Mekanik ventilasyon tedavisi alan prematüre yenidoğanlarda fentanil analjezisi uygulaması: Plasebo kontrollü çift kör çalışma
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Prematüre yenidoğan bebekler geç gestasyon süresince ağrı algılaması için gerekli anatomik, nörofizyolojik ve hormonal komponentlere sahiptir. Ağrı duyusu ve ağrıya davranışsal ve nöroendokrin cevaplar prematüre yenidoğanlarda önemli klinik sonuçlara neden olmaktadır. Fentanil analjezisi, ağrıya karşı etkin bir farmakolojik yöntemdir. Çalışmaya 24 prematüre yenidoğan alındı. Vakalar randomize olarak iki gurba ayrılarak bir gruba 5 gün 1 mgr/kg/saat fentanil infüzyonu, diğer gruba plasebo (%0,9 NaCI) verildi. Fentanil verilen 12 vaka ile plasebo verilen 12 vakanın karakteristik özellikleri aynıydı. Her iki grubun bazal, 24, 48 ve 72. saat kan glukoz, kortizol, büyüme hormonu ve prolaktin düzeyleri hem gruplar arasında hem de kendi içlerindeki izlemleri bakımından karşılaştırıldı. Fentanil alan grupta kortizolün 38,3±27,9 mg/dl olan bazal düzeyi plaseboyla karşılaştırıldığında 24 ve 48. saatte anlamlı olarak daha düşük düzeylere indi (sırasıyla 12,4±12,8 ve 10,1±7,1 mg/dl) (p<0,05). Gruplar arasında kan glukoz, prolaktin ve büyüme hormonu düzeyleri bakımından anlamlı farklılık yoktu. Fentanil alan grupta daha düşük davranışsal sedasyon skorları ölçüldü (24. saat için p<0,05 ve 48. ve 72. saatler için p<0,01). Hemodinamik olarak fentanil ve plasebo karşılaştırıldığında, ilk 24 saatte fentanil alan grupta plaseboyla karşılaştırıldığında daha düşük kan basıncı (59±7 mmHg) ölçüldü (p<0,05), bunun dışında anlamlı bir hemodinamik farklılık tespit edilmedi. Fentanil alan grupta mekanik ventilasyon desteği bakımından karşılaştırıldığında, 24 ve 72. saatlerde pozitif inspiratuar basınç ihtiyacı plasebo alan gruba göre daha düşüktü (her iki zaman için de ort PIP±SD=17±1 cmH₂0) (p<0,05 ve p<0,01). Plasebo grubunda % 50 oranında intraventriküler kanama tespit edilirken, fentanil alan grupta bu oran % 8'di (p<0,05). Gastrointestinal dismotilite ise fentanil alan grupta % 50 oranında tespit edildi ve plaseboya göre anlamlı olarak yüksekti (p<0,05). Sonuç olarak, mekanik ventilasyon tedavisi alan prematüre yenidoğan bebeklerde fentanil analjezisi uygulaması, ağrıya karşı verilen davranışsal ve nöroendokrin yanıtları iyileştirebilen, kısa süreli klinik sonuçlar üzerinde olumlu etkileri olan ve önlenebilir yan etkileri ile güven veren bir yöntemdir.
