Kronik idiopatik trombositopenik purpurada splenektomi'nin etkinlik ve güvenilirliği
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Erişkin tip kronik idiopatik trombositopenik purpura (İTP)' da splenektomi erken dönemde belirgin derecede etkin bir tedavi seçeneği olmakla birlikte uzun dönem sonuçlar hala tartışmalıdır. Bu çalışmanın amacı erişkin tip kronik İTP'de splenektominin uzun dönemde etkinliğinin ve güvenilirliğinin belirlenmesi ve uzun dönem yanıta etkili faktörlerin saptanmasıdır. 1980-2004 yılları arasında Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Genel Cerrahi Bölümü'nde splenektomi uygulanmış erişkin tip kronik İTP'li 100 hastanın kayıtları retrospektif olarak incelenmiştir. Hastaların verileri; "cinsiyet", "yaş", "trombosit sayısı", "yandaş hastalık", "antitrombosit otoantikor varlığı" ve "medikal tedaviye yanıtın uzun dönemde splenektomiye yanıt üzerine etkisi" parametreleri göz önünde bulundurularak değerlendirildi. Çalışmaya dahil edilen 100 hastanın splenektomi anında ortalama yaşı 35 ± 1,5 idi. Hastaların 78'i kadın 22'si erkekti. En sık başvuru şikayeti mukokütanöz kanamaydı (%67). Hastaların %21'inde yandaş hastalık saptanmış olup çoğunluğunu hipertansiyon oluşturmaktaydı. Medikal tedaviyi ve steroid tedavisini kabul etmeyen iki hasta hariç tüm hastalar başlangıç tedavisi olarak steroid tedavisi almışlardı. Splenektomi endikasyonu 47 hastada steroide cevapsızlık, 51 hastada yüksek doz steroide gereksinim ve steroide bağlı yan etkilerdi. Ortalama medikal tedavi süresi 9,4 ± 1,9 aydı. Operatif morbidite %9, operatif mortalite %1'di. Splenektomi sonrası ortalama takip süresi 70,4 ± 4,9 aydı. Operasyondan bir ay (erken dönem) sonra hastaların % 87'sinin trombosit sayısı >150x10⁹/l (komplet remisyon=KR), %12'sinin ise 50-150 x10⁹/l'di (parsiyel remisyon=PR). Erken dönemde splenektomiye yanıtsız (YZ) hasta yoktu. KR sağlanan 15 ve PR sağlanan üç hastada relaps gelişmiş olup, 18 relapsın 11'i ilk yılda gözlendi. Hastaların %72'si splenektomi sonrası hiçbir medikal tedaviye ihtiyaç duymadı. Splenektomi sonrası izlemde hiçbir hastada enfeksiyon-sepsis gibi yaşamı tehdit eden komplikasyonlar gözlenmedi. Minumum 12 aylık (uzun dönem) takipte KR oranı % 85, PR oranı % 13'tü. Çalışmamızda erişkin tip kronik İTP'de splenektominin uzun dönemde etkinliğini belirlemede en etkili faktörler ameliyatın 37 yaştan önce yapılması ve postoperatif trombosit sayısının 300x10⁹/l üzerinde seyretmesi olarak saptandı (p<0,01). Sonuç olarak; splenektomi erişkin tip kronik İTP'de uzun dönemde de en etkin ve güvenilir tedavi yöntemidir.
