Anjiyokardiyografi yapılan çocuklarda sineürografilerde saptanan sessiz üriner sistem anomalilerinin sıklığı
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bu çalışmada Uludağ Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi, Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalı, Çocuk Kardiyoloji Bilim Dalı'nda 01.01.1995-20.10.2015 tarihleri arasında yapılmış olan anjiyokardiyografilerin sineürografik görüntülerinin değerlendirilerek, kalp hastalıklarına eşlik eden üriner sistem anomalilerinin sıklık, dağılım ve özelliklerini saptamak ve sineürografik görüntülerin üriner sistem anomalilerini belirlemedeki etkinliklerinin gösterilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmamızda anjiyokardiyografi yapılan 2022 hastanın sineürografik görüntüleri retrospektif olarak incelendi. Olguların 261'inde (%12,9) üriner sistem anomalisi tespit edildi. Çalışmadaki hastaların 148'i (%56,7) erkek, 113'ü (%43,3) kız idi. Kalp hastalıkları arasında üriner sistem anomalilerinin en sık eşlik ettiği grup, 120 (%39,1) hastada bulunan, asiyanotik soldan sağa şantlı kalp hastalıkları idi. Üriner sistem anomalileri arasında, hastaların 89'unda (%34,1) görülen pelvikalisiyel dilatasyon, ilk sırada yer aldı. Sineürografi ile saptanan üriner sistem anomalilerinin 94'ünün (%4,6) klinik olarak önemli olduğu görüldü. Sineürografinin etkinliğini saptamak amacıyla incelenen hastaların ultrasonografi kayıtlarında sineürografinin %63,8 doğruluk oranına sahip olduğu belirlendi. Konjenital kalp hastalığı olan hastaların birçoğunda eşlik eden üriner sistem anomalisi bulunabilmektedir. Anjiyokardiyografi sırasında yapılacak sineürografik görüntüleme ile klinik olarak sessiz seyreden üriner sistem anomalilerinin tespit edilmesi ve bu hastaların tedavilerine erkenden başlanarak prognozlarının iyileştirilmesi ve böylece ileride gelişebilecek birtakım sorunların engellenmesi sağlanabilir.
Aim of this study is to determine the effectiveness of cineurographic images in determining the urinary tract abnormalities and evaluating of cineurographic images of angiocardiographies which performed at Department of Pediatric Cardiology, Uludag University, School of Medicine between 01.01.1995 and 20.10.2015 to detect frequency, range and characteristics of cardiac abnormalities accompanied by urinary system abnormalities. In our study cineurographic images of 2022 patients who underwent angiocardiography were examined retrospectively. Urinary system abnormalities were detected in 261 cases (12,9%). In this study 148 of the patients (56,7%) were male and 113 of the patients (43,3%) were female. In all congenital heart disease most commonly acyanotic heart disease with a left-right shunt were accompanied by urinary tract abnormalities. In urinary tract abnormalities, pelvicaliceal dilatation, which seen at 89 patients (34,1%), was the most common abnormality. Ninety-four of urinary system abnormalities (4,6%) which detected by cineurography are clinically significant. In order to determine effectiveness of cineurography, we viewed ultrasound records of patients and cineurography was found to have a 63,8% accuracy rate. Most of patients who has congenital heart disease have concomitant urinary tract abnormalities. Cineurographic screening during angiocardiography can detect clinically silent urinary tract abnormalities and can improve prognosis of these patients by early starting treatment and can prevent some complications which may develop in the future.
Aim of this study is to determine the effectiveness of cineurographic images in determining the urinary tract abnormalities and evaluating of cineurographic images of angiocardiographies which performed at Department of Pediatric Cardiology, Uludag University, School of Medicine between 01.01.1995 and 20.10.2015 to detect frequency, range and characteristics of cardiac abnormalities accompanied by urinary system abnormalities. In our study cineurographic images of 2022 patients who underwent angiocardiography were examined retrospectively. Urinary system abnormalities were detected in 261 cases (12,9%). In this study 148 of the patients (56,7%) were male and 113 of the patients (43,3%) were female. In all congenital heart disease most commonly acyanotic heart disease with a left-right shunt were accompanied by urinary tract abnormalities. In urinary tract abnormalities, pelvicaliceal dilatation, which seen at 89 patients (34,1%), was the most common abnormality. Ninety-four of urinary system abnormalities (4,6%) which detected by cineurography are clinically significant. In order to determine effectiveness of cineurography, we viewed ultrasound records of patients and cineurography was found to have a 63,8% accuracy rate. Most of patients who has congenital heart disease have concomitant urinary tract abnormalities. Cineurographic screening during angiocardiography can detect clinically silent urinary tract abnormalities and can improve prognosis of these patients by early starting treatment and can prevent some complications which may develop in the future.
Anjiyokardiyografi, Üriner sistem anomalileri, Sineürografi, Angiocardiography, Urinary system abnormalities, Cineurography
Oral, O. (2016). Anjiyokardiyografi yapılan çocuklarda sineürografilerde saptanan sessiz üriner sistem anomalilerinin sıklığı. Yayınlanmamış uzmanlık tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi.