla uyumlu bir yaşam sürmesini üzerine odaklanır. Modern dönemde öne çıkan ilk isim Nicolo Machiavelli'dir. Temel amacın, iktidarın ele geçirilmesi, elde tutulması ve yayılması olduğunu ifade eden Machiavelli açısından bu amaca giden her yol mubahtır. Bu bağlamda bir davranışın toplumsal ahlak kurallarına veya dinsel kurallara uygun olup olmadığının bir önemi yoktur. Hobbes'ta ise adalet kavramı insanların sözleşmeye uyup uymamalarına göre anlam kazanmaktadır. Bu bağlamda sözleşmeye uyma davranışı adil olup, uymama ise adaletsizlik olarak ifade edilebilir. Bu çalışmanın temel amaçlarından biri, John Locke'un felsefesinde adalet kavramının yeri ve önemini ortaya koymaktır. Adalet kavramı, toplumun yönetim tarzı, ekonomisi, özgürlük alanları gibi pek çok durumla iç içedir. Bu sebeple Locke'da adalet kavramının nasıl bir nitelik taşıdığı onun bu konular ile ilgili düşüncelerinin bir yansımasını oluşturur. Çalışmanın diğer temel amacını ise Rousseau'nun adalet konusundaki fikirleri oluşturmaktadır. Bu bağlamda adalet; onun genel irade, toplumsal sözleşme, özgürlük ve mülkiyet gibi temel meselelerindeki tutumu ile ilişkilendirilmeye çalışılmıştır. Çalışmanın son bölümü ise Rousseau ve Locke'un adalet anlayışlarının karşılaştırılmasına ayrılmıştır.
The quest for justice continues from first ages to modern days. Although the theme of this research is Locke's and Rousseau's comprehension of justice, it was agreed that it will be appropriate to put forward some other thinker's understanding of justice concept that came before Locke and Rousseau as no philosophical thought could emerge without engaging it is precedent propositions. To this end the first part of this study was designed to explain perception of justice of Ancient Greek, Middle Ages and some philosophers (Nicolo Machiavelli and Thomas Hobbes) that came before Locke. According to Plato one of the Ancient Greek philosophers, the main aim of human life was virtue. In this respect justice comprised the cardinal virtue and incorporated all other virtues. Aristotle, another important Ancient Greek philosopher, viewed the conception of justice as having a both ethical and political meaning. .According to Aristotle, people who intended to live a virtues and happy life, should appropriately act according to justice. Justice in the Middle Ages was discussed both as ethic and virtue as in the Hellenistic thought also as a main concept in evaluating government and sovereignty issues. The concept of justice in this period, focused on the idea that in order to live a good and perfect life one must first correct one's behavior and live a harmonious life with others, God and universe. In modern times Nicolo Machiavelli stated that the main aim was to acquire, hold and spread the power so all the means which leads to this aim was permissible. In this respect there was no significance in a behavior whether it complies with moral principles or religious rules. Hobbes' justice concept depended on agreement of people to the contract. In this respect, the behavior of agreeing on the contract was just; on the other hand disagreement was unjust. One of the main aims of this study was to present the place and importance of the concept of justice in John Locke's philosophy. The concept of justice was intertwined with many states such as type of regime, economy, and realm of freedom. Therefore the attributions of Locke's conception of justice was a reflection of his thoughts on all these topics. Another aim of this study was to present Rousseau's opinions about justice. In this respect justice was correlated with Rousseau's attitude towards main issues such as general will, social contract, freedom and property. The last part of this study formed the comparison of Rousseau's interpretation of justice with Locke's.
The quest for justice continues from first ages to modern days. Although the theme of this research is Locke's and Rousseau's comprehension of justice, it was agreed that it will be appropriate to put forward some other thinker's understanding of justice concept that came before Locke and Rousseau as no philosophical thought could emerge without engaging it is precedent propositions. To this end the first part of this study was designed to explain perception of justice of Ancient Greek, Middle Ages and some philosophers (Nicolo Machiavelli and Thomas Hobbes) that came before Locke. According to Plato one of the Ancient Greek philosophers, the main aim of human life was virtue. In this respect justice comprised the cardinal virtue and incorporated all other virtues. Aristotle, another important Ancient Greek philosopher, viewed the conception of justice as having a both ethical and political meaning. .According to Aristotle, people who intended to live a virtues and happy life, should appropriately act according to justice. Justice in the Middle Ages was discussed both as ethic and virtue as in the Hellenistic thought also as a main concept in evaluating government and sovereignty issues. The concept of justice in this period, focused on the idea that in order to live a good and perfect life one must first correct one's behavior and live a harmonious life with others, God and universe. In modern times Nicolo Machiavelli stated that the main aim was to acquire, hold and spread the power so all the means which leads to this aim was permissible. In this respect there was no significance in a behavior whether it complies with moral principles or religious rules. Hobbes' justice concept depended on agreement of people to the contract. In this respect, the behavior of agreeing on the contract was just; on the other hand disagreement was unjust. One of the main aims of this study was to present the place and importance of the concept of justice in John Locke's philosophy. The concept of justice was intertwined with many states such as type of regime, economy, and realm of freedom. Therefore the attributions of Locke's conception of justice was a reflection of his thoughts on all these topics. Another aim of this study was to present Rousseau's opinions about justice. In this respect justice was correlated with Rousseau's attitude towards main issues such as general will, social contract, freedom and property. The last part of this study formed the comparison of Rousseau's interpretation of justice with Locke's.
Adalet, Etik, Politika, Rousseau, Locke, Mülkiyet, Doğa durumu, Toplumsal sözleşme, Justice, Ethics, Politics, Property, Natural state, Social contract
Konak, S. Y. (2015). John Locke ve Jean Jacques Rousseau'da politik ve etik bir kavram olarak adalet. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.