Sıvı-yapı-temel/zemin etkileşimi etkisinde 100 m3 ayaklı su deposu stoğunun kırılganlık eğrilerinin elde edilmesi
Bayram, Ali Haydar
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Türkiye'de yaygın olarak inşa edilmiş ve bir kısmı halen kullanımda, bir kısmı ise atıl durumda olan 100 m³ hazne kapasitesine sahip ayaklı su depolarının deprem etkisi altında potansiyel hasar görme olasılıklarını belirlemek, bu yapı stoğu için büyük önem taşımaktadır. Depremler sonrası yapılan saha gözlemlerinde, malzeme kalitesi, donatı sorunları ve çevresel koşullar nedeniyle taşıyıcı elemanlarda korozyon ve pas payı hasarlarının bu yapıların önemli ölçüde hasar görmesine ve hatta toptan göçmesine neden olduğu bilinmektedir. İncelenen depoların ayak sistemi ve hazneleri, Yol, Su ve Elektrik Genel Müdürlüğü (YSE) tarafından hazırlanmış uygulama projelerine dayanılarak yapılmıştır. Bu projeler temel alınarak modellenen 100 m³ ayaklı su deposu için 2 farklı malzeme kalitesi, taşıyıcı elemanlardaki sargı etkisi, hazne doluluk seviyeleri (tam dolu, yarı dolu, boş) ve 4 farklı zemin koşulu gibi parametreler seçilmiştir. Bu parametrelere göre 48 farklı model oluşturulmuş ve bu modeller, seçilmiş 30 deprem kaydından ölçeklendirilmiş deprem setleri ile analiz edilmiştir. Depremlerin her iki doğrultu kayıtları analiz modellerine dahil edilerek Perform 3D programı kullanılarak 7200 analiz gerçekleştirilmiştir. Analiz sonuçlarından elde edilen veri tabanı, literatürde kabul görmüş çoklu şerit analizi (MSA) yöntemi kullanılarak kırılganlık eğrilerinin oluşturulmasında kullanılmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda, sargı etkisinin ayaklı su depolarına ait kırılganlık eğrilerinde diğer parametrelere göre anlamlı düzeyde bir risk ortaya çıkardığı görülmüştür. Ayrıca, hazne doluluğunun malzeme kalitesi ve sargı etkisine bağlı olarak kırılganlık eğrilerinde risk faktörünü zemin etkisinden daha önemli düzeyde etkilediği tespit edilmiştir.
Determining the potential damage probabilities of elevated water tanks with a 100 m³ capacity, commonly constructed and partially still in service or abandoned in Turkiye, under seismic effects is crucial for this structure stock. Post-earthquake field observations have shown that material quality issues, reinforcement problems, and environmental conditions leading to corrosion damage and similar cover damages in the structural elements can cause significant damage and even total collapse of these structures. The examined tanks supporting systems and reservoirs were constructed based on implementation projects prepared by the General Directorate of Roads, Water, and Electricity (YSE). The structural characteristics are based on these projects for the modeled 100 m³ elevated water tank. In the numerical model obtained this way, parameters were selected based on 2 different material qualities, the confinement effect in structural elements, the reservoir's capacity (full-filled, half-filled, empty), and 4 different soil conditions, resulting in 48 different models. All these models were analyzed using earthquake sets scaled from 30 selected earthquake records. Due to the axis symmetry of the structures, earthquake records in both directions were included in the analysis models, and 7200 analyses were performed using the Perform 3D program. Fragility curves were generated using the multiple stripe analysis (MSA) method, which is accepted in the literature, from the database obtained with the help of the analysis results. As a result of the study, it was observed that the absence of the confinement effect caused a significant risk in the fragility curves of elevated water tanks compared to other parameters. It was also observed that the reservoir's fill level, depending on material quality and confinement effect, is a more critical parameter affecting the risk factor on fragility curves than the ground condition.
Determining the potential damage probabilities of elevated water tanks with a 100 m³ capacity, commonly constructed and partially still in service or abandoned in Turkiye, under seismic effects is crucial for this structure stock. Post-earthquake field observations have shown that material quality issues, reinforcement problems, and environmental conditions leading to corrosion damage and similar cover damages in the structural elements can cause significant damage and even total collapse of these structures. The examined tanks supporting systems and reservoirs were constructed based on implementation projects prepared by the General Directorate of Roads, Water, and Electricity (YSE). The structural characteristics are based on these projects for the modeled 100 m³ elevated water tank. In the numerical model obtained this way, parameters were selected based on 2 different material qualities, the confinement effect in structural elements, the reservoir's capacity (full-filled, half-filled, empty), and 4 different soil conditions, resulting in 48 different models. All these models were analyzed using earthquake sets scaled from 30 selected earthquake records. Due to the axis symmetry of the structures, earthquake records in both directions were included in the analysis models, and 7200 analyses were performed using the Perform 3D program. Fragility curves were generated using the multiple stripe analysis (MSA) method, which is accepted in the literature, from the database obtained with the help of the analysis results. As a result of the study, it was observed that the absence of the confinement effect caused a significant risk in the fragility curves of elevated water tanks compared to other parameters. It was also observed that the reservoir's fill level, depending on material quality and confinement effect, is a more critical parameter affecting the risk factor on fragility curves than the ground condition.
Kırılganlık eğrileri, Yapısal kırılganlık, Performans analizi, Dinamik analiz, Ayaklı su deposu, Elevated water tank, Fragility curves, Structural fragility, Performance analysis, Dynamic analysis