Species composition, seasonal dynamics and numerical responses of arthropod predators in organic strawberry fields

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Taylor & Francis


The species composition and relative abundance of predatory arthropod fauna were studied in organic strawberry fields in northwestern Turkey using sweep net sampling and pitfall trapping (activity density). Arachnida constituted 13.1 and 11.5% of the sweep net and pitfall trap catches, respectively. Among the predatory insects, the most abundant groups were Heteroptera. (26.7%), Diptera. (25.9%), Coleoptera (16.9%) and Orthoptera. (10.8%) in sweep net samples. Coleoptera (84.2%) dominated the pitfall trap catches. Many aphid specific and polyphagous predators reached peak abundance during June and July. Pearson's two-tailed correlations showed a significant and positive relationship between syrphid, coccinellid or chrysopid predator numbers and strawberry aphid density. Aphid density was not significantly correlated with carabid or with nabid abundance. Examination of spatial distribution patterns of all predatory arthropod groups using Taylor's Power Law indicated that most arthropod predators, except carabids, exhibited aggregated dispersion patterns. Coccinellids changed their spatial patterns from a uniform to an aggregated distribution through the season. There was also a significant linear correlation between Anterastes sp. abundance (larvae+adults) and Isophya rectipennis+Poecilimon ricteri (larvae+adults) density at both locations. We observed, for the first time, Anterastes preying on Isophya and Poecilimon species. The seasonal abundance of the major predatory groups were described, and their potential importance in controlling strawberry aphid and other pests is discussed.



Strawberry aphid, Entomology, Chrysopidae, Biotechnology & applied microbiology, Nabidae, Abundance, Predator-prey interactions, Aphids, Syrphidae, Agroecosystems, Tettigoniidae, Coleoptera, Farming practice influence, Fauna, Southern england, Carabid beetles, Wheat, Crop, Anterastes, Syrphidae, Aphididae, Poecilimon, Arachnida, Orthoptera, Arthropoda, Isophya, Carabidae, Nabidae, Chrysopidae, Hexapoda, Coccinellidae, Heteroptera, Coleoptera, Tettigoniidae, Diptera, Fragaria x ananassa, Abundance, Spatial distribution, Aphid, Seasonal variation, Arthropod, Predator-prey interaction, Biocontrol agent, Pest species, Biological control, Pitfall trap, Community composition, Organic soil, Dispersion, Numerical response, Fruit, Predator, Eurasia, Turkey


Kovancı, O. B. vd. (2007). "Species composition, seasonal dynamics and numerical responses of arthropod predators in organic strawberry fields". Biocontrol Science and Technology, 17(5-6), 457-472.