Assessment of socio-demographic factors, health status and theknowledge on probiotic dairy products

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Keai Publishing


The probiotic dairy products have become the fastest growing in functional foods market in response tothe increasing numbers of consumers interested in improving their health. Therefore, data collected from314 participants in the city of Bursa, Turkey, were analyzed with the aim to assess the socio-demographiccharacteristics and health status as well as the consumers knowledge and awareness of probiotic dairyproducts in order to gain a better understanding of consumers attitudes. It was observed that socio-demographic characteristics of the participants were not significantly associated with the degree ofknowledge or awareness and purchasing frequencies of probiotic dairy products. Having a higher edu-cational level, higher income level and being a woman indicated an increased the awareness, knowledgeand purchase probability of probiotic dairy products. This study emphasized that consumers should bemore informed about the positive relationship between a healthier life and the consumption of probioticdairy products.



Socio-demographics, Health, Probiotics, Knowledge, Functional foods, Consumer perception, Life-style, Yogurt, Attitudes, Supplements, Acceptance, Knowledge, Awareness, Expectations, Food science & technology, Nutrition & dietetics


Ersan, L. Y. vd. (2020). "Assessment of socio-demographic factors, health status and theknowledge on probiotic dairy products". Food Science and Human Wellness, 9(3), 272-279.