İdari işlemin yetki unsuru
Ulu, Güher
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
İdari işlemin yetki unsuru, idari işlemin yapıcısı bakımından hukuka uygunluk şartıdır. İdari işlem herhangi bir kişi veya makam tarafından yapılamaz. İdari işlemin kişi, konu, zaman ve yer bakımından hukuk kuralları ile yetkilendirilmiş kişi veya kişilerce yapılması gerekir. Yetki kuralları hukuk düzeninde dağınık halde bulunur; ancak tüm idari yetkiler bakımından geçerli genel yetki kuralları kabul edilmektedir. Bu kurallar yetkilerin dayanağı ve sınırları, niteliği ve kullanılması bakımındandır. İdari yetkiler anayasa ve kanundan kaynaklanır ve kanunlarla sınırlıdır. İdari yetkiler varsayılamaz; idari yetkiler bakımından normatif bağımlılık söz konusudur. İdari yetkiler verilmiş yetki niteliğindedir ve istisnai niteliktedir, bundan dolayı dar yoruma tabi tutulur. İdari işlem yapma yetkisi kamu düzenine ilişkindir, yetkisizlik kamu düzenine ilişkin iptal sebebi teşkil eder. İdari yetkiler kullanılması zorunlu, vazgeçilmez ve devredilmez niteliktedir. Yetki sakatlıkları sonradan düzeltilemez, yetkisiz makamın yaptığı işlemlerdeki hukuka aykırılık, yetkili makamın sonradan vereceği onay veya izinle giderilemez. Ancak bu katı şekilde uygulanan yetki kurallarına istisnalar da getirilmektedir. Cari işlerin yürütülmesi, yetkilerin paralelliği ilkesi, fiilî memur teorisi, vekâlet ve yetki devri yetki kurallarının istisnalarını oluşturur. Yetki kurallarına aykırılık halleri söz konusu istisnalardan birine girmiyorsa, idari işlemi yetki unsuru bakımından hukuka aykırı hale getirir. Bu hukuka aykırılıklar negatif yetkisizlik, yetki gaspı, fonksiyon gaspı, yetki tecavüzü ve ağır ve bariz yetki tecavüzü olmak üzere farklı yetki sakatlıkları türlerini oluşturmaktadır. Bu yetki sakatlıklarının kural olarak yaptırımı idari işlemlerin idari yargı yerlerince iptalidir. Fakat bu yetki sakatlıklarının bir kısmı ağırlığı karşısında, işlemin maddi veya hukuki yokluğuna neden olmasından dolayı idari işlemin sıhhati bakımından yetki unsurunun önemine işaret eder.
The competence element of administrative acte is its legality condition relative to the author. The administrative acte can not be enacted by anyone or any authority. The administrative acte must be enacted by a person or people qualified by rules of law as competent ratione personae, materiae, temporis and loci. In the legal order, the rules of competence are disorganized, but also there are some rules called the general rules of competence accepted valid for all administrative powers. The administrative competences are based on the constitution and the codes and limited by them. The administrative competences can not be presumed; the normative subordination is obliged. The administrative competences are attributive and exceptional, because of that, the rule of restrictive intrepretation of exceptions is applied. The other exigence is the obligation of exercise the administrative competences. The competent can not abandon and transfer his powers. The competence of administrative decision making is related to public order, noncompetence is a reason of annulment concening the public order. The competence irregularities can not be covered by a ratification or an authorization of the competent. However in administrative law, there are exceptions derogating the strict rules of competence. These exceptions consist of the expedition of current activities, the principe of parallelisme of competences, the theory of de facto officer, the mandate, the delegation of competence. The infractions of the rules of competence constitute the illegality and different irregularities in the competence element of administrative acte called the negative noncompetence, the usurpation of power, the usurpation of fonctions, the trespassing of competence and at last the serious and obvious trespassing of competence. The competence element exposes his importence when its lack causes the material or juridical nonexistence of administrative acte.
The competence element of administrative acte is its legality condition relative to the author. The administrative acte can not be enacted by anyone or any authority. The administrative acte must be enacted by a person or people qualified by rules of law as competent ratione personae, materiae, temporis and loci. In the legal order, the rules of competence are disorganized, but also there are some rules called the general rules of competence accepted valid for all administrative powers. The administrative competences are based on the constitution and the codes and limited by them. The administrative competences can not be presumed; the normative subordination is obliged. The administrative competences are attributive and exceptional, because of that, the rule of restrictive intrepretation of exceptions is applied. The other exigence is the obligation of exercise the administrative competences. The competent can not abandon and transfer his powers. The competence of administrative decision making is related to public order, noncompetence is a reason of annulment concening the public order. The competence irregularities can not be covered by a ratification or an authorization of the competent. However in administrative law, there are exceptions derogating the strict rules of competence. These exceptions consist of the expedition of current activities, the principe of parallelisme of competences, the theory of de facto officer, the mandate, the delegation of competence. The infractions of the rules of competence constitute the illegality and different irregularities in the competence element of administrative acte called the negative noncompetence, the usurpation of power, the usurpation of fonctions, the trespassing of competence and at last the serious and obvious trespassing of competence. The competence element exposes his importence when its lack causes the material or juridical nonexistence of administrative acte.
İdari işlem, Yetki unsuru, Yetkinin unsurları, Yetki kuralları, Yetkisizliği gideren haller, Yetkisizlik, İptal, Yokluk, Administrative acte, Competence, Elements of competence, Rules of competence, Corrections of noncompetence, Noncompetence, Annulment, Nonexistence
Ulu, G. (2011). İdari işlemin yetki unsuru. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.