EKG bulguları ile saptanan koroner arter hastalığında egzersiz myokard perfüzyon tomografisinin ekokardiografik bufgularla karşılaştırılması
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Klinik olarak asemptomatik, yalnızca istirahat EKG bulguları ile iskemik kalp Hastalığı şüphelenilen 25 olgu ekokardiyografi ve egzersiz miyokard perfüzyon sintigrafisi ile değerlendirildi. Miyokard perfüzyon sintigrafisinde perfüzyon defekti izlenen olgularda ortalama ejeksiyon fraksiyon değerleri normallere göre daha düşük saptandı.
25 patients who were clinically asymptomatic and suspected coronary artery disease with resting ECG, were evaluated with echocardiography and myocard perfusion scintigraphy. Of the patients who had perfusion defects on the perfusion scintigraphy, the ejection fraction values were tower than who had not perfusion defects.
25 patients who were clinically asymptomatic and suspected coronary artery disease with resting ECG, were evaluated with echocardiography and myocard perfusion scintigraphy. Of the patients who had perfusion defects on the perfusion scintigraphy, the ejection fraction values were tower than who had not perfusion defects.
II. Ulusal Hipertansiyon ve Atheroskleroz Kongresinde sunulmuştur (27.10.1992).
Koroner arter hastalığı, Ekokardiografi, Egzersiz myokard perfüzyon sintigrafisi, Coronary artery disease, Echocardiography, Exercise myocard perfusion scintigraphy
Cordan, J. vd. (1993). ''EKG bulguları ile saptanan koroner arter hastalığında egzersiz myokard perfüzyon tomografisinin ekokardiografik bufgularla karşılaştırılması''. Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, 20(2), 131-134.