Ömer Ebu Rişe’nin şiirlerinin dil ve üslup özellikleri
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bu çalışmada insanla ortaya çıkan konuşma tarzlarının dil üsluplarından bahsedilmiştir. Her devirde edebi alanda büyük edipler ve şairler var olmuştur. Özellikle modern Arap Edebiyatında büyük bir şair olmasının yanı sıra klasiği de göz ardı etmeyen Ömer Ebû Rîşe’nin (1910-1990) şairliği ele alınarak incelenmiştir. Ortaya konulan tezde Ömer Ebû Rîşe’nin üslup özellikleri ile ilgili örnek şiirler sunulup bazı sonuçlara ulaşılmıştır. Böylece hem Ömer Ebû Rîşe’ye hem de onun şiirlerinin özelliklerine dair örnekler verilerek konuya zenginlik katılmıştır.
This work analyses the literary styles of communication that came to be with the beginning of humanity. Every era has great poets and writers, each with their own unique linguistic style. In particular, the artistic aspects of Arabic literature has been studied through Umar Abu Reesha (1910-1990), who effectively combined both classic and modern literature in his works. In this thesis Umar Abu Reesha’s stylistic features were presented an analyzed through his poems. This subject, therefore, was enriched with examples of the stylistic features of his poems and the life Umar Abu Reesha himself.
This work analyses the literary styles of communication that came to be with the beginning of humanity. Every era has great poets and writers, each with their own unique linguistic style. In particular, the artistic aspects of Arabic literature has been studied through Umar Abu Reesha (1910-1990), who effectively combined both classic and modern literature in his works. In this thesis Umar Abu Reesha’s stylistic features were presented an analyzed through his poems. This subject, therefore, was enriched with examples of the stylistic features of his poems and the life Umar Abu Reesha himself.
Ömer Ebû Rîşe, Umar Abu Reesha, Üslup, Edebiyat, İfade, Vezin, Kafiye, Teşbih, Mecaz, İstiare, Style, Literature, Expression, Rhythm, Rhyme, Assimilation, Metaphor
Şit, N. (2019). Ömer Ebu Rişe’nin şiirlerinin dil ve üslup özellikleri. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.