Bursa Arkeoloji Müzesi’nde yer alan hayvan figürlü sikkeler
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Çalışmanın konusunu Bursa Arkeoloji Müzesinde yer alan Arkaik, Klasik ve Helenistik Dönemlere tarihlenen hayvan ve mitolojik yaratık betimli sikkeler oluşturmaktadır. Bu yönüyle müzeden seçilen eserler; zamansal olarak sınırlı, ancak mekânsal olarak geniş bir coğrafyaya yayılmıştır. Sikkelerin ön ve arka yüzlerine ait fotoğraflar profesyonel makine yardımıyla makro çekim yapılarak elde edilmiştir. Çekimi yapılan bu fotoğrafların arka fonları temizlenerek kataloğa dahil edilmiştir. Sikkelerin ön ve arka yüzlerine ait vektörel temalı çizimler İllüstratör programıyla oluşturulmuştur. Bu çizimler katalog kısmında fotoğrafların altına eklenmiştir. Böylece fotoğraflar ve çizimlerle katalog üzerinde bir bütünlük sağlanmıştır. Sikkeler üzerinde yer alan hayvan ve mitolojik yaratıklar, tipolojik ve ikonografik olarak ayrı ayrı sınıflandırılmıştır. Ortak kullanılan betimin birbiriyle olan benzerlik ve farklılıklarına dikkat çekilmeye çalışılmıştır. Böylece uslup farklılıkları da sorgulanmıştır. Sikkeler üzerindeki betimlerin kentler tarafından olası seçilme sebepleri çalışmanın en çok üzerinde durduğu problemdir. Bu olgu irdelenmeye başladıkça bu olası sebeplerin kentlerin tarihçeleri, mitoloji ve inanış sistemleri, siyasi, ticari ve günlük hayatlarıyla bağlantılı olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Yani sikkenin ön veya arka yüzünde yer alan hayvan betimlerinin görsellik kaygısından ziyade arka planında yatan derin bir sembolizmi olduğu görülmüştür. Çalışma kapsamında hazırlanan grafik ve tablolardan hareketle hayvan ve mitolojik yaratıkların nicelik olarak sınıflamaları yapılmıştır. Bu sayısal veriler yardımıyla Antik Dönemdeki hayvan ve mitolojik yaratık imgelerinin kullanım yoğunluğu hakkında fikir sahibi olunabilecektir. Farklı bölge ve zaman dilimine ait sikkelerin seçilmesi sebebiyle bu tablo ve grafikler yardımıyla okuyucuların konuyu daha kolay takip edebilmeleri sağlanmıştır.
The subject matter of the study comprises the coins with animal and mythological creature depictions dated to the Archaic, Classical and Hellenistic Periods in Bursa Archaeology Museum. With this aspect of them, the artifacts selected from the museum are limited in terms of time, but spread over a wide geography spatially. The photographs belonging to the front and back sides of the coins were obtained by taking macro shots with the help of a professional camera. The backgrounds of the photographs were cleaned and included in the catalog. Vector themed drawings of the front and back sides of the coins were created via the Illustrator program. These drawings were added under the photographs in the catalog section. In this way, an integrity in the catalog with photographs and drawings was provided. The animals and mythological creatures on the coins were classified separately as typological and iconographic. It was tried to invite attention to the similarities and differences between the commonly used depictions. Accordingly, stylistic differences were also questioned. The possible reasons for the selection of the depictions on the coins by the cities is the issue that the study focuses on the most. As this phenomenon started to be scrutinized, it was concluded that these possible reasons were related to the history, mythology and belief systems, and political, commercial, and daily lives of the cities. That is to say, it was seen that the animal depictions on the front or back of the coins have a deep symbolism lying in the background rather than a visual concern. In view of the graphics and tables drawn up within the scope of the study, the quantitative classification of animals and mythological creatures was made. With the help of these numerical data, it will be possible to have an idea about the intensity of use of animal and mythological creature images in the Ancient Period. Because of the selection of coins belonging to different regions and time periods, it was ensured that the readers could follow the subject more easily with the help of the said tables and graphics.
The subject matter of the study comprises the coins with animal and mythological creature depictions dated to the Archaic, Classical and Hellenistic Periods in Bursa Archaeology Museum. With this aspect of them, the artifacts selected from the museum are limited in terms of time, but spread over a wide geography spatially. The photographs belonging to the front and back sides of the coins were obtained by taking macro shots with the help of a professional camera. The backgrounds of the photographs were cleaned and included in the catalog. Vector themed drawings of the front and back sides of the coins were created via the Illustrator program. These drawings were added under the photographs in the catalog section. In this way, an integrity in the catalog with photographs and drawings was provided. The animals and mythological creatures on the coins were classified separately as typological and iconographic. It was tried to invite attention to the similarities and differences between the commonly used depictions. Accordingly, stylistic differences were also questioned. The possible reasons for the selection of the depictions on the coins by the cities is the issue that the study focuses on the most. As this phenomenon started to be scrutinized, it was concluded that these possible reasons were related to the history, mythology and belief systems, and political, commercial, and daily lives of the cities. That is to say, it was seen that the animal depictions on the front or back of the coins have a deep symbolism lying in the background rather than a visual concern. In view of the graphics and tables drawn up within the scope of the study, the quantitative classification of animals and mythological creatures was made. With the help of these numerical data, it will be possible to have an idea about the intensity of use of animal and mythological creature images in the Ancient Period. Because of the selection of coins belonging to different regions and time periods, it was ensured that the readers could follow the subject more easily with the help of the said tables and graphics.
Bursa Arkeoloji Müzesi, Sikke, Nümismatik, Hayvan figürü, Mitolojik yaratık figürü, Arkaik sikke, Klasik sikke, Helenistik sikke, Bursa Archaeology Museum, Coin, Numismatics, Animal figure, Mythological creature figure, Archaic coin, Classic coin, Hellenistic coin
Tan, İ. (2023). Bursa Arkeoloji Müzesi’nde yer alan hayvan figürlü sikkeler. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.