İki ve daha çok seviye dejeneratif lomber spinal stenoz tanısıyla dekompresyon ve spinal enstrumanla füzyon yapılan hastaların fonksiyonel ve radyolojik sonuçları
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Çalışmamızda en az bir yıllık takibi olan iki ve daha çok seviye dejeneratif lomber spinal stenoz tanısıyla dekompresyon ve spinal enstrumanla füzyon yapılan hastaların fonksiyonel ve radyolojik sonuçlarının değerlendirilmesi amaçlandı. Hastaların demografik verileri, ameliyat öncesi ve son kontrolündeki radyografileri, ameliyat öncesi MRG'leri, ameliyat öncesi ve son kontroldeki koşu bandı testi sonuçları değerlendirildi. Ameliyat öncesi ve son kontrollerinde hastalar tarafından doldurulan fonksiyonel durum ve genel sağlığa yönelik testler değerlendirildi.Çalışmaya katılan 15 hastanın 12'si kadın (%80), 3'ü erkek idi(%20). Hastaların ameliyat sırasındaki yaşları ortalama 67 (aralık;55-84), VKİ ortalama 32,4 kg/m² (aralık;21,3-46,8) idi. Onbir hastada en az bir tane sistemik hastalık vardı. Ameliyat öncesi stenotik segmetlerin aksiyel plandaki spinal kanal alanı ortalaması 91,4±6,3 (aralık;21,9-171,3) mm² ölçüldü. Spinal kanal alanı L4-5 seviyesinde ortalama 60,2±6,1 (aralık;31-98) mm², L3-4 de 72±6,1 (aralık;22-97) mm², L5-S1 de 90,2±6,2 (aralık;62-110) mm², L2-3 de 90,4±6,1 (aralık;70-105) mm² ölçüldü. Tüm hastalarda L4-5 seviyesinde, %80`inde L3-4, %73,3'ünde L5-S1, %33,3'ünde L2-3 seviyesinde stenoz vardı. Hastaların ortalama ameliyat süresi 221,6 dk (aralık;120-360), ameliyat sırasında ortalama kanama miktarı 996,6 ml (aralık;200-2500) idi. .Ortalama dekompresyon seviye sayısı 2,86 idi. Hastalardan %33,3 `üne (N=5) hemilaminektomi, %66,6'sına (N=10) total laminektomi yapıldı. Ortalama 4,66 seviye enstrumantasyon uygulandı. Beş hastaya (%33,3) TLİF uygulandı.Ortalama 21,1 ay takip edilen hastaların son kontroldeki fonksiyonel ve genel sağlığa yönelik test sonuçlarında, koşu bandı test sonuçlarında ameliyat öncesine göre anlamlı iyileşme olduğu görüldü. Ayrıca testlerin birbiri ile korelasyonu gösterildi. Son kontrolde hastaların %73,3'ünde hasta memnuniyeti mükemmel-iyi idi. Tedavi memnuniyeti ile yaş, VKİ, laminektomi sayısı, enstrumante edilen segment sayısı, TLİF kullanımı arasında anlamlı ilişki saptanmadı. Ameliyat sonrası komplikasyon gelişmesi hasta memnuniyetini olumsuz etkilemiştir. Komplikasyon gelişiminin yaş, VKİ, laminektomi sayısı, enstrumante edilen segment sayısı, TLİF kullanımı arasında anlamlı ilişki saptanmadı.
