Bursa Anadolu Arabaları Müzesinde bir araştırma: Müzede sanat eğitimi
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Türkiye’nin Marmara bölgesinde yer alan Bursa, tekstil ve otomobil endüstrisi ile ünlüdür. Bursa’nın büyük otomobil fabrikalarından biri olan Tofaş, Umurbey mahallesinde yer alan parkta Anadolu Arabaları Müzesini kurmuştur. Müzenin yapımına 1998 yılının Nisan ayında başlanmış olup 2002 yılında faaliyete geçmiştir. Müzede, bir kral mezarında bulunmuş olan 2000 yıl öncesine ait bir araba tekerleği, çeşitli paytonlar, at arabaları, iki tekerlekli öküz arabaları, top arabaları, Tofaş’ın ilk üretimi olan Murat 124, Murat 131, Kartal ve geçmişten günümüze birçok taşıma aracı bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışma İlköğretim 7. sınıf öğrencileri ile yapılan bir araştırmanın sonuçlarını içermektedir. Disiplinlerarası sanat eğitimi yöntemi ile çalışılmıştır. Çalışma, özellikle 11-12 yaş erkek öğrencilerin ilgi alanı olan arabaları, müze eğitimini esas alarak incelemektedir. Çalışmanın amacı, yaşamış oldukları şehirde var olan arkeoloji müzelerinden farklı bir müzeyi sanat eleştirisi ile incelemek ve uygulamalarda cins farklılıklarının araba tasarımlarında etkisi olup olmadığını araştırmaktır. Öğrenciler, 2000 yıl öncesinin araba tekerleğini ve ilk arabaları gördükten ve sanat eleştirisi yaptıktan sonra, 2000 yıl sonrasının arabalarını tasarlamışlardır. Sonuç olarak, öğrencilerin yaratıcılıkları gözlemlenmiş ve kız-erkek öğrencilerin tasarımlarında farklılıklar bulunmuştur.
Bursa which is located in the region of Marmara is famous for its textile and otomotive industry. Tofaş which is one of the leading otomotive factories of Bursa, established an Anatolian Automobile Museum in a park in the district of Umurbey. The construction of the museum began in April in the year of 1998 and the museum was opened to public in the year 2002. In this museum there is a wheel which was found in a grave of a king dating back to 2000 years, various coaches, horse carts, two wheeled ox carts, gun carriages, the first cars manufactured by Tofaş which were Murat 121, Murat 131, and Kartal, there are also many more transportation vehicles from the past until the present. The present study displays the results of a research conducted with secondary school grade 7 students. It was conducted through interdisiplinary art education approach. This study investigates especially cars which are the interest area of boys aged 11-12 based on museum education. The aim of the present study is to investigate through criticism of art the archeology museums with a different kind of museum found in the city which they live, and to study whether differences of gender have an influence on car designs. The students after seeing the wheel of 2000 years ago and the first automobiles, and after studying art criticism, they had designed the cars of 2000 years later. As a result, the students’ creativity was observed and differences were found in the designs of the female and male students.
Bursa which is located in the region of Marmara is famous for its textile and otomotive industry. Tofaş which is one of the leading otomotive factories of Bursa, established an Anatolian Automobile Museum in a park in the district of Umurbey. The construction of the museum began in April in the year of 1998 and the museum was opened to public in the year 2002. In this museum there is a wheel which was found in a grave of a king dating back to 2000 years, various coaches, horse carts, two wheeled ox carts, gun carriages, the first cars manufactured by Tofaş which were Murat 121, Murat 131, and Kartal, there are also many more transportation vehicles from the past until the present. The present study displays the results of a research conducted with secondary school grade 7 students. It was conducted through interdisiplinary art education approach. This study investigates especially cars which are the interest area of boys aged 11-12 based on museum education. The aim of the present study is to investigate through criticism of art the archeology museums with a different kind of museum found in the city which they live, and to study whether differences of gender have an influence on car designs. The students after seeing the wheel of 2000 years ago and the first automobiles, and after studying art criticism, they had designed the cars of 2000 years later. As a result, the students’ creativity was observed and differences were found in the designs of the female and male students.
InSEA 7. Uluslararası Avrupa Bölgesi Kongresi (01–06 July 2004-İstanbul)’nde bildiri olarak sunulmuştur.
Müze eğitimi, Araba müzesi, Sanat eğitimi, Disiplinlerarası sanat eğitimi, Museum education, Automobile museum, Art education, Interdisiplinary art education
Erim, G. (2005). "Bursa Anadolu Arabaları Müzesinde bir araştırma: Müzede sanat eğitimi". Uludağ Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi, 18(2), 299-307.