Çevre bilincinin geliştirilmesine yönelik çevre eğitimi etkinliklerine ilköğretim okullarının duyarlılığı
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
2002-2003 öğretim yılında Bursa il merkezindeki 25 ilköğretim okulunda, çevre bilincinin geliştirilmesine yönelik uygulamalı çevre eğitimi yapılmıştır. Öğretmenler tarafından birer ay süre ile işlenen beş ana tema için hazırlanmış olan etkinlikler dosyası okullara önceden gönderilmiş ve öğretim dönemi boyunca 21 ilköğretim okulunda 8789 öğrencinin katılımıyla 51 etkinlik yapılmıştır. Yapılan çalışma ile etkinliklere katılan ilköğretim öğrencilerinin çevre konularına dikkatleri çekilmiş, bu konuda düşünmeleri ve fikir üretmeleri sağlanmış olmasının yanında, okulların çevre eğitimi duyarlılığının istenilen düzeyde olmadığı saptanmıştır.
In 2002-2003 academic year, an applied environment education had been given in 25 elementary schools which are located in central Bursa in order to increase environmental knowledge. 5 basic subjects had been thought by teachers, one month for each files of the activities, which were prepared for those subjects, had been sent to schools before hand. Throughout the academic year, 51 activities had been made in 21 elementary schools with attendance of 8789 students. With the studies made, elemantary school students who had attendend to the activities were attentioned to environment issues. They were forced to think about and come up with ideas. In addition, it has been seen that the sensitivity of the schools to environmental education is not in the desired level.
In 2002-2003 academic year, an applied environment education had been given in 25 elementary schools which are located in central Bursa in order to increase environmental knowledge. 5 basic subjects had been thought by teachers, one month for each files of the activities, which were prepared for those subjects, had been sent to schools before hand. Throughout the academic year, 51 activities had been made in 21 elementary schools with attendance of 8789 students. With the studies made, elemantary school students who had attendend to the activities were attentioned to environment issues. They were forced to think about and come up with ideas. In addition, it has been seen that the sensitivity of the schools to environmental education is not in the desired level.
Çevre bilinci, Çevre eğitimi, İlköğretim okulu, Environmental knowledge, Environmental education, Elementary school
Şimşekli, Y. (2004). "Çevre bilincinin geliştirilmesine yönelik çevre eğitimi etkinliklerine ilköğretim okullarının duyarlılığı". Uludağ Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi, 17(1), 83-92.