Hemşirelerin bakış açısından ölüm ve ötanazi ilişkisi üzerine fenomenolojik bir analiz
Aydın, Dilara
Atalay, Selin
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bu çalışmada hemşirelerin ölüm, ötanazi ve ölümcül hasta kavramları hakkındaki düşünce ve deneyimleri üzerinden ölüm ve ötanazi arasındaki ilişkiyi sosyolojik bir perspektif ile anlamak ve anlamlandırmak amaçlanmıştır. Nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden fenomenoloji yöntemi üzerine kurulan bu çalışmada, kartopu örnekleme yoluyla 20 hemşireye ulaşılmış, yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme formu kullanılarak derinlemesine görüşme gerçekleştirilmiş ve elde edilen veriler analiz edilmiştir. Çalışmada hemşirelerin ötanazi algısının çoğunlukla “istemli ötanazi” yönünde olduğu, ötanazinin uygulanması konusundaki düşüncelerinin çoğunlukla olumlu ancak yine de ötanazinin uygulama zeminine karşı tereddütlü oldukları belirlenmiştir. Çalışmada, hemşirelerin ölümü “son”, ölümcül hastayı “terminal dönem hastası ve kanser gibi ağır hastalar”, ötanazi ile ölmeyi ise “doğal ve yapay ölüm ayrımı” üzerinden tanımladığı görülmüştür. Araştırmadan elde edilen, hemşirelerin ölüm, ötanazi ve ölümcül hastaya ilişkin fikirleri ve deneyimleri üzerine veriler, çalışma kapsamında, Foucault’nun kuramsal çerçevesinden, biyopolitika, tıbbi bakış, tıbbileştirme kavramları temelinde tartışılmıştır.
This study aimed to understand and make sense of the relationship between death and euthanasia from a sociological perspective. This relationship was assessed through the analysis of thoughts and experiences of nurses about the concepts of death, euthanasia and the terminally ill. The phenomenological methodological approach, as one of the qualitative research methods, was used in this research. Snowball sampling was used to reach 20 nurses, in-depth interviews were conducted using a semi-structured interview form, and the data were analyzed. In the study, it was seen that the nurses’ perception of euthanasia fell mostly within the category of “voluntary euthanasia”, and their thoughts on the implementation of euthanasia were mostly positive. However, the participants were hesitant about the practice of euthanasia. In the study, it was seen that nurses defined death as an “end”, terminally ill patients as “terminal-period patients and severe patients such as cancer”, and death by euthanasia through the “distinction between natural and artificial death”. The data gathered in this research regarding nurses’ thoughts and experiences about death, euthanasia and the terminally ill were analyzed within the theoretical framework of Foucault and the discussion was built on concepts of biopolitics, medical gaze, and medicalization.
This study aimed to understand and make sense of the relationship between death and euthanasia from a sociological perspective. This relationship was assessed through the analysis of thoughts and experiences of nurses about the concepts of death, euthanasia and the terminally ill. The phenomenological methodological approach, as one of the qualitative research methods, was used in this research. Snowball sampling was used to reach 20 nurses, in-depth interviews were conducted using a semi-structured interview form, and the data were analyzed. In the study, it was seen that the nurses’ perception of euthanasia fell mostly within the category of “voluntary euthanasia”, and their thoughts on the implementation of euthanasia were mostly positive. However, the participants were hesitant about the practice of euthanasia. In the study, it was seen that nurses defined death as an “end”, terminally ill patients as “terminal-period patients and severe patients such as cancer”, and death by euthanasia through the “distinction between natural and artificial death”. The data gathered in this research regarding nurses’ thoughts and experiences about death, euthanasia and the terminally ill were analyzed within the theoretical framework of Foucault and the discussion was built on concepts of biopolitics, medical gaze, and medicalization.
Biyopolitika, Ölümün tıbbileştirilmesi, Ölümcül hasta, Ötanazi, tıbbi bakış, Biopolitics, Medicalization of death, Terminally ill, Euthanasia, Medical gaze
Aydın, D. ve Atalay, S. (2022). ''Hemşirelerin bakış açısından ölüm ve ötanazi ilişkisi üzerine fenomenolojik bir analiz''. Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 23(43), 1033-1076.