In the present study we aimed to assess the functional and radiologic results of the patients who underwent surgical treatment due to two or more level degenerative lomber spınal stenosis. Minimum follow-up is one year. Demographic data, radiographic results, and treadmill tests were obtained preoperatively and at the last visit. Questionnaires regarding functional status and general health were full-filled by tha patients preoperatively and at the last visit.Of the 15 patients 12 were women (80%) and 3 patient were men (20%). The mean age of patients at the time of operation was 67 (range;55-84). The mean of BMI was 32,4 kg/m2 (range;21,3-46,8). Eleven patients had at least one systemic disease. Preoperative mean area of spinal canal at the level of stenotic segments was 91,4±6,3 (range;21,9-171,3) mm2. The mean spinal canal area at L4-5, L3-4, L5-S1 and, at L2-3 were 60,2±6,1 (range;31-98) mm², 72±6,1 (range;22-97) mm², 90,2±6,2 (range;62-110) mm² and, 90,4±6,1 (range;70-105)mm² respectively. There was stenosis at the level of L4-5 in all of the patients. L3-4 level was stenotic in 80% of the patients, L5-S1 was stenotic in 73,3% of the patients, L2-3 was stenotic in 33,3% of the patients. The mean operation time was 221,6 minutes (range;120-360), at the time of operation the mean blood loss was 996,6 ml (range;200-2500). Mean level of decompression was 2,86. Five patients underwent hemilaminectomy, 10 patients underwent total laminectomy. The mean instrumentation level was 4,66. TLIF was performed in five patients (33,3%).At the last visit patients functional scores and radiographic results were satisfactory. Also correlation was shown between the tests. At last visit 73,3% of patients satisfaction was wonderfull or good. There were no relation between the treatment satisfaction and age, BMI, number of laminectomy, number of segment that were instrumented, TLIF usage. Presence of postop complications affected the patients goodness. There were no relation between the complications and age, BMI, number of laminectomy, number of instrumentated segment, TLIF usage.
In the present study we aimed to assess the functional and radiologic results of the patients who underwent surgical treatment due to two or more level degenerative lomber spınal stenosis. Minimum follow-up is one year. Demographic data, radiographic results, and treadmill tests were obtained preoperatively and at the last visit. Questionnaires regarding functional status and general health were full-filled by tha patients preoperatively and at the last visit.Of the 15 patients 12 were women (80%) and 3 patient were men (20%). The mean age of patients at the time of operation was 67 (range;55-84). The mean of BMI was 32,4 kg/m2 (range;21,3-46,8). Eleven patients had at least one systemic disease. Preoperative mean area of spinal canal at the level of stenotic segments was 91,4±6,3 (range;21,9-171,3) mm2. The mean spinal canal area at L4-5, L3-4, L5-S1 and, at L2-3 were 60,2±6,1 (range;31-98) mm², 72±6,1 (range;22-97) mm², 90,2±6,2 (range;62-110) mm² and, 90,4±6,1 (range;70-105)mm² respectively. There was stenosis at the level of L4-5 in all of the patients. L3-4 level was stenotic in 80% of the patients, L5-S1 was stenotic in 73,3% of the patients, L2-3 was stenotic in 33,3% of the patients. The mean operation time was 221,6 minutes (range;120-360), at the time of operation the mean blood loss was 996,6 ml (range;200-2500). Mean level of decompression was 2,86. Five patients underwent hemilaminectomy, 10 patients underwent total laminectomy. The mean instrumentation level was 4,66. TLIF was performed in five patients (33,3%).At the last visit patients functional scores and radiographic results were satisfactory. Also correlation was shown between the tests. At last visit 73,3% of patients satisfaction was wonderfull or good. There were no relation between the treatment satisfaction and age, BMI, number of laminectomy, number of segment that were instrumented, TLIF usage. Presence of postop complications affected the patients goodness. There were no relation between the complications and age, BMI, number of laminectomy, number of instrumentated segment, TLIF usage.
Spinal stenoz, Cerrahi tedavi, Fonksiyonel ve radyolojik sonuçlar, Spinal stenosis, Surgical treatment, Functional and radiological result
Göksel, F. (2011). İki ve daha çok seviye dejeneratif lomber spinal stenoz tanısıyla dekompresyon ve spinal enstrumanla füzyon yapılan hastaların fonksiyonel ve radyolojik sonuçları. Yayınlanmamış uzmanlık tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi.