Afganistan’da İslam hukuku çalışmaları (başlangıçtan Selçuklu dönemine kadar) (H. 22-520/M. 642-1157)
Habibullah, Khudayberen
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Afganistan coğrafyası, Müslümanlar tarafından fethedildikten sonra bölgede İslam dini kabul görmüş ve daha önce mevcut olan hukukun yerini İslam hukuku almıştır. İlim tahsili ve bölgedeki hukukî ihtiyaçları çözüme kavuşturmak için Kûfe’ye ve Ebû Hanife’nin ilim halkasına giden Afganistanlı öğrenciler, Ebû Hanife’nin görüşlerini ve Kûfe’de edindikleri fıkhî birikimleri Afganistan’a intikal ettirmişlerdir. Böylece Hanefî fıkhı Afganistan’da yayılmaya başlamıştır. Daha sonra bu fıkhî gelenek, her bölgenin kültür ve sorunlarıyla zenginleşip o bölgenin şartlarına göre farklı biçimlerde gelişmiş ve fakihlerin bulundukları coğrafyaya nispetle Belh ekolü (Meşâyihu Belh) ve Buhara ekolü gibi mezhep içinde alt ekoller oluşmuştur. Afganistan’da kurulan devletlerin Hanefîliği esas almasıyla da Hanefîlik, halk tabanında da benimsenmiştir. Bu süreçte Afganistan’da fıkıh ilminde önemli gelişmeler yaşanmış ve birçok Hanefî fakihi yetişmiştir. Özellikle “Daru’l-fıkıh” ismiyle anılan Belh şehrinin ilmî açıdan İslam kültüründe önemi büyüktür. Bu şehirde ilim merkezleri kurulmuş ve İslam fıkhı diğer beldelere buradan intikal etmiştir. Belh fukahası, Hanefî mezhebinin temel prensiplerine bağlı kalsalar da Belh’in kültürel ve coğrafi şartlarını dikkate alarak bazı hususlarda Hanefîlerden farklı görüşler ortaya koymuşlardır. Bölgede değişik mezhepler var olmuşsa da en yaygın olanı Hanefî mezhebi olmuş ve Belh fıkıh ekolü, Sünnî Hanefî çizgi üzere devam etmiştir.
After Afghanistan was conquered by the Muslim Arabs, the reliğion of Islam was accepted in the region and the previous law was replaced by Islamic law. Students who went to Abu Hanifa's scientific circle to study in Kufa began to spread Abu Hanifa’s views and the fiqh knowledge they had acquired in Kûfe in Afghanistan. Thus, the Iraqi Hanafi fiqh was transferred to Afghanistan. This fiqh tradition is enriched with the culture and problems of each region and develops in different ways according to the conditions of that region, and sub-schools such as “Belh school” or (meşâyih-u Belh) begin to form compared to the regions where the jurists are located. Since the states established in Afghanistan are based on Hanafism, Hanafism is also adopted by the people. Thus, important developments took place in the science of fiqh in Afghanistan and many fiqh scholars were trained, especially the city of Belh, which is known as “Daru’l-fiqh”, has a great scientific importance in Islamic culture. Science centers were established here, and Islamic fiqh was transferred to other cities from here. Although the scholars of Balkh adhered to the rules of the Hanafi sect, they expressed different views from the Hanafis on some issues, taking into account the cultural and geographical conditions of Belh. Although different sects found the opportunity to live in the region, the most common one was the Hanafi school, and the Balkh school of fiqh remained stable like the Sunni-Hanefî.
After Afghanistan was conquered by the Muslim Arabs, the reliğion of Islam was accepted in the region and the previous law was replaced by Islamic law. Students who went to Abu Hanifa's scientific circle to study in Kufa began to spread Abu Hanifa’s views and the fiqh knowledge they had acquired in Kûfe in Afghanistan. Thus, the Iraqi Hanafi fiqh was transferred to Afghanistan. This fiqh tradition is enriched with the culture and problems of each region and develops in different ways according to the conditions of that region, and sub-schools such as “Belh school” or (meşâyih-u Belh) begin to form compared to the regions where the jurists are located. Since the states established in Afghanistan are based on Hanafism, Hanafism is also adopted by the people. Thus, important developments took place in the science of fiqh in Afghanistan and many fiqh scholars were trained, especially the city of Belh, which is known as “Daru’l-fiqh”, has a great scientific importance in Islamic culture. Science centers were established here, and Islamic fiqh was transferred to other cities from here. Although the scholars of Balkh adhered to the rules of the Hanafi sect, they expressed different views from the Hanafis on some issues, taking into account the cultural and geographical conditions of Belh. Although different sects found the opportunity to live in the region, the most common one was the Hanafi school, and the Balkh school of fiqh remained stable like the Sunni-Hanefî.
Afganistan, İslam hukuku, Fıkıh, Belh hanefî fıkıh ekolü, Afghanistan, İslam law, Fiqh, Balkh hanafi fiqh school
Habibullah, K. (2022). Afganistan’da İslam hukuku çalışmaları (başlangıçtan Selçuklu dönemine kadar) (H. 22-520/M. 642-1157). Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.