Premature newborns have anatomic, neuro physiologic and hormonal components which are needed for pain perception during the late gestational period. Pain perception and behavioral and neoru endocrinological responses against pain causes important clinical concequances in premature newborns. Fentanyl analgesia is an effective pharmacological measures against pain. A total of 24 premature newborns are included in the study. The studycases are randomised into two groups and one group received fentanylin fusion at a dose of 1 µgr/kg/hour and the other group received placebo (%0,9 NaCl). The characteristic features of the study (n=12) and placebo (n=12} group were similar. Serum glucose, cortisol, growth hormone andprolactin levels are measured at baseline, 24th, 48th ve 72nd hours in both groups and compared within and between groups. Baseline level of meanserum cortisol (38,3±27,9 µg/dl) significantly decreased at 24th and 48th hours (12,4±12,8 and 10,1±7,1 µg/dl, respectively) when compared toplacebo group (p<0,05). There were no statistically sigificant diferences between groups in respect to serum glucose, prolactin and growth hormonlevels. Behavioral sedation scores were less in fentanyl group (p<0,05 for 24th hour and p<0,01 for 48th and 72nd hours). When fentanyl and placebo groups were compared hemodynamically, it was seen that the mean blood pressure measurements during the first 24-hour were less in fentanyl group (59±7 mmHg) (p<0,05). The other hemodynamic parameters were similiar. Comparisons according to the need for mechanical ventilation revealed that the requirement to positive inspiratory pressure at 24th and 72nd hours were less in fentnayl group (17±1 cmH₂0 in both times) (p<0,05 and p<0,01, respectively). The ratios of intraventricular hemorrhagia were 50 percent and 8 percent in placebo and fentanyl groups, respectively (p<0,05). There was 50 percent gastrointestinal dismotility in the fentanyl group and this was significantly higher than the placebo group (p<0,05). In conclusion, the application of fentanyl analgesia in premature newborns receiving mechanical ventilation is a safe and effective method which improves the behavioral and neuroendocrine responses to pain and which has positive influences on short term clinical outcomes, with preventable side effects.
Premature newborns have anatomic, neuro physiologic and hormonal components which are needed for pain perception during the late gestational period. Pain perception and behavioral and neoru endocrinological responses against pain causes important clinical concequances in premature newborns. Fentanyl analgesia is an effective pharmacological measures against pain. A total of 24 premature newborns are included in the study. The studycases are randomised into two groups and one group received fentanylin fusion at a dose of 1 µgr/kg/hour and the other group received placebo (%0,9 NaCl). The characteristic features of the study (n=12) and placebo (n=12} group were similar. Serum glucose, cortisol, growth hormone andprolactin levels are measured at baseline, 24th, 48th ve 72nd hours in both groups and compared within and between groups. Baseline level of meanserum cortisol (38,3±27,9 µg/dl) significantly decreased at 24th and 48th hours (12,4±12,8 and 10,1±7,1 µg/dl, respectively) when compared toplacebo group (p<0,05). There were no statistically sigificant diferences between groups in respect to serum glucose, prolactin and growth hormonlevels. Behavioral sedation scores were less in fentanyl group (p<0,05 for 24th hour and p<0,01 for 48th and 72nd hours). When fentanyl and placebo groups were compared hemodynamically, it was seen that the mean blood pressure measurements during the first 24-hour were less in fentanyl group (59±7 mmHg) (p<0,05). The other hemodynamic parameters were similiar. Comparisons according to the need for mechanical ventilation revealed that the requirement to positive inspiratory pressure at 24th and 72nd hours were less in fentnayl group (17±1 cmH₂0 in both times) (p<0,05 and p<0,01, respectively). The ratios of intraventricular hemorrhagia were 50 percent and 8 percent in placebo and fentanyl groups, respectively (p<0,05). There was 50 percent gastrointestinal dismotility in the fentanyl group and this was significantly higher than the placebo group (p<0,05). In conclusion, the application of fentanyl analgesia in premature newborns receiving mechanical ventilation is a safe and effective method which improves the behavioral and neuroendocrine responses to pain and which has positive influences on short term clinical outcomes, with preventable side effects.
Fentanil, Mekanik ventilasyon, Ağrı, Prematüre, Stres, Fentanyl, Mechanical ventilation, Pain, Premature, Stress
Bağcı, S. (2002). Mekanik ventilasyon tedavisi alan prematüre yenidoğanlarda fentanil analjezisi uygulaması: Plasebo kontrollü çift kör çalışma. Yayınlanmamış tıpta uzmanlık tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi.