Obstrüktif uyku apne sendromunda beyin hacim değişikliklerinin Mr görüntüleme ile araştırılması
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Ağır obstrüktif uyku apne sendromlu (OUAS) hastalarda T1 ağırlıklı manyetik rezonans görüntüleme (MRG) ile beyinde olası morfolojik değişikliklerin, sağlıklı grup ile kıyaslanarak değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır.Bu çalışmada polisomnografi testinde, apne-hipopne indeksi (AHİ)>30 olan ağır OUAS'lı olgular ve AHI<5 olan normal olgular dahil edildi. 22 ağır OUAS hastasının 19'u erkek, 3'ü kadın olup yaşları 40-60 arasında değişmekteydi (ortalama yaş 50.27±5.3 yıl). 22 kontrol grubu olgusunun 19'u erkek, 3'ü kadın olup yaşları ise 40-60 arasındaydı (ortalama yaş 49.36±6.95 yıl).Çalışmaya dahil edilen olgulara MRG'de, T1 ağırlıklı 3 boyutlu manyetizasyon hazırlığı yapılan hızlı Gradiyent Eko (Three Dimensional Magnetization Prepared Rapid Acquisition Gradient Echo-3D MP-RAGE) sekansı ile inceleme yapıldı. Otomatik segmentasyon yöntemi olarak freeSurfer morfometrik prosedürü kullanılarak, her iki serebral ve serebellar hemisferde; bilateral serebral beyaz cevher, bilateral serebral korteks, bilateral serebellar beyaz cevher, bilateral serebellar korteks, bilateral talamus, bilateral kaudat, bilateral putamen, bilateral pallidum, bilateral hipokampus, bilateral amigdala, bilateral akkumbens, bilateral lateral ventrikül, bilateral koroid pleksus, 3. ventrikül, 4. ventrikül, damarsal yapı, optik kiazma, korpus kallozum (arka, orta-arka, orta ve ön kesimleri), beyaz cevher hipointensitesi, beyaz cevher dışı hipointensite ve beyin segmental volümü analiz edildi.Gruplar arasında yaş ve cinsiyet açısından istatiksel olarak anlamlı fark saptanmadı (P>0.05). Demografik özelliklerden vücut kitle indeksi (body mass index-BMI) ve polisomnografi verilerinden oksijen saturasyonu (SaO2) %90 altında geçen süre (dk), epworth uykululuk ölçeği (Epworth Sleepiness Scale-ESS), AHI, ortalama minimum SaO2 (%), ortalama O2 desatürasyonu (%) ve arousal indeks açısından OUAS'lı hastalar ile kontrol grubu arasında anlamlı farklılık mevcuttu (P<0,05).Sonuç olarak, OUAS'lı hastalarla kontrol grubu arasında, her iki serebral ve serebellar gri cevher ile beyaz cevher segmentlerinde, beyin-omurilik sıvısı (BOS) alanlarında ve tüm beyin volümünde olmak üzere beynin çok sayıda segmentlerinde hacim farklılığı saptanmadı. Çalışmamızın bulguları şiddetli de olsa OUAS'ın seyrinde yapısal bir değişiklik oluşmadığını göstermektedir.
