Electricity generation from landfill gas in Turkey

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Taylor & Francis


Landfill gas (LFG)-to-energy plants in Turkey were investigated, and the LFG-to-energy plant of a metropolitan municipal landfill was monitored for 3years. Installed capacities and actual gas engine working hours were determined. An equation was developed to estimate the power capacity for LFG-to-energy plants for a given amount of landfilled waste. Monitoring the actual gas generation rates enabled determination of LFG generation factors for Turkish municipal waste. A significant relationship (R=0.524, p<0.01, two-tailed) was found between the amounts of landfilled waste and the ambient temperature, which can be attributed to food consumption and kitchen waste generation behaviors influenced by the ambient temperature. However, no significant correlation was found between the ambient temperature and the generated LFG. A temperature buffering capacity was inferred to exist within the landfill, which enables the anaerobic reactions to continue functioning even during cold seasons. The average LFG and energy generation rates were 45m(3) LFG/ton waste landfilled and 0.08 MWhr/ton waste landfilled, respectively. The mean specific LFG consumption for electricity generation was 52928m(3)/MWhr.Implications: The paper will be useful for local authorities who need to manage municipal waste by using landfills. The paper will also be useful for investors who want to evaluate the energy production potential of municipal wastes and the factors affecting the energy generation process mostly for economical purposes. Landfills can be regarded as energy sources and their potentials need to be investigated. The paper will also be useful for policymakers dealing with energy issues. The paper contains information on real practical data such as engine working hours, equation to estimate the necessary power for a given amount of landfilled waste, and son on.



Engineering, Environmental sciences & ecology, Meteorology & atmospheric sciences, Municipal solid-waste, Methane emissions, Management, Energy, Biogas, Temperature, Impact, Model, Collection, Benefits, Electric power generation, Engines, Food supply, Gas plants, Land fill, Temperature, Anaerobic reactions, Buffering capacities, Electricity generation, Energy generations, Energy productions, Gas generation rates, Landfill gas to energies (LFG), Municipal landfills, Renewable energy resources


Salihoğlu, N. K. (2018). ''Electricity generation from landfill gas in Turkey''. Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association, 68(10), 1126-1137.