İslâm aile hukuku ve Türk aile hukukunda kadın-erkek eşitliğinin istisnâları
Duman, Vildan
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Eşitlik kavramına farklı bakış açılarıyla yaklaşan Türk Aile Hukuku ve İslâm Aile Hukuku, bu kavramı kendine özgü ifadelerle açıklamıştır. Türk Aile Hukuku'na göre kadın ve erkek arasındaki eşitlik, mutlak eşitlik olup hiçbir ayırımın yapılmamasını öngörmektedir. İslâm Aile Hukuku ise eşitlikten ziyade adalet prensibi üzerinde durmakta, temel haklarda bütün insanları eşit görürken, yaratılış ve kabiliyetlerdeki farklılıkları da göz ardı etmemektedir. Bazen bu hakkın tesliminde eşitliği bozan unsurlar ortaya çıkmaktadır. Bunlar, cinsiyet, psikolojik farklılık, sıhhat veya din ayrılığı gibi faktörlerden kaynaklanabilir. Ortaya çıkan bu engellerde eşitliği bozmak bir eşitsizlik olabilir. Ancak İslâm Aile Hukuku'na göre her eşitsizlik adaletsizlik değildir.
The approach of Turkish Family Law and İslamic Family Law to equality is based on different point of views and they both explain this concept in distinctive ways. According to Turkish Family Law, the equality between woman and man is absolute, foreseeing that no differentiation is made among them. İslamic Family Law emphasis the principle of equity more than equality. However, while seeing all human beings as equal, based on fundamental rights, does not ignore the diversity in their creation and capability. Occasionally, in the acknowledgement of these fundamental rights, elements that disrupt the equality do emerge. These elements may originate from factors like gender, psychological diversity, health, or religious divergence. The disruption of equality by these elements might be an inequality. Nevertheless, according to İslamic Family Law not every inequality is inequity.
The approach of Turkish Family Law and İslamic Family Law to equality is based on different point of views and they both explain this concept in distinctive ways. According to Turkish Family Law, the equality between woman and man is absolute, foreseeing that no differentiation is made among them. İslamic Family Law emphasis the principle of equity more than equality. However, while seeing all human beings as equal, based on fundamental rights, does not ignore the diversity in their creation and capability. Occasionally, in the acknowledgement of these fundamental rights, elements that disrupt the equality do emerge. These elements may originate from factors like gender, psychological diversity, health, or religious divergence. The disruption of equality by these elements might be an inequality. Nevertheless, according to İslamic Family Law not every inequality is inequity.
Eşitlik, Hak, Adalet, İslam aile hukuku, Türk aile hukuku, Eşitsizlik, Equality, Rights, Equity, Islamic family law, Turkish family law, Inequality
Duman, V. (2015). İslâm aile hukuku ve Türk aile kukukunda kadın-erkek eşitliğinin istisnâları. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.