Evanjelik hareketin ABD siyaset kurumundan dinî talepleri üzerine bir inceleme
Yılmaz, Hakan
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Evanjelik hareket veya Evanjelikalizm 20. yüzyılda, özellikle de son çeyreğinde Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’nin siyasi, dinî, sosyal ve kültürel hayatında ön plana çıkmıştır. Evanjelikler, devletin çıkarttığı bazı kanunları kendi dinî yaşantılarına doğrudan bir müdahale olarak görüp örgütlenerek siyaset sahnesine girmişlerdir. Hıristiyan Sağ (Christian Right) çatısı altında birbirinden farklı amaçlara sahip birçok Evanjelik örgüt bulunmaktadır. 1976 başkanlık seçimlerinden bu yana Hıristiyan Sağ siyasilere taleplerini iletmeye ve lobi faaliyetlerine devam etmektedir. Bu tarihten sonra Evanjelik hareketin siyasete olan etkisi artarak devam etmiştir. Hıristiyan Sağ hareketinin etrafında toplandığı birçok konu vardır. Bunların başlıcaları: kürtaj karşıtlığı, eşcinsellik haklarına karşıtlık, İsrail yandaşlığı, devlet okullarında Hıristiyanlıkla ilgili talepler ve evrim karşıtlığıdır. Bu çalışmamızın amacı yapısını çoğunlukla Evanjeliklerin oluşturduğu Hıristiyan Sağ’ın siyaset kurumundan dinî taleplerinin ortaya konulması ve incelenmesidir. Bu yapılırken ilk önce Evanjelikalizm kavramı açıklanacak daha sonra Evanjelik hareketin tarihsel arka planı verilecektir. Evanjeliklerin siyasete giriş nedenleri açıklanarak dinî talepler nedenleriyle ortaya konulacaktır.
Evangelical movement or Evangelicalism was at the forefront of the political, religious, social, and cultural life of the United States in the 20th century, especially in the last quarter. After seeing some laws issued by the state as a direct intervention in their religious life, the evangelicals organized and entered the political scene. There are many evangelical organizations with different purposes under the Christian Right. The Christian Right has continued to convey its demands to politicians and conducts lobby activities since the 1976 presidential elections. After this date, the influence of the Evangelical movement on politics has continued increasingly. There are many issues on which the Christian Right Movement has concentrated. The main ones are antiabortion, anti-homosexuality rights, Israeli support, demands for Christianity in public schools, and anti-evolution. This study aims to reveal and examine the religious demands of the Christian Right from the political institution, which is mostly formed by the Evangelicals. While doing this, it explains the concept of Evangelicalism first, and then gives the historical background of the evangelical movement. It also reveals the reasons for evangelicals entering politics and their religious demands from politicians.
Evangelical movement or Evangelicalism was at the forefront of the political, religious, social, and cultural life of the United States in the 20th century, especially in the last quarter. After seeing some laws issued by the state as a direct intervention in their religious life, the evangelicals organized and entered the political scene. There are many evangelical organizations with different purposes under the Christian Right. The Christian Right has continued to convey its demands to politicians and conducts lobby activities since the 1976 presidential elections. After this date, the influence of the Evangelical movement on politics has continued increasingly. There are many issues on which the Christian Right Movement has concentrated. The main ones are antiabortion, anti-homosexuality rights, Israeli support, demands for Christianity in public schools, and anti-evolution. This study aims to reveal and examine the religious demands of the Christian Right from the political institution, which is mostly formed by the Evangelicals. While doing this, it explains the concept of Evangelicalism first, and then gives the historical background of the evangelical movement. It also reveals the reasons for evangelicals entering politics and their religious demands from politicians.
