Bursa ili sahil bölgelerinde metal düzeylerinin izlenmesi
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bursa, Marmara Bölgesi'nin sanayi, tarım ve ekonomik açıdan gelişmiş olan bir şehridir. Bölgede yapılan deniz taşımacılığı ve artan nüfusun yaratabileceği çevresel deniz kirliliğinin izlenmesi önem arz etmektedir. "Bursa ili sahil bölgelerinde metal düzeylerinin izlenmesi" 2017 yılının Temmuz ile Aralık aylarını kapsayan 6 aylık periyotta seçilen kıyı şeridindeki 7 bölgeden toplamda alınan 42 deniz suyu örneği üzerinden planlanmıştır. Deniz suyunda metal iyonlarının eser düzeyde bulunması ve çeşitli girişim etkileri tayin edilebilirliğini zorlaştırmaktadır. Alevli Atomik Absorpsiyon Spektrometresi (AAAS) ile eser düzeyde bulunan metal analizlerinde, birlikte çöktürme, adsorpsiyon, katı faz ekstraksiyon (SPE), iyon değiştirme gibi çeşitli zenginleştirme teknikleri uygulanmasını gerektirmektedir. Bu açıdan bakıldığında, Bursa İli Sahil Bölgesinden alınan deniz suyu örneklerinde; kadmiyum, krom, bakır, nikel, kurşun ve çinko metallerinin eş zamanlı olarak tayin edilmesi için metal şelatlaştırıcı olarak 8-hidroksi kinolin kullanılarak aktif karbon dolgulu kolonda zenginleştirme sonrası belirtilen metaller için metot geliştirilmiştir.Geliştirilen metot için geçerli kılma çalışmaları, sentetik deniz suyuna (ASTM D1141-98) 1 mg/L Cd, Cu, Cr, Ni, Pb ve Zn ilave edilerek yüzde geri kazananım verimleri ile incelenmiştir. Ayrıca metot ticari olarak mevcut olan QC-3163 numaralı sertifikalı referans malzeme yardımıyla da test edilmiştir. Bursa ili sahil bölgelerinden alınan deniz suyu örneklerinde Cd, Cu, Cr, Ni, Pb ve Zn metal derişimleri tespit limitinin (KüçükLOD) ve yasal mevzuat değerlerinin altında tespit edilmiştir. 6 aylık zamana bağlı olarak gerçekleştirilen analizlerde deniz suyuna ait fiziksel özellikler yerinde belirlenmiştir.
Bursa is an industrial, agricultural and economically developed city of the Marmara region. It is important to monitor environmental sea pollution that may be caused by maritime transport and the increasing population. Metal monitoring of metal levels in the coastal areas of the Bursa was planned over 42 seawater samples taken from 7 regions of the selected coastline in the 6-month period covering July and December 2017. The traceability of metal ions in seawater makes it difficult to detect because of various interference effects. In the trace metal analysis with Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (AAAS), various enrichment techniques such as co-precipitation, adsorption, solid phase extraction (SPE) and ion exchange are required. In this respect, seawater samples were taken from the coastal region of Bursa; for the simultaneous determination of cadmium, chromium, copper, nickel, lead and zinc metals, 8-hydroxyquinoline was used as the metal chelating agent and the method for the mentioned metals after enrichment in the activated carbon filled column was developed.The validation studies for the developed method were investigated with percent recovery yields by adding 1 mg / L Cd, Cu, Cr, Ni, Pb and Zn to synthetic seawater (ASTM D1141-98). The method was also tested with the help of the commercially available reference material QC-3163. Cd, Cu, Cr, Ni, Pb, and Zn metal concentrations in seawater samples taken from coastal regions of Bursa were determined below the limit of determination (LOD) and legal values. The physical properties of seawater were determined on the spot in the analyses carried out over a period of 6 months.
Bursa is an industrial, agricultural and economically developed city of the Marmara region. It is important to monitor environmental sea pollution that may be caused by maritime transport and the increasing population. Metal monitoring of metal levels in the coastal areas of the Bursa was planned over 42 seawater samples taken from 7 regions of the selected coastline in the 6-month period covering July and December 2017. The traceability of metal ions in seawater makes it difficult to detect because of various interference effects. In the trace metal analysis with Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (AAAS), various enrichment techniques such as co-precipitation, adsorption, solid phase extraction (SPE) and ion exchange are required. In this respect, seawater samples were taken from the coastal region of Bursa; for the simultaneous determination of cadmium, chromium, copper, nickel, lead and zinc metals, 8-hydroxyquinoline was used as the metal chelating agent and the method for the mentioned metals after enrichment in the activated carbon filled column was developed.The validation studies for the developed method were investigated with percent recovery yields by adding 1 mg / L Cd, Cu, Cr, Ni, Pb and Zn to synthetic seawater (ASTM D1141-98). The method was also tested with the help of the commercially available reference material QC-3163. Cd, Cu, Cr, Ni, Pb, and Zn metal concentrations in seawater samples taken from coastal regions of Bursa were determined below the limit of determination (LOD) and legal values. The physical properties of seawater were determined on the spot in the analyses carried out over a period of 6 months.
Deniz suyu, Bursa, Metal, AAAS, Aktif karbon, 8-HQ, Seawater, Activated carbon
Uygun, M. (2019). Bursa ili sahil bölgelerinde metal düzeylerinin izlenmesi. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.