Mitos ve logos bağlamında Platon’un anamnesis kuramı
Köse, Yusuf
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bu çalışmada, öncelikle Eski Yunan'da teorik bilimin ve philosophia etkinliğinin ortaya çıkışında etki etmiş “hayret” (thaumazein) duygusunun ve “nedir?” (ti estin) sorusunun önemine değinilmiştir. Daha sonra antik medeniyetlerde önemli bir yer tutan mitosun işlevine ve bu bağlamda mitostan logosa geçiş sürecine değinilmiştir. Eski Yunan'da philosophia etkinliğinin ortaya çıkışı, Yunan insanının varolanın özüne ilişkin köklü bir düşünme gerçekleştirmesiyle olmuştur. Böylece ilk defa Eski Yunan'da mitosa dayalı düşünmeden logosa dayalı düşünme biçimine geçilmiştir. Ancak iki farklı düşünme biçimi aynı zamanda iki farklı dile getirme biçimidir. Bu bağlamda iki dile getirme biçimini de kullanan Platon'un düşüncesinde, mitosun nasıl bir yer tuttuğu açıklanmaya çalışılmıştır. Platon'da mitos ve logos arasındaki ilişki incelenmiş, anamnesis (anımsama) kuramı bağlamında açıklanmaya çalışılmıştır. Son olarak, anamnesis kuramının mitos mu yoksa logos mu olduğu yönündeki tartışmalara bir cevap getirilmiştir.
In this study, the importance of question “whatness?” (ti estin) and “astonishment” (thaumazein) feeling that has affected emerging of the philosophia event and primarily theoretical knowledge in Ancient Greek has been mentioned. Later, function of mythos having a great importance in ancient civilizations and in this matter, transition process from mythos to logos have been mentioned. Emerging philosophia event in Ancient Greek has occurred with Grecian people making a deeply thinking over essence of what's already been. And so, for the first time in Ancient Greek, from thinking based on mythos to logos based thinking was taken place. However, two different thinking style is also two different utterance styles. In this respect, how mythos was taken place in Plato's thought, who was using both utterance styles, has been tried to explain. Connection between mythos and logos in Plato has been examined, tried to explain in the context of anamnesis theory. Finally, A solution has been provided to the discussions about whether anamnesis theory is mythos or logos.
In this study, the importance of question “whatness?” (ti estin) and “astonishment” (thaumazein) feeling that has affected emerging of the philosophia event and primarily theoretical knowledge in Ancient Greek has been mentioned. Later, function of mythos having a great importance in ancient civilizations and in this matter, transition process from mythos to logos have been mentioned. Emerging philosophia event in Ancient Greek has occurred with Grecian people making a deeply thinking over essence of what's already been. And so, for the first time in Ancient Greek, from thinking based on mythos to logos based thinking was taken place. However, two different thinking style is also two different utterance styles. In this respect, how mythos was taken place in Plato's thought, who was using both utterance styles, has been tried to explain. Connection between mythos and logos in Plato has been examined, tried to explain in the context of anamnesis theory. Finally, A solution has been provided to the discussions about whether anamnesis theory is mythos or logos.
Platon, Anamnesis, Mitos, Logos, Hayret, Nelik, Felsefe, Plato, Mythos, Astonishment, Whatness, Philosophy
Köse, Y. (2021). Mitos ve logos bağlamında Platon’un anamnesis kuramı. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.