Tevrat'taki emir ve yasakların tespit ve tahlili
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Yahudilikte Bar/Bat Mitzvaların günlük hayatta uyabileceği ve takip edebileceği dini esasları pratik bir çerçevede Tevrat’tan alınarak formüle eden 613 emir ve yasak, her Yahudinin uygulaması gereken bir kurallar manzumesi olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Yahudi dininin emir ve yasakları olarak kabul edilen bu temel ilkeler, insanın Allah’la ve evrenle olan münasebetlerinin seyrini tayin etmekte, tevhid, ibadet ve ahlaki ilkelerin bir özeti olan bu esaslara her Yahudinin uyması istenmektedir. Bu 613 emir ve yasak, evrensel hukuk zaviyesinden bakıldığında “yasa”dan ziyade davranış kuralları olarak karşımıza çıkar. Çünkü bugün medeni kanun ve ceza yasası diye formüle edilen kurallar ahlak ve dinsel tören kurallarını da içerir. Hatta bunu medeni bir halkın uyacağı kurallar olarak da düşünmek mümkündür. Zira bu kurallar Batı’nın dini, toplumsal ve hukuki davranış kategorilerinden farklı değildir. Fakat günümüzde çeşitli nedenlerden dolayı bazı emir ve yasakların uygulanamadığı görülmektedir. Bu çalışmada Yahudilikte on emirden sonra her Yahudinin uyması gereken kurallar olarak bilinen ve Maimonides tarafından tasnif edilen 613 emir ve yasak tarafsız ve objektif bir şekilde, doğrudan Tevrat’a müracaat edilerek tespit edilmeye çalışılmıştır. Tezde, girişten sonra tasnif gereğince Yahudiliğin önce emirleri sonra da yasakları ele alınıp iki bölüm halinde incelenmiştir. Yine Yahudi kaynaklarına dayanılarak, bu emir ve yasaklarla ilgili yer yer yorumlar da yapılmıştır.
613 commandments (and prohibitions) that are obtained and formulated from the Torah are religious laws which Bar/Bat Mitzvas have to obey and follow in their lives in Judaism. These commandments determine the relationship between human and God, and between human and universe. Since they can be seen a summary of the Jewish ritual laws, traditions, and ethics, every Jew has to observe them. Considered in view of universal law, 613 commandments appear as behavioral rules rather than “law”. Rules which are categorized today as civil law and criminal law contain moral and ritual rules. These rules, in fact, can be seen the rules a civilized people should observe because they are not different from the religious, societal and judicial behavioral categories of the west. Some of these rules, however, are not followed because of various reasons. This study, objectively and neutrally, tries to determine and analyze 613 commandments, which every Jew has to observe, with reference to Torah directly. After an Introduction, it consists of two sections, one for positive commandments, and the other for negative commandments. This study also offers some interpretations on these positive and negative commandments, depending on Jewish sources.
613 commandments (and prohibitions) that are obtained and formulated from the Torah are religious laws which Bar/Bat Mitzvas have to obey and follow in their lives in Judaism. These commandments determine the relationship between human and God, and between human and universe. Since they can be seen a summary of the Jewish ritual laws, traditions, and ethics, every Jew has to observe them. Considered in view of universal law, 613 commandments appear as behavioral rules rather than “law”. Rules which are categorized today as civil law and criminal law contain moral and ritual rules. These rules, in fact, can be seen the rules a civilized people should observe because they are not different from the religious, societal and judicial behavioral categories of the west. Some of these rules, however, are not followed because of various reasons. This study, objectively and neutrally, tries to determine and analyze 613 commandments, which every Jew has to observe, with reference to Torah directly. After an Introduction, it consists of two sections, one for positive commandments, and the other for negative commandments. This study also offers some interpretations on these positive and negative commandments, depending on Jewish sources.
Yahudilik, Emirler ve yasaklar, Tevrat, Mitzva, Judaism, Torah, Mitzvah, Commandments
Seyyar, S. (2008). Tevrat'taki emir ve yasakların tespit ve tahlili. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.