Evanjelikalizm, çeşitli Protestan grupları tanımlamak için kullanılan bir çatı kavramdır. İngilizce konuşulan bölgelerde bu terim 18. ve 19. yüzyıl başlarında Kuzey Atlantik AngloAmerikan dünyasında meydana gelen bir dizi dinî canlanma hareketinin sonucu olarak ortaya çıkan dinî grupları ve dindarlaşma hareketini tanımlamak için kullanılmıştır. Amerika’da neredeyse her Protestan kilisenin Evanjelik bir kanadı vardır. Evanjelikalizm ve Evanjelizm kelimeleri iyi haberi yaymak ve misyonerlik faaliyetleri anlamına gelen “evangel”den türetilmiştir; “evanjelist” kelimesinin ilk anlamı da İncil’i yayan kimsedir. Evanjelik hareketi oluşturan dinî grupların ortak temel özellikleri İngiliz tarihçi David Bebbington tarafından dört ana başlık altında incelenmiştir. Bunlar: Kutsal Kitap’ı tüm dinî otoritelerin üzerinde kabul etmek olan biblicism, İsa’nın tüm insanlığın kurtuluşu için çarmıhta kurban edilmesini ifade eden crucicentrism, günahkâr bir insanın Tanrı’ya doğru doğaüstü dönüşü veya döndürülüşü anlamında kullanılan conversionism, inancın kişinin hareketlerine yansıması ve başkalarının da değişimini sağlama çabası olan activism olarak tanımlanır. Evanjelikalizmin kökleri Reform dönemine uzanmaktadır. Günümüz Evanjelik hareketinin köklerinin ise Avrupa’daki Puritanizm ve Pietizm hareketlerine gittiği söylenebilir. Bu hareketlerin uzantıları sonradan kendine daha rahat bir hareket alanı buldukları Amerika kıtasına gelmiş ve burada 18. yüzyılda Büyük Uyanış olarak adlandırılan dinî canlanma hareketleriyle Evanjelikalizm tarihinin temelleri atılmıştır. 1820 ve 1860 arasındaki dönemde dinsel bir canlanma hareketi olan İkinci Büyük Uyanış ile Evanjelikalizm yayılmasını sürdürmüştür. İç Şavaş sonrası (1861-1865) dönemde modernist veya diğer bir adıyla liberal teoloji, Darwin’in evrim teorisi ve Kutsal Kitap’ın yüksek eleştirisi, Evanjelik hareketin zayıflamasına yol açmıştır. Bunun yanında ABD’ye Doğu Avrupa’dan gelen Katolikler ve Asya’dan gelen Asya dinlerine mensup kişilerin göç hareketi Amerika’daki genel Evanjelik yapıda değişmeye neden olmuştur. 1925’te, tam da FundamentalistModernist tartışmasının alevlendiği sırada, Fundamentalistleri küçük düşüren bir gelişme yaşanmıştır. Scopes Davası olarak bilinen davada evrim teorisini derste okutan öğretmen eyalet yasalarına göre suçlu bulunmuş; ancak olayın medyada geniş yankı bulmasıyla Fundamentalistler halkın gözünde kötü bir izlenime sahip olmuştur. Bu olaydan sonra Evanjelikler toplum hayatından çekilmişlerdir. Fundamentalistlerin çoğu, kendi kiliselerini, okullarını, üniversitelerini ve süreli yayınlarını oluşturmuşlardır. 1925’ten sonra kendi kabuğuna çekilen Fundamentalistler, Scopes davasının kötü imajını silme çabasına girmişlerdir. 1930’lu ve 40’lı yıllarda Evanjelikler radyo programlarıyla halkı bilinçlendirmeye çalışmış, birçok yeni kilise ve dinî grup Evanjelik harekete katılmaya başlamıştır. II. Dünya Savaşı sonrasında Evanjelikler için yeni bir dönem başlamıştır. Billy Graham adındaki gezici bir vaizin uzak yerlere ulaşan faaliyetleri ve devam eden radyo programları, halkın bilinçlenmesini sağlamıştır. 1950’lerde, Billy Graham’ın faaliyetleri ile Evanjelikalizm tekrar kamusal alanda belirmeye başlamıştır. 1970’ten önce Evanjelikler ve Fundamentalistlerin çoğu siyasetle ilgilenmeme görüşünü benimsemişti. Bunun nedeni, siyasetin dünyevî bir uğraş olarak görülmesi ve bu dünyevî uğraşın kendilerini Evanjelizasyon ve misyondan alıkoyacağı düşüncesidir. Bununla birlikte, 1930’dan 1970’e kadar az sayıdaki Fundamentalist siyasetle ilgilenmiş ve bu kesim Eski Hıristiyan Sağ olarak anılmış, siyasette aşırı ucu temsil etmiştir. 