Yüksek süt verimli saanen ırkı keçilerde süt protein polimorfizmi
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bu çalışmada Balıkesir Tarım İl Müdürlüğü'ne bağlı olan Hayvan Islah ve Yetiştirme Birliği Damızlık Çiftliği'nde bulunan yüksek süt verimli keçi ırkı olan Saanen keçilerinin süt protein polimorfizminin incelenmesi amaçlandı. Bu amaçla 80 adet keçiden 10'ar mi süt örneği sabah sağımında alınarak hemen laboratuara getirildi. Santrifüj edilerek yağı ayrılan sütler, örneklerin jele uygulanmasına kadar +4 °C'de depolandı. Çalışmada süt kazeinleri ve süt serum proteinlerinin tiplerini aynı zamanda belirleyebilen horizontal nişasta-üre jel elektoroforezi kullanıldı. Numuneler jel üzerine uygulandıktan sonra elektroforez işlemi 350 volt'da yaklaşık 7-8 saat sürdürüldü. Elektroforez sonucunda süt proteinleri alfa-laktdburnin, alfa s -kazein, beta-kazein, kappa- kazein ve beta-laktoglobulin fraksiyonlarına ayrıldı. Alfa-laktalbumin, alfa s -kazein, beta- kazein, kappa-kazein bantları tek tipte görüldüğünden monomorfik olarak değerlendirildi. Beta laktoglobulin fraksiyonu incelendiğinde beta-laktoglobulin AA ve beta- laktoglobulin AB genotiplerinin bulunduğu görüldü. İki adet keçi sütünde ise bant gözlenemediğinden değerlendirme yapılamadı. Populasyondaki Saanen keçilerinin 77'sinde homozigot beta-laktoglobulin AA ve 1 'inde heterozigot beta-laktoglobulin AB genotipi bulundu. Allellerin frekansları ise beta-laktoglobulin A için 0.9936; beta-laktoglobulin B için 0.0064 olarak hesaplandı. Çalışmada incelenen Saanen ırkı keçilerin süt proteinlerinde polimorfizm belirlenemedi.
The milk protein polymorphism in Saanen goats with high milk yielding In this study, it was aimed to investigate the milk protein polymorphism in Saanen goats with high milk production in the farm of the "Association of Animal Improvement and Breeding", which is an establishment of the Department of Agriculture in Balıkesir. For this purpose, milk samples (10 ml from each goat) from 80 goats were collected for analysis. After the separation of the milk fat by centrifugation, the samples were stored at +4°C to be analyzed electrophoretically later. Horizonta! starch-urea gel electrophoresis, which can separate milk caseins and milk sera proteins at the same time, was used in this study. The samples were run on the gel at 350 volt for 7-8 hours. The milk proteins were separated as alpha-lactalbumin, alpha s- casein, beta-casein, kappa-casein and beta-lactoglobulin fractions on the gel. Alpha- lactalbumin, alpha s -casein, beta-casein and kappa-casein were determined as monomorphic since single band for each one was observed on the gel after electrophoresis. As for beta-lactoglobulin fraction, two bands corresponding to AA and AB genotypes were observed. In the samples of two goats, there was no detectable separation after electrophoresis. Seventy-seven out of 78 goats had homozygous beta-lactoglobulin (AA), whereas only one goat had heterozygous beta-lactoglobulin (AB). Frequency of beta- lactoglobulin A and B alleles was calculated as 0.9936 and 0.0064, respectively. No polymorphism was determined in the milk proteins of Saanen goats.
The milk protein polymorphism in Saanen goats with high milk yielding In this study, it was aimed to investigate the milk protein polymorphism in Saanen goats with high milk production in the farm of the "Association of Animal Improvement and Breeding", which is an establishment of the Department of Agriculture in Balıkesir. For this purpose, milk samples (10 ml from each goat) from 80 goats were collected for analysis. After the separation of the milk fat by centrifugation, the samples were stored at +4°C to be analyzed electrophoretically later. Horizonta! starch-urea gel electrophoresis, which can separate milk caseins and milk sera proteins at the same time, was used in this study. The samples were run on the gel at 350 volt for 7-8 hours. The milk proteins were separated as alpha-lactalbumin, alpha s- casein, beta-casein, kappa-casein and beta-lactoglobulin fractions on the gel. Alpha- lactalbumin, alpha s -casein, beta-casein and kappa-casein were determined as monomorphic since single band for each one was observed on the gel after electrophoresis. As for beta-lactoglobulin fraction, two bands corresponding to AA and AB genotypes were observed. In the samples of two goats, there was no detectable separation after electrophoresis. Seventy-seven out of 78 goats had homozygous beta-lactoglobulin (AA), whereas only one goat had heterozygous beta-lactoglobulin (AB). Frequency of beta- lactoglobulin A and B alleles was calculated as 0.9936 and 0.0064, respectively. No polymorphism was determined in the milk proteins of Saanen goats.
Süt proteinleri, Elektroforezis, Polimorfizm, Saanen keçisi, Milk proteins, Electrophoresis, Polymorphism, Saanen goat
Türkyılmaz, Ö. (2003). Yüksek süt verimli saanen ırkı keçilerde süt protein polimorfizmi. Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü.