Uzun zincirli yağ asitlerinin kolesterol esterlerinin sentezi için Ph3P.SO3 katalizörlüğünde daha çevreci ve etkili bir yaklaşımın geliştirilmesi
Ogur, Cansu
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Kolesterol esterleri, trigliseritler ve steroller hücrede yağ damlacıkları içinde depo edilirler. Bu damlacıkların farklı fizyolojik özellikleri bulunmaktadır ve oldukça fazla çeşitte lipit molekülleri içerdikleri bilinmektedir. Sitoplazmik yapının merkezi hidrofobiktir ve çevresi fosfolipit bir tabaka ile sarılıdır. Kolesterol esterleri, kolesterolün uzun bir hidrokarbon zinciri içeren yağ asitleri ile konjugasyonu sonucu oluşan daha polar olmayan bileşiklerdir. Bu ester molekülleri hücre zarlarının bileşimine katılmazlar ve lipit damlacıklarında bulunurlar. Kolesterolün bu formu lipoproteinlerde daha fazla miktarda paketlenebildiğinden, kolesterolün taşınması daha etkilidir ve ayrıca bu esterler kolesterol metabolizmasında önemli bir rol oynar. Ayrıca hidroperoksit türevlerinin bazıları, minimal düzeyde değiştirilmiş düşük yoğunluklu lipoproteinin (mmLDL) biyolojik olarak aktif bileşenleridir. Son yıllarda bu esterler birçok endüstriyel ve tıbbi uygulamada dikkat çekmektedir. Bu çalışmada, trifenilfosfin-kükürt trioksit katalizörü, tolüen içinde homolog uzun zincirli doymuş monokarboksilik veya dikarboksilik yağ asitleri ile kolesterol molekülü arasındaki esterleşme reaksiyonlarını etkin bir şekilde katalizlemiştir. Bu reaksiyonlarda, trifenilfosfin bazlı katalizör Lewis asidi özelliği olan sülfür trioksit kaynağı olarak işlev görmektedir. Reaksiyonlar 110 °C'de dikarboksilik asitler hariç diğer asitler ile kolesterol eşdeğer oranlarda reaksiyona alınmıştır ve karşılık gelen homolog kolesterol esterleri iyi veya mükemmel verimlerde elde edilmiştir. Geliştirilen bu yöntem, mevcut yöntemlere göre daha basit, pratik ve daha çevreci olmasının yanı sıra ilgili esterlerin daha yüksek verimle sentezlenmesine olanak sağlaması gibi avantajlara sahiptir.
Cholesteryl esters, triglycerides, and sterols are stored in the cell in fat droplets. These droplets possess distinct