1920’lerde Fundamentalistler, okullarda evrim teorisinin öğretilmesine karşı çıkarak bunun müfredattan çıkartılması ve yerine Eski Ahit’te geçen Yaratılış bölümünün konulması için çaba harcamışlardır. II. Dünya Savaşı’ndan sonra Fundamentalistler komünizm karşıtı siyasi örgütler kurmuşlardır. Antikomünizm, Fundamentalistler için doğal bir toparlanma meselesi olarak görülmüştür. 1976 seçimlerinden önce meydana gelen bazı gelişmeler muhafazakâr seçmenlerin bir araya gelmelerine yol açmış, deyim yerindeyse uyuyan devi uyandırmıştır. İlk olarak, 1972’de Amerikan Kongresi’nden geçen Eşit Haklar Beyannamesi bazı eyaletlerde kadının geleneksel rolünün devam etmesi gerektiğini savunan kadınlar tarafından karşıt kampanyanın oluşmasına neden olmuştur. İkinci olarak, 22 Ocak 1973’te Amerikan Yüksek Mahkemesi, kürtajı tüm ABD’de yasallaştırmıştır. Üçüncü konu ise sadece beyaz öğrencilerden oluşan özel dinî okulların vergiden muaf durumlarının devlet tarafından kaldırılmasıdır. Evanjelikler, bunu kendi dinî görüşleri doğrultusunda yaşamlarını devam ettirme haklarına bir saldırı olarak algılamıştır. Bunun sonucu olarak Evanjelikler siyasilere dinî taleplerini kabul ettirmek için sivil toplum örgütleri kurmuşlardır. Bu anlamda Hıristiyan Sağ, 1970’lerden bu yana kişi ve örgütlerin siyasi olarak muhafazakâr taleplerini duyurmak için bir araya gelmesiyle ortaya çıkmıştır. Hıristiyan Sağ, siyasi, kültürel ve adli meselelerde etkili olma çabasında olan Evanjeliklerin siyasi hareketi olarak da bilinmektedir. 1980 seçimleri Hıristiyan Sağ hareketinin siyasete hızla girmesine sahne olmuştur. Basın yayın organlarını da kullanan bu hareket zamanla milyonlara ulaşmıştır. Bunun yanında radyo ve televizyon reklam geliriyle güçlü bir yapıya sahip olmuştur. Muhafazakâr kesimi kendi amaçlarına göre harekete geçirmek için çok para harcayarak ve elindeki medya gücünü kullanarak Cumhuriyetçi Parti için sadık bir oy deposu olmuşlardır. Hıristiyan Sağ, Evanjelik seçmeni Cumhuriyetçilerin yanına çekmiştir. Hıristiyan Sağ, büyük ölçüde iyi örgütlenmiş, iyi finanse edilmiş, net ve sınırlı bir dizi siyasi amacı olan ve bunu Cumhuriyetçi parti aracılığı ile gerçekleştirmeye çalışan grupların tümüdür. Dinin siyasete girmesinde en büyük etken Hıristiyan Sağ’ı olmuştur. Hıristiyan Sağ’ının önde gelen isimleri örgütün Cumhuriyetçi Parti içinde söz sahibi olmasını sağlamıştır. 1976’dan bu yana Hıristiyan Sağ, tüm ülkeyi etkileyen bir grup haline gelmiştir. Hıristiyan Sağ’ın liderleri, hareketin savunduğu birçok konu olmasına rağmen “aile yanlısı” bir oluşum olduğu görüşündedirler. Örgüt, farklı mezhep ve gelenekten birçok Hıristiyanı bünyesinde barındırmaktadır. Hıristiyan Sağ çoğunluğunu Evanjeliklerin oluşturduğu örgütler, politikacılar, aktivistler ve destekçilerin yanı sıra; kürtaj, ötenazi, kök hücre araştırması, eşcinsellik, eşcinsel evlilik, cinsel serbestlik, laiklik, evrim ve İslam karşıtlığı; İsrail yandaşlığı, devlet okullarında din özgürlüğü savunucusu kişilerin bir araya gelmesi ile oluşmuş siyasi bir yapıyı temsil etmektedir. Hıristiyan Sağ’ın taleplerine bakıldığında bu talepleri dinî inançlarının şekillendirdiği görülmektedir. Devletin bazı yasalarla kendi değerlerine saldırdığını düşünen bu yapı, devletin Hıristiyanlık esaslarına göre şekillendirilmesi gerektiğini savunarak siyasilerden bu doğrultuda talepte bulunmaktadırlar. Her talepte dinî referansları olan Kutsal Kitap’ın etkisini görmek mümkündür. Evanjelikler ABD’nin Tanrı’nın gölgesinde bir ülke olduğuna inanmakta ve Kutsal Kitap’ın çıkarılacak kanunlarda referans olarak alınmasını istemektedirler.
