İzmir Çamaltı tuzlası ve Tuz gölünden izole edilen iki Dunaliella sp. suşunun büyüme ve toplam karotenoid üretme özelliklerinin belirlenmesi
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Ülkemizde tuz üretim tesislerinde, tuzlu ve sodalı göllerde besin zincirinin ilk halkasını oluşturan, hızlı büyüme özellikleri ve çevresel faktörlere karşı geniş tolerans gösterebilen, Dunaliella mikroalgine ait türler belirli dönemlerde yüksek yoğunlukta bulunmaktadır. İzmir Çamaltı tuzlasından izole edilen Dunaliella sp. suşu AQUAMEB 9 ve Tuz Gölü'nden izole edilen AQUAMEB 20 suşu BTÜ kültür koleksiyonundan temin edilerek kullanılmıştır. Kültür ortamı olarak 165 ppt tuzluluğa sahip Plymouth Erd-Schreiber kültür ortamı kullanılmıştır. AQUAMEB 9 ve AQUAMEB 20 suşları 2 ve 3 tekrarlı olarak, sabit sıcaklıkta (24 °C±1), düşük ışık (65 µmol.foton.m-2.s-1) ve yüksek ışık yoğunluklarında (650 µmol.foton.m-2.s-1) büyüme ve beta karoten üretimlerinin incelenmesi için deneylere tabii tutulmuştur. Büyüme deneyleri duraklama evresinin sonuna kadar devam etmiştir. Hücre büyümesi Uthermohl yöntemiyle mikroskopta sayılmasıyla belirlenmiştir. Total karotenoid miktarları ise spektrofotometrik yöntemlerle belirlenmiştir. Tez çalışmasının sonucunda, yüksek ışık yoğunluğu altında AQUAMEB 9 ve AQUAMEB 20 Dunaliella sp. suşlarının hücre sayılarında ve toplam karotenoid miktarında artış tespit edilmiştir. Yüksek ışık yoğunluğunun büyümeyi ve pigment üretiminin arttırıcı yönde etkisi olduğu belirlenmiş olup, AQUAMEB 9 ve AQUAMEB 20 Dunaliella sp. suşlarının farklı ışık şiddetlerinde farklı pigment üretim potansiyellerine sahip olduğu tespit edilmiştir.
Dunaliella species, which constitute the first ring of the food chain in salt production plants, salty and soda lakes in our country, are able to exhibit rapid growth characteristics and wide tolerance to environmental factors. Dunaliella sp. strain AQUAMEB 9 was isolated from İzmir Çamaltı Saltern, while AQUAMEB 20 strain isolated from Tuz Lake. All strains were obtained from BTU culture collection. Plymouth Erd-Schreiber culture medium with a salinity of 165 ppt was used as culture medium. AQUAMEB 9 and AQUAMEB 20 strains were subjected to experiments to examine growth and beta carotene production at constant temperature (24 ° C ± 1), low light (65 µmol.foton.m-2.s-1) and high light (650 µmol.foton.m-2. s-1) intensities, 2 and 3 repetitions, respectively. Growth experiments continued until the end of the stationary phase. Cell growth was determined by using the Uthermohl method under the microscope. Total carotenoids quantity were determined by spectrophotometric methods. As a result of the study, the cell numbers and total carotenoid amounts of AQUAMEB 9 and AQUAMEB 20 Dunaliella sp. strains were determined under high light intensity. It was found that the number of cells and total carotenoid amounts increased in repetitions. High light intensity has been found the have on effect on increasing growth and pigment production. It was determined that high light intensity had an effect on growth and pigment production, and AQUAMEB 9 and AQUAMEB 20 Dunaliella sp. strains have different pigment production potentials at different light intensities.
Dunaliella species, which constitute the first ring of the food chain in salt production plants, salty and soda lakes in our country, are able to exhibit rapid growth characteristics and wide tolerance to environmental factors. Dunaliella sp. strain AQUAMEB 9 was isolated from İzmir Çamaltı Saltern, while AQUAMEB 20 strain isolated from Tuz Lake. All strains were obtained from BTU culture collection. Plymouth Erd-Schreiber culture medium with a salinity of 165 ppt was used as culture medium. AQUAMEB 9 and AQUAMEB 20 strains were subjected to experiments to examine growth and beta carotene production at constant temperature (24 ° C ± 1), low light (65 µmol.foton.m-2.s-1) and high light (650 µmol.foton.m-2. s-1) intensities, 2 and 3 repetitions, respectively. Growth experiments continued until the end of the stationary phase. Cell growth was determined by using the Uthermohl method under the microscope. Total carotenoids quantity were determined by spectrophotometric methods. As a result of the study, the cell numbers and total carotenoid amounts of AQUAMEB 9 and AQUAMEB 20 Dunaliella sp. strains were determined under high light intensity. It was found that the number of cells and total carotenoid amounts increased in repetitions. High light intensity has been found the have on effect on increasing growth and pigment production. It was determined that high light intensity had an effect on growth and pigment production, and AQUAMEB 9 and AQUAMEB 20 Dunaliella sp. strains have different pigment production potentials at different light intensities.
Mikroalg, Dunaliella, İzmir çamaltı tuzlası, Tuz gölü, Toplam karotenoid, Microalgae, İzmir çamaltı saltern, Tuz lake, Total carotenoid
Dönmez, G. (2019). İzmir Çamaltı tuzlası ve Tuz gölünden izole edilen iki Dunaliella sp. suşunun büyüme ve toplam karotenoid üretme özelliklerinin belirlenmesi. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü.