Master yüzücülerde omuzun ultrasonografik değerlendirme bulgularının ağrı, antrenman özellikleri ve kas kuvveti ile ilişkisi
Çelebi, Melih
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bu çalışmanın amacı master yüzücülerde omuzun ultrasonografik değerlendirme bulguları ile omuz ağrısı, antrenman özellikleri, kas kuvveti ve fonksiyonel durum arasındaki ilişkileri değerlendirmektir. Çalışmaya 30 master yüzücüyle, yaş ve cinsiyete göre eşleştirilmiş 30 kontrol alındı. Katılımcılar demografik veriler ve omuz ağrısı geçmişi açısından sorgulandıktan sonra, Western Ontario Rotator Cuff (WORC) ölçeği ile fonksiyonel durumları değerlendirildi. Ayrıca yüzücülerde bunlara ek yüzme stilleri, antrenman sayıları, ek egzersiz yapıp yapmadıkları sorgulandı. Tüm katılımcıların her iki kol ve gövdenin yağ ve kas kütlesi ölçümleri ve izokinetik dinamometre cihazıyla omuz izometrik kas kuvveti ölçümleri yapıldı. Tüm katılımcıların her iki omuzu ultrasonografiyle supraspinatus (SSP) ve biseps uzun başı tendon kalınlıkları, patolojileri ve subakromiyal bursa kalınlık ve efüzyonu açısından değerlendirildi. Master yüzücülerde kontrollere göre anlamlı derecede daha fazla omuz ağrısı, daha fazla fonksiyonel etkilenme ve daha yüksek SSP tendon kalınlığı saptandı. Yüzücülerde sol omuz iç rotasyon (İR) kas kuvveti daha fazla, sol omuz dış rotasyon (DR)/İR oranı daha düşüktü. Yüzücülerde tüm vücut, her iki kol ve gövde yağ yüzde ve kütleleri daha düşük iken, kas kütleleri açısından kontroller ile anlamlı fark saptanmadı. Yüzücülerdeki omuz ağrısının yüzmeye başlangıç yaşı, yüzme stilleri ya da antrenman hacmi ile herhangi bir ilişkisi saptanmazken, yüzmeye başlangıç yaşı ile omuz fleksör kas kuvvetleri (sağ r= -0,363; p=0,048; sol r= -0,197; p=0,030) arasında ters bir ilişki gözlendi. Sonuç olarak, master yüzücülerde omuz ağrısı daha fazla, SSP tendonu daha kalın ve sol omuz İR kas kuvveti daha yüksek olup, DR/İR oranı daha düşüktü. Master yüzücülerde omuz dış rotator kaslarının güçlendirilmesi omuz ağrısına neden olabilecek omuz rotator kas gücü dengesizliklerini önlemede yararlı olabilir.
The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between ultrasonographic examination findings and shoulder pain, training characteristics, muscle strength and functional status in master swimmers. Thirty master swimmers and 30 age- and sex-matched controls were included in the study. After participants were interviewed in terms of demographic characteristics and shoulder pain, functional assessment was performed using Western Ontario Rotator Cuff (WORC) Index. In addition, swimmers were also interviewed for swimming styles, training volume and additional exercises. Body composition analysis was performed and isometric muscle strength of shoulder muscles were measured by isokinetic dynamometer in all subjects. Both shoulders of all subjects were assessed by ultrasonography in terms of supraspinatus (SSP) and biceps long head tendon thickness and pathologies as well as subacromial bursa thickness and effusion. Shoulder pain was significantly more common, SSP was significantly thicker, and functional assessment results were worse in master swimmers compared to controls. Left shoulder internal rotator (IR) muscle strength was significantly greater and external rotator (ER)/IR ratio was significantly lower in swimmers compared to controls. While whole body, bilateral arms and core fat percentage and mass were significantly lower in swimmers, no significant difference was found between swimmers and controls in terms of muscle mass. No significant correlation was found between shoulder pain and age at the start of swimming, swim styles or training volume; however, shoulder flexor muscle strengths (right r= -0.363; p=0.048; left r= -0.197; p=0.030) were negatively correlated with age at the start of swimming. In conclusion, shoulder pain was significantly more common, SSP was significantly thicker, left shoulder IR muscle strength was greater and ER/IR ratio was lower in master swimmers. Strengthening of ER muscles might be useful to prevent shoulder rotator muscle imbalances, which appears to be a potential cause of shoulder pain in master swimmers.
The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between ultrasonographic examination findings and shoulder pain, training characteristics, muscle strength and functional status in master swimmers. Thirty master swimmers and 30 age- and sex-matched controls were included in the study. After participants were interviewed in terms of demographic characteristics and shoulder pain, functional assessment was performed using Western Ontario Rotator Cuff (WORC) Index. In addition, swimmers were also interviewed for swimming styles, training volume and additional exercises. Body composition analysis was performed and isometric muscle strength of shoulder muscles were measured by isokinetic dynamometer in all subjects. Both shoulders of all subjects were assessed by ultrasonography in terms of supraspinatus (SSP) and biceps long head tendon thickness and pathologies as well as subacromial bursa thickness and effusion. Shoulder pain was significantly more common, SSP was significantly thicker, and functional assessment results were worse in master swimmers compared to controls. Left shoulder internal rotator (IR) muscle strength was significantly greater and external rotator (ER)/IR ratio was significantly lower in swimmers compared to controls. While whole body, bilateral arms and core fat percentage and mass were significantly lower in swimmers, no significant difference was found between swimmers and controls in terms of muscle mass. No significant correlation was found between shoulder pain and age at the start of swimming, swim styles or training volume; however, shoulder flexor muscle strengths (right r= -0.363; p=0.048; left r= -0.197; p=0.030) were negatively correlated with age at the start of swimming. In conclusion, shoulder pain was significantly more common, SSP was significantly thicker, left shoulder IR muscle strength was greater and ER/IR ratio was lower in master swimmers. Strengthening of ER muscles might be useful to prevent shoulder rotator muscle imbalances, which appears to be a potential cause of shoulder pain in master swimmers.
Master yüzücü, Tendon kalınlığı, Omuz ağrısı, Kas kuvveti, Master swimmer, Tendon thickness, Shoulder pain, Muscle strength