Evangelicalism is an umbrella concept to describe a large number of Protestant groups. This term described religious groups in English-speaking regions that resulted from a series of religious revival movements in the North Atlantic Anglo-American world in the early 18th and early 19th centuries. Almost every Protestant church in America has an Evangelical wing. The words Evangelicalism and Evangelism derived from “evangel”, which refers to spreading the Good News, i.e., missionary activities; the word evangelist firstly describes a person who spreads the Gospel. British historian David Bebbington examined the religious groups’ standard theological features that make up the evangelical movement under four main headings. These are biblicism, accepting the Bible above all religious authorities; crucicentrism, which means the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross for the salvation of all humanity; conversionism used in the sense of a supernatural return of a sinful person to God, revival in a spiritual sense; activism, which is an attempt to express faith and change others. The roots of evangelicalism date back to the Reform period. The roots of today’s evangelical movement might be said to go to Puritanism and Pietism movements in Europe. Extensions of these movements later came to the American continent, where they found a more comfortable movement space. The foundations of the history of Evangelicalism were laid here with the religious revival movements called the Great Awakening in the 18th century. Evangelicalism continued to spread with the Second Great Awakening, a religious revival movement between 1820 and 1860. After the Civil War (1861- 1865), the evangelical movement weakened by influences such as modernist or, in other words, liberal theology, Darwin’s theory of evolution and the biblical critique of the Bible. Besides, the migration movement of Catholics from Eastern Europe to the USA and Asian religions from Asia caused a change in the general Evangelical structure in America. In 1925, just as the Fundamentalistmodernist debate flared, there was a development that humiliated the Fundamentalists. In the trial known as the Scopes Case, the teacher who taught the theory of evolution in class was found guilty according to state laws, but the Fundamentalists had a lousy trail in the eyes of the public as the media sparked the event. After this event, evangelicals withdrew from social life. Most fundamentalists have created their churches, schools, universities, and periodicals. Fundamentalists, who retreated to their shell after 1925, attempted to erase the bad image of the Scopes case. In the 1930s and 40s, evangelicals tried to raise the awareness of the people with radio programs, many new churches and groups started to join the evangelical movement. A new era started for the evangelicals after the Second World War. The activities of a traveling preacher named Billy Graham reaching distant places and the ongoing radio programs led to public awareness. In the 1950s, with the activities of Billy Graham, Evangelicalism again began appearing in the public sphere. Before 1970, most of the Evangelicals and Fundamentalists adopted the view that they were not interested in politics just because they saw politics as a worldly pursuit and feared this worldly pursuit would keep them from evangelization and mission. However, from 1930 to 1970, a couple of fundamentalists were interested in politics, and they were referred to as the Old Christian Right, representing the extreme in politics. In the 1920s, Fundamentalists challenged the teaching of the theory of evolution in schools, removing it from the curriculum and replacing the Creation section in the Old Testament. Fundamentalists established anticommunist political organizations after World War II. Fundamentalists saw anticommunism as a natural recovery issue. Before the 1976 elections, some developments led to the gathering of conservative voters, and so to speak, aroused the sleeping giant. First, the Equal Rights Statement, which passed through the American Congress in 1972, led to the formation of a countercampaign by women who argued that women’s traditional role should continue in some states. Secondly, on January 22, 1973, the American Supreme Court legalized abortion throughout the United States. The third issue is the state elimination of the tax-exempt status of private religious schools, which are composed of only white students, separated by race. The evangelicals perceived it as an attack on their right to live their lives under their religious views. As a result, evangelicals formed non-governmental organizations to make politicians accept their demands. In this sense, Christian Right has emerged since the 1970s when individuals and organizations have come together to announce