In patients with adult chronic idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) splenectomy is a highly effective treatment, but there are still uncertainties regarding to the long term results. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and reliability of splenectomy for the treatment of adult type chronic ITP, and to determine the effective factors on the long term outcome. The records of 100 patients with chronic ITP, who had been operated at Uludag University Hospital, between 1980 and 2004, were retrospectively reviewed. "Gender'', "age", "platelet count", "coexisting disease", "antiplatelet antibody" and the effect of response to medical therapy on long term results of splenectomy'' variables were investigated. Mean age of 100 patients was 35,2 ± 1,5 years at the time of surgery. Of the 100 patients, 22 were male and 78 were female. The most common initial symptom was mucocutaneous bleeding (67%). About 21% of the patients had coexisting diseases, most commonly hypertension. All the patients except two, who did not accept to receive steroid therapy or medical therapy, received steroid therapy in the initial period of treatment. Decision for surgery was made for refractory to steroid therapy in 47 patients, and for those which high doses of steroid requirement led to adverse affects during a period of 9,4 ± 1,9 months. Operative morbidity was 9%, and mortality was1 %. Mean follow up time after splenectomy was 70,4 ± 4,9 months. At the end of the first month of splenectomy (early period) platelet counts were >150x10⁹/I (complete remission=CR) and 50-150 x10⁹/I (partial remission=PR) in 87% and 12% of the patients respectively. There were no patients under 50 x10⁹/I (failure=F). Relapse was seen in 15 patients with CR, in three patients with PR, and 11 of the 18 relapses were seen in the first year of the operation. Of the 100 patients studied, 72 had no need for any medical therapy. Complications such as infection or sepsis did not occur in any patient. Throughout the follow-up period, CR rate was 85% and PR rate was 13%, at least 12 moths after surgery (long term results). In our study, the factors that affecting the long term results of splenectomy for adult type chronic ITP were: the time of operation at ages of under 37, and the postoperative platelet count of 300 x10⁹/I or more. As a conclusion; splenectomy is the most effective and reliable treatment method for adult type chronic ITP.
In patients with adult chronic idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) splenectomy is a highly effective treatment, but there are still uncertainties regarding to the long term results. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and reliability of splenectomy for the treatment of adult type chronic ITP, and to determine the effective factors on the long term outcome. The records of 100 patients with chronic ITP, who had been operated at Uludag University Hospital, between 1980 and 2004, were retrospectively reviewed. "Gender'', "age", "platelet count", "coexisting disease", "antiplatelet antibody" and the effect of response to medical therapy on long term results of splenectomy'' variables were investigated. Mean age of 100 patients was 35,2 ± 1,5 years at the time of surgery. Of the 100 patients, 22 were male and 78 were female. The most common initial symptom was mucocutaneous bleeding (67%). About 21% of the patients had coexisting diseases, most commonly hypertension. All the patients except two, who did not accept to receive steroid therapy or medical therapy, received steroid therapy in the initial period of treatment. Decision for surgery was made for refractory to steroid therapy in 47 patients, and for those which high doses of steroid requirement led to adverse affects during a period of 9,4 ± 1,9 months. Operative morbidity was 9%, and mortality was1 %. Mean follow up time after splenectomy was 70,4 ± 4,9 months. At the end of the first month of splenectomy (early period) platelet counts were >150x10⁹/I (complete remission=CR) and 50-150 x10⁹/I (partial remission=PR) in 87% and 12% of the patients respectively. There were no patients under 50 x10⁹/I (failure=F). Relapse was seen in 15 patients with CR, in three patients with PR, and 11 of the 18 relapses were seen in the first year of the operation. Of the 100 patients studied, 72 had no need for any medical therapy. Complications such as infection or sepsis did not occur in any patient. Throughout the follow-up period, CR rate was 85% and PR rate was 13%, at least 12 moths after surgery (long term results). In our study, the factors that affecting the long term results of splenectomy for adult type chronic ITP were: the time of operation at ages of under 37, and the postoperative platelet count of 300 x10⁹/I or more. As a conclusion; splenectomy is the most effective and reliable treatment method for adult type chronic ITP.
Kronik idiopatik trombositopenik purpura, İTP, Splenektomi, Etkinlik-güvenirlilik, Chronic immune thrombocytopenic purpura, ITP, Efficacy-safety, Splenectomy
Narmanlı, M. (2005). Kronik idiopatik trombositopenik purpurada splenektomi'nin etkinlik ve güvenilirliği. Yayınlanmamış tıpta uzmanlık tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi.