Microscopic simulation of xenon-based optical TPCs in the presence of molecular additives

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We introduce a simulation framework for the transport of high and low energy electrons in xenon-based optical time projection chambers (OTPCs). The simulation relies on elementary cross sections (electron-atom and electron-molecule) and incorporates, in order to compute the gas scintillation, the reaction/quenching rates (atom-atom and atom-molecule) of the first 41 excited states of xenon and the relevant associated excimers, together with their radiative cascade. The results compare positively with observations made in pure xenon and its mixtures with CO2 and CF4 in a range of pressures from 0.1 to 10 bar. This work sheds some light on the elementary processes responsible for the primary and secondary xenon-scintillation mechanisms in the presence of additives, that are of interest to the OTPC technology.


Çalışmada 72 yazar bulunmaktadır. Bu yazarlardan sadece Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi mensuplarının girişleri yapılmıştır.


Instruments & instrumentation, Nuclear science & technology, Physics, Optical TPCs, Microscopic simulation, Xenon scintillation, Secondary scintillation yield, High-pressure xenon, Collisional deactivation, Resonance radiation, Energy-transfer, Rate constans, Gas, Emission, Argon, Electroluminescence, Atoms, Electronic cooling, Electrons, Molecules, Reaction rates, Scintillation, Electron cooling, Gaseous electronics, High pressure, Microscopic simulation, Molecular additives, Molecular quenchers, Optical TPCs, Xenon scintillation, Xenon


Azevedo, C. D. R. vd. (2018). ''Microscopic simulation of xenon-based optical TPCs in the presence of molecular additives''. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 887, 157-172.