The aim was to evaluate potential morphologic changes in brain tissue of patients with severe OSAS in comparison with normal subjects by using T1-weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) technique.In this study severe OSAS subjects with Apnea-hipopnea Index (AHI) >30 and normal subjects with AHI<5 according to polysomnography findings are included. Of 22 patients with severe OSAS 19 were male, 3 were female and their ages ranged between 40-60 years (mean age 50,27±5,3 years). Of 22 control subjects 19 were male, 3 were female and their ages ranged between 40-60 years (mean age 49,36±6,95 years).Study subjects were evaluated by Three Dimensional Magnetization Prepared Rapid Acquisition Gradient Echo (3D MP-RAGE) sequence on T1-weighted MRI. FreeSurfer morphometric procedure was used as the automated segmentation method and in both cerebral and cerebellar hemsipheres; bilateral cerebral white matter, bilateral cerebral cortex, bilateral cerebellar white matter, bilateral cerebellar cortex, bilateral talami, bilateral caudate, bilateral putamen, bilateral pallidum, bilateral hippocampus, bilateral amygdala, bilateral accumbens, bilateral lateral ventricles, bilateral choroid plexuses, third and fourth ventricles, vascular structures, optic chiasm, corpus callosum (posterior, mid-posterior, middle and anterior parts), white matter hipointensity, gray matter hipointensity and segmental volumes of brain were analysed.There was no statistically significant differance in age and gender properties between groups (p>0,05). There was statistically significant differance in Body Mass Index (BMI) as a demographic property and polysomnographic features like time elapsed below 90 % oxygen saturation (SaO2) (min), Epworth Sleepiness Scale-ESS, AHI, mean minimum SaO2 (%), mean O2 desaturation (%) and arousal index values between OSAS patients and control group (p>0,05).In conclusion there was no differance in bilateral cerebral and cerebellar gray and white matter segments, cerebrospinal fluid regions and whole brain volume between OSAS patients and control subjects. Findings of our study has shown that even it?s severe, no structural changes occur in the course of OSAS.
The aim was to evaluate potential morphologic changes in brain tissue of patients with severe OSAS in comparison with normal subjects by using T1-weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) technique.In this study severe OSAS subjects with Apnea-hipopnea Index (AHI) >30 and normal subjects with AHI<5 according to polysomnography findings are included. Of 22 patients with severe OSAS 19 were male, 3 were female and their ages ranged between 40-60 years (mean age 50,27±5,3 years). Of 22 control subjects 19 were male, 3 were female and their ages ranged between 40-60 years (mean age 49,36±6,95 years).Study subjects were evaluated by Three Dimensional Magnetization Prepared Rapid Acquisition Gradient Echo (3D MP-RAGE) sequence on T1-weighted MRI. FreeSurfer morphometric procedure was used as the automated segmentation method and in both cerebral and cerebellar hemsipheres; bilateral cerebral white matter, bilateral cerebral cortex, bilateral cerebellar white matter, bilateral cerebellar cortex, bilateral talami, bilateral caudate, bilateral putamen, bilateral pallidum, bilateral hippocampus, bilateral amygdala, bilateral accumbens, bilateral lateral ventricles, bilateral choroid plexuses, third and fourth ventricles, vascular structures, optic chiasm, corpus callosum (posterior, mid-posterior, middle and anterior parts), white matter hipointensity, gray matter hipointensity and segmental volumes of brain were analysed.There was no statistically significant differance in age and gender properties between groups (p>0,05). There was statistically significant differance in Body Mass Index (BMI) as a demographic property and polysomnographic features like time elapsed below 90 % oxygen saturation (SaO2) (min), Epworth Sleepiness Scale-ESS, AHI, mean minimum SaO2 (%), mean O2 desaturation (%) and arousal index values between OSAS patients and control group (p>0,05).In conclusion there was no differance in bilateral cerebral and cerebellar gray and white matter segments, cerebrospinal fluid regions and whole brain volume between OSAS patients and control subjects. Findings of our study has shown that even it?s severe, no structural changes occur in the course of OSAS.
Obstrüktif uyku apne sendromu, OUAS, Polisomnografi, Apne-hipopne indeksi, Beyin hacmi, Anatomi, FreeSurfer, Otomatik segmentasyon, Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, OSAS, Polysomnography, Apnea-hipopnea index, Brain volume, Anatomy, Automatic segmentation
Öztürk, S. B. (2011). Obstrüktif uyku apne sendromunda beyin hacim değişikliklerinin Mr görüntüleme ile araştırılması. Yayınlanmamış uzmanlık tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi.