Bosna'da Kadirîlik ve Hacı Sinan Tekkesi
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
İslam'ın Bosna'ya esasen tasavvuf yoluyla girdiği ve yine sûfîler tarafından yayıldığı bilinmektedir. Nitekim Osmanlılar'dan önce sûfîlerin buralara gelip yerleştiklerine ve tekkelerini kurduklarına dair deliller mevcuttur. İlerleyen dönemde Bosna'nın fethi ve sonrasında geniş halk kitlelerinin İslam'ı benimsemelerinde de en etkili rolü sûfîler oynamıştır. Osmanlılar'ın hakimiyeti döneminde pek çok farklı tarikat Bosna'da yaygınlık kazanmıştır. Bunlardan biri de bu topraklarda varlığını uzun süre muhafaza etmeyi başarabilen Kadîrîlik'tir. Bu coğrafyanın farklı şehirlerinde tekkelerini kuran Kadîrîler'in faaliyete soktukları en önemli dergâhları XVII. yüzyılda IV. Murat'ın vezirlerinden olan Silahdar Mustafa Paşa tarafından inşa edilen ve günümüze kadar ulaşan Hacı Sinan Tekkesi'dir. Tasavvufî gelenek açısından olduğu kadar sanat tarihi yönüyle de önemi haiz olan bu mekan dinî kimlikleri yanında fikrî ve edebî yönleri güçlü isimlerin yetişmesinde mühim rol oynamıştır.
We comprehend from the documents that Islam was brought to Bosnia by route of mysticism, a path created and first traveled by the Sufis. And we are also witness to the fact that before the Ottomans came to this land, Sufis had settled here and built dervish lodges (tekija). Large portions of the native population would go on to willingly accept Islam during the conquest of Bosnia and in the years that followed. But the local population had already happened to accept Islam by the efforts of Sufis. It is theorized that the local Bosnian populations took to Islam in far greater numbers than some of their Catholic and Orthodox neighbors because the local Bosnian Christian Church, the Bogumil sect, bore many striking similarities to Islam. But this alone would not be reason enough to accept a different religion for sure it is also necessary that significant missionary work be done to reach out to the local populations and expose them to the new faith. The Dervish lodges which also established to serve this need to conduct missionary work in Bosnia and with time proved to be a very effective tool in spreading knowledge of Islam, helping to gain new adherents. One of the Sufi sects which expanded throughout Bosnia was the Qadiriyyah. The most important dervish lodge of the Qadiri's, a group which built numerous important dervish lodges in many different cities across Bosnia, was the Hajji Sinan Tekke in Sarajevo. Built by Silahtar Mustafa Pasha, vizier of Murat the IV in the 17th century, it has survived continuously to the present day. The goal of this investigation is to consider all relevant aspects of the Hajji Sinan Tekke in Sarajevo and to attract attention to this dervish lodge.
We comprehend from the documents that Islam was brought to Bosnia by route of mysticism, a path created and first traveled by the Sufis. And we are also witness to the fact that before the Ottomans came to this land, Sufis had settled here and built dervish lodges (tekija). Large portions of the native population would go on to willingly accept Islam during the conquest of Bosnia and in the years that followed. But the local population had already happened to accept Islam by the efforts of Sufis. It is theorized that the local Bosnian populations took to Islam in far greater numbers than some of their Catholic and Orthodox neighbors because the local Bosnian Christian Church, the Bogumil sect, bore many striking similarities to Islam. But this alone would not be reason enough to accept a different religion for sure it is also necessary that significant missionary work be done to reach out to the local populations and expose them to the new faith. The Dervish lodges which also established to serve this need to conduct missionary work in Bosnia and with time proved to be a very effective tool in spreading knowledge of Islam, helping to gain new adherents. One of the Sufi sects which expanded throughout Bosnia was the Qadiriyyah. The most important dervish lodge of the Qadiri's, a group which built numerous important dervish lodges in many different cities across Bosnia, was the Hajji Sinan Tekke in Sarajevo. Built by Silahtar Mustafa Pasha, vizier of Murat the IV in the 17th century, it has survived continuously to the present day. The goal of this investigation is to consider all relevant aspects of the Hajji Sinan Tekke in Sarajevo and to attract attention to this dervish lodge.
Bosna, Sarayevo, Hacı Sinan Tekkesi, Kadîrîlik, Bosnia, Sarajevo, Hajji Sinan Tekke, Qadiriyyah
Vildiç, S. (2012). Bosna'da Kadirîlik ve Hacı Sinan Tekkesi. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.