İmmünsüprese bir hastada salmonella enteritidis’in etken olduğu gluteal apse
Özvatan, Tülay Şener
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
In this study it was aimed to investigate interrelationships between complaints, diagnoses, and psychotropic drug usage of children and adolescents applied to a child and adolescent psychiatric outpatient clinic. Medical files of the patients who had been examined for the first time between July 2012, and December 2012 in Outpatient Clinics of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry of Uludag University Hospitals of Medical Faculty were evaluated. The total number of cases evaluated was 953, the age range was 1-17 and the mean age was 9, 5 ± 4, 6. The most frequently encountered presenting complaints were determined as naughtiness, and disobedience (188-19.7 %) and the most frequently detected diagnoses were attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) (180-18.8%). Mostly selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors 208 (21.8 %), atypical antipsychotic 143 (14.8%), and psycho stimulants 79 (8.3 %) were recommended in decreasing order of frequency. Recognition of frequently detected complaints, and diagnoses, determination of differences in diagnoses according to gender, and age groups of patients, evaluation of the drugs used, and their relationship with relevant diagnoses will contribute favourably to the improvement and standardization of health care services provided in the outpatient clinics of child and adolescent psychiatry and identifying areas of sociodemographic characteristics.Salmonelloz dünyada yaygın olarak görülen bir halk sağlığı sorunudur. Çok sayıda türü olan Salmonella, farklı klinik tablolara sebep olmaktadır. Ülkemizde zaman zaman küçük çaplı salgınlara yol açması ve bazı bölgelerde hala endemik olması etkene yönelik gıda endüstrisi ve hayvancılıkta çeşitli önlemlerin alınmasına sebep olmaktadır. Son yıllarda tüm ülkelerde nontifoidal salmonelloz olguları artmaktadır. Bu olguların çoğunda kendi kendini sınırlayan enfeksiyonlara sebep olurken immünsüprese hastalarda önemli morbidite ve mortaliteye yol açan değişik yer ve lokalizasyonlarda enfeksiyonlara neden olur. Sunulan hasta uzun süre immünsüpresif tedavi aldıktan sonra yaptırdığı intramusküler (İM) enjeksiyon bölgesinde apse gelişmesi nedeniyle merkezimize başvurmuştur. Gluteal apse materyalinde Salmonella Enteritidis üremesi oldu. Olgu farklı bulaş yolu olması nedeniyle ve nontifoidal salmonellozun etiyoloji ile klinik önemini tartışmak üzere sunuldu.
Salmonellosis is a public health problem and common worldwide. Salmonella have a large number of species that cause different clinical manifestations. Various precautions are taken in food and livestock industry because it sometimes causes minor outbreaks and is still endemic in some areas. Cases of nontyphoid salmonellosis tend to increase in all countries in recent years. In most of these cases, it occurs like selflimiting infections. However it results is significant morbidity and mortality in immunocompromised patients in different places and locations. The present case that has been receiving immunosuppressive therapy for a long time admitted to our health center because of an abscess in gluteal region resulted from intramuscular injection. The patient's material yielded Salmonella Enteritidis. It is presented as a case report to discuss nontyphoidal salmonellosis’s etiology and clinical significance.
Salmonellosis is a public health problem and common worldwide. Salmonella have a large number of species that cause different clinical manifestations. Various precautions are taken in food and livestock industry because it sometimes causes minor outbreaks and is still endemic in some areas. Cases of nontyphoid salmonellosis tend to increase in all countries in recent years. In most of these cases, it occurs like selflimiting infections. However it results is significant morbidity and mortality in immunocompromised patients in different places and locations. The present case that has been receiving immunosuppressive therapy for a long time admitted to our health center because of an abscess in gluteal region resulted from intramuscular injection. The patient's material yielded Salmonella Enteritidis. It is presented as a case report to discuss nontyphoidal salmonellosis’s etiology and clinical significance.
2011’de düzenlenen 15. Türk Mikrobiyoloji ve İnfeksiyon Hastalıkları Kongresi’nde poster olarak sunulmuştur.
Salmonella enteritidis, Salmonella enteritidis, Nontifoidal salmonelloz, Gluteal aps, Nontyphoidal salmonellosis, Gluteal abscess
Özvatan, T. Ş. (2014). "İmmünsüprese bir hastada salmonella enteritidis’in etken olduğu gluteal apse" Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, 40(2),85-87.