conservative political demands. It is also known as the political movement of the Evangelicals, who are trying to be effective in political, cultural, and judicial matters. The 1980 elections witnessed the Christian Right movement’s rapid entry into politics. This movement, which also uses media organs, has reached millions over time. Also, it has a robust structure with radio and television advertising revenue. They have become a loyal vote store for the Republican Party, spending much money and using the media power it has in hand to mobilize the conservative segment for its purposes. The Christian Right ensured that the Evangelical voters supported the Republicans. Christian Right are all groups that are largely well-organized, wellfinanced, with a clear and limited set of political goals, and are trying to achieve them through the Republican party. The Christian Right was the most significant factor in religion’s entry into politics. Leading names of the movement made Christian Right important actor in the Republican Party. Since 1976, Christian Right has become a group that affects the whole country. According to the Christian Right Leaders, although there are many issues that the movement advocates, they think it is a “pro-family” formation. It contains many Christians from different denominations and traditions. It represents a political structure in which organizations, politicians, activists, and supporters, usually composed of evangelicals, have been formed by abortion, euthanasia, stem cell research, homosexuality, homosexual marriage, sexual freedom, anti-secularism, pro-Israel, freedom of religion in public schools, antievolution, anti-Islam. When one examines the demands of the Christian Right, he or she sees that their religious beliefs shape these demands. Considering that the state attacked their values with some laws, this structure demands politicians in this direction by defending the need to shape the state according to Christian principles. It is possible to see the effect of the Bible, which has religious references in every request. They believe that the USA is a “Nation under God” and that the Bible should be the reference in the laws to be passed.
Evangelicalism is an umbrella concept to describe a large number of Protestant groups. This term described religious groups in English-speaking regions that resulted from a series of religious revival movements in the North Atlantic Anglo-American world in the early 18th and early 19th centuries. Almost every Protestant church in America has an Evangelical wing. The words Evangelicalism and Evangelism derived from “evangel”, which refers to spreading the Good News, i.e., missionary activities; the word evangelist firstly describes a person who spreads the Gospel. British historian David Bebbington examined the religious groups’ standard theological features that make up the evangelical movement under four main headings. These are biblicism, accepting the Bible above all religious authorities; crucicentrism, which means the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross for the salvation of all humanity; conversionism used in the sense of a supernatural return of a sinful person to God, revival in a spiritual sense; activism, which is an attempt to express faith and change others. The roots of evangelicalism date back to the Reform period. The roots of today’s evangelical movement might be said to go to Puritanism and Pietism movements in Europe. Extensions of these movements later came to the American continent, where they found a more comfortable movement space. The foundations of the history of Evangelicalism were laid here with the religious revival movements called the Great Awakening in the 18th century. Evangelicalism continued to spread with the Second Great Awakening, a religious revival movement between 1820 and 1860. After the Civil War (1861- 1865), the evangelical movement weakened by influences such as modernist or, in other words, liberal theology, Darwin’s theory of evolution and the biblical critique of the Bible. Besides, the migration movement of Catholics from Eastern Europe to the USA and Asian religions from Asia caused a change in the general Evangelical structure in America. In 1925, just as the Fundamentalistmodernist debate flared, there was a development that humiliated the Fundamentalists. In the trial known as the Scopes Case, the teacher who taught the theory of evolution in class was found guilty according to state laws, but the Fundamentalists had a lousy trail in the eyes of the public as the media sparked the event. After this event, evangelicals withdrew from social life. Most fundamentalists have created their churches, schools, universities, and periodicals. Fundamentalists, who retreated to their shell after 1925, attempted to erase the bad image of the Scopes