Effects of white clover inclusion on turf characteristics, nitrogen fixation, and nitrogen transfer from white clover to grass species in turf mixtures

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Taylor & Francis


An irrigated field trial was conducted to test the effects of white clover in three turfgrass species (perennial ryegrass, Kentucky bluegrass, and creeping bentgrass) on color, clipping yield, and botanical composition and to estimate nitrogen (N)(2) fixation and N transfer from white clover to associated turfgrass species under different N-fertilization conditions in 1999-2002. Nitrogen fertilizers significantly increased color ratings in all observations. Grass-white clover mixtures had better color ratings than pure grass at all sampling dates and seasonal averages in unfertilized conditions. Fertilized pure grass plots yielded significantly more than control plots in all turfgrass species. Nitrogen fertilization did not affect clipping yield greatly in turfgrass-white clover mixtures. Nitrogen application significantly decreased white clover percentage in the harvested clippings in second and third year. Nitrogen fertilization increased tissue N concentration positively in all turfgrass species grown alone. In contrast, N fertilization did not greatly affect tissue N concentration of either turfgrass species or white clover in the mixtures. Nitrogen fixation of white clover was estimated as 24.6, 30.7, and 33.8 9 m(-2) year(-1) in perennial ryegrass, Kentucky bluegrass, and creeping bentgrass, respectively. The total estimated N-2 fixation gradually decreased with increasing N fertilization. Nitrogen transfer from white clover to the associated turfgrass varied from 4.2 to 13.7% of the total N that the white clover fixed annually.



Clipping yield, Agrostis, Clipping, Trıfolıum-repens l., Creeping bentgrass, Kentucky bluegrass, Perennial ryegrass, Turf color, Agrostis stolonifera, Lolium perenne, Poa, Poa pratensis, Poaceae, Trifolium repens, Grass, Color morph, Fertilizer application, Nitrogen fixation, Perennial plant, Yield response, Perennial ryegrass, Creeping bentgrass, Kentucky bluegrass, Turf color, Lolium-perenne L., Dinitrogen fixation, Fertilizer nitrogen, Herbage productivity, Kentucky bluegrass, N-2 Fixationn transfer, Ryegrass, Qualıty


Sincik, M. ve Açıkgöz, E. (2007). "Effects of white clover inclusion on turf characteristics, nitrogen fixation, and nitrogen transfer from white clover to grass species in turf mixtures". Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 38(13-14), 1861-1877.