Effects of controlled atmosphere storage and low-dose irradiation on potato tuber components affecting acrylamide and color formations upon frying

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The effects of normal and controlled atmosphere combinations on tuber components responsible for acrylamide formation were studied during prolonged storage at 9±1 °C using the tubers of "Agria" and "Russet Burbank." The effects of low-dose irradiation (50, 200 Gy) prior to normal atmosphere storage were also studied. There was only a limited increase in the concentrations of sugars during 6 month of storage under normal atmosphere conditions. Low-dose irradiation slightly decreased the rate of sweetening in the tubers. The potential of acrylamide formation remained almost the same; however, the loss of firmness became clearer during 6 month of storage under normal atmosphere conditions. Controlled atmosphere storage in which O2 was deficient to a sufficient respiration increased the concentrations of sugars, and thus, the potential of acrylamide formation in potatoes upon frying at 170 °C for 10 min. The sum of glucose and fructose concentrations showed a good correlation (r 2 ∼ 0.90) with the potential of acrylamide formation for both cultivars.



Acrylamide, Acrylamide, Agria, Amines, Controlled atmosphere storage, Food storage, Potatoes, Sugar concentration, Sweetening, Dosimetry, Food additives, Food products, Solanum tuberosum, Dosage, Food additives, Food, Controlled atmosphere, Irradiation, Potato, Storage, Sweetening storage


Gökmen, V. vd. (2007). "Effects of controlled atmosphere storage and low-dose irradiation on potato tuber components affecting acrylamide and color formations upon frying". European Food Research and Technology, 224(6), 681-687.