İslam Hukukuna göre savaşta uyulacak kurallar
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Savaşlar, tarih boyu insanlık âleminin kaderini tayin eden önemli etkenlerden biri olmuştur. Bilinen birçok uygarlığın tarih sahnesine gelişi ve tarih sahnesinden silinmesi hep savaşlar yoluyla olmuştur. Tarihin birçok döneminde, bireysel ve toplumsal çıkarların ve dizginlenemeyen hırsların figüranı olarak şekillenen, doğal olarak da yakıp yıkmak ve insanlık onuruna uymayan vahşice davranışlar olarak uygulanan savaş, İslâm’la farklı bir boyut kazanmıştır. İslâm’da savaş; ancak yeryüzünde kargaşanın, haksızlığın önlenmesi, Allah’ın davetinin önündeki engellerin kaldırılması ve meşru müdafaa gibi makul gerekçelere dayandırılmıştır. İslâm’da savaş, barışı sağlamak ve sağlamlaştırmak için olunca, savaş sırasında gerek muharip güçlere, gerekse sivillerle karşı yapılacak muamelelerin sınırları insanlık onurunu aşmayacak genel prensiplerle çizilmiştir. İslâm’ın öncelikli hedefi barış olduğu için, İslâm savaşı başlatan nedenlerden çok, barışı sağlamlaştırmanın yollarını aramıştır. Dolayısıyla savaş ancak zaruret halinde yapılan geçici bir durum olarak kabul edilmiştir. Ancak, günümüzde savaşlar, ulusal çıkarlara hizmet eden, insan hakları ihlallerinin sıkça yapıldığı, kural tanımaz görüntülere sahne olmaktadır. Bütün teknolojik gelişmelere rağmen insanlık, insan onuruna yakışan bir savaş kültüründen oldukça uzaktır. Kabul edilen birçok uluslararası antlaşmaya rağmen, günümüz savaş hukukunun uygulanabilirliği hususunda ciddi problemler vardır. Sonuç olarak, ancak barışa hizmet eden ve insânî zaafiyetlerin şekillendirmediği İslâmî savaş; bütün unsurları ile zaruret halinde başvurulan ve başından sonuna kadar seyri evrensel prensiplerle şekillenen bir zaruret mekanizmasıdır.
All throughout the history, wars have been one of the most important factors determining the mankind’s fate. Nearly all of the civilizations that have existed on the earth have appeared and disappeared on the history stage by means of wars. During, most of the history time, wars have been formed as something serves personal and social benefits. And it has been always related to desires that can not be controlled. Naturally; it some what means destroying; harming humankind’s honour. However the case gains a different dimension thanks to Islam. When it comes to Islam wars can only be regarded as reasoneble only if does it aim to prevent civic turmoil, injustice Moreover, it is only legal as long as it intends to eliminate the abstacles which hinder the God’s invatation. According to Islam, when a war is inevitable in order to secure peace; there are general and strict principles that suggest to behave either combatants or civilians humanly and mercifully. As Islam’s primary thought is to keep peace; rather than the reasons that incites war, the ways strenghtening peace are kept in mind. War is only regarded as reasonalde in case of necessity. However, today is wars have turned into something serving national benefits, conditions in which human rights are violated and illegal applications. Despite all the techonological developments humanity is not able to reach a war culture that respecting human honour. In spite of international pacts related to war juris prudence, there seems very serious problems whwnit comes to aplications present. As a conclusion, Islamic War is necessity mechanism that is legal and acceptable in case of imperativeness and definitely must be formed by universal principles from beginning fill the end.
All throughout the history, wars have been one of the most important factors determining the mankind’s fate. Nearly all of the civilizations that have existed on the earth have appeared and disappeared on the history stage by means of wars. During, most of the history time, wars have been formed as something serves personal and social benefits. And it has been always related to desires that can not be controlled. Naturally; it some what means destroying; harming humankind’s honour. However the case gains a different dimension thanks to Islam. When it comes to Islam wars can only be regarded as reasoneble only if does it aim to prevent civic turmoil, injustice Moreover, it is only legal as long as it intends to eliminate the abstacles which hinder the God’s invatation. According to Islam, when a war is inevitable in order to secure peace; there are general and strict principles that suggest to behave either combatants or civilians humanly and mercifully. As Islam’s primary thought is to keep peace; rather than the reasons that incites war, the ways strenghtening peace are kept in mind. War is only regarded as reasonalde in case of necessity. However, today is wars have turned into something serving national benefits, conditions in which human rights are violated and illegal applications. Despite all the techonological developments humanity is not able to reach a war culture that respecting human honour. In spite of international pacts related to war juris prudence, there seems very serious problems whwnit comes to aplications present. As a conclusion, Islamic War is necessity mechanism that is legal and acceptable in case of imperativeness and definitely must be formed by universal principles from beginning fill the end.
İslâm hukuku, Savaş hukuku, Barış, İnsancıl hukuk, Siviller, Islamic law, Law of war, Peace, Humanitarian law, Civilians
Akıncı, A. (2007). İslam Hukukuna göre savaşta uyulacak kurallar. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.