case. In the 1930s and 40s, evangelicals tried to raise the awareness of the people with radio programs, many new churches and groups started to join the evangelical movement. A new era started for the evangelicals after the Second World War. The activities of a traveling preacher named Billy Graham reaching distant places and the ongoing radio programs led to public awareness. In the 1950s, with the activities of Billy Graham, Evangelicalism again began appearing in the public sphere. Before 1970, most of the Evangelicals and Fundamentalists adopted the view that they were not interested in politics just because they saw politics as a worldly pursuit and feared this worldly pursuit would keep them from evangelization and mission. However, from 1930 to 1970, a couple of fundamentalists were interested in politics, and they were referred to as the Old Christian Right, representing the extreme in politics. In the 1920s, Fundamentalists challenged the teaching of the theory of evolution in schools, removing it from the curriculum and replacing the Creation section in the Old Testament. Fundamentalists established anticommunist political organizations after World War II. Fundamentalists saw anticommunism as a natural recovery issue. Before the 1976 elections, some developments led to the gathering of conservative voters, and so to speak, aroused the sleeping giant. First, the Equal Rights Statement, which passed through the American Congress in 1972, led to the formation of a countercampaign by women who argued that women’s traditional role should continue in some states. Secondly, on January 22, 1973, the American Supreme Court legalized abortion throughout the United States. The third issue is the state elimination of the tax-exempt status of private religious schools, which are composed of only white students, separated by race. The evangelicals perceived it as an attack on their right to live their lives under their religious views. As a result, evangelicals formed non-governmental organizations to make politicians accept their demands. In this sense, Christian Right has emerged since the 1970s when individuals and organizations have come together to announce conservative political demands. It is also known as the political movement of the Evangelicals, who are trying to be effective in political, cultural, and judicial matters. The 1980 elections witnessed the Christian Right movement’s rapid entry into politics. This movement, which also uses media organs, has reached millions over time. Also, it has a robust structure with radio and television advertising revenue. They have become a loyal vote store for the Republican Party, spending much money and using the media power it has in hand to mobilize the conservative segment for its purposes. The Christian Right ensured that the Evangelical voters supported the Republicans. Christian Right are all groups that are largely well-organized, wellfinanced, with a clear and limited set of political goals, and are trying to achieve them through the Republican party. The Christian Right was the most significant factor in religion’s entry into politics. Leading names of the movement made Christian Right important actor in the Republican Party. Since 1976, Christian Right has become a group that affects the whole country. According to the Christian Right Leaders, although there are many issues that the movement advocates, they think it is a “pro-family” formation. It contains many Christians from different denominations and traditions. It represents a political structure in which organizations, politicians, activists, and supporters, usually composed of evangelicals, have been formed by abortion, euthanasia, stem cell research, homosexuality, homosexual marriage, sexual freedom, anti-secularism, pro-Israel, freedom of religion in public schools, antievolution, anti-Islam. When one examines the demands of the Christian Right, he or she sees that their religious beliefs shape these demands. Considering that the state attacked their values with some laws, this structure demands politicians in this direction by defending the need to shape the state according to Christian principles. It is possible to see the effect of the Bible, which has religious references in every request. They believe that the USA is a “Nation under God” and that the Bible should be the reference in the laws to be passed.
Dinler tarihi, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri (ABD), Evanjelik hareket, Hıristiyan Sağ, Dinî talepler, History of religions, United States of America (USA), Evangelical movement, Christian Right, Religious demands
Yılmaz, H. (2020). “Evanjelik hareketin ABD siyaset kurumundan dinî talepleri üzerine bir inceleme”. Oksident: Yahudilik, Hıristiyanlık ve Batı Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2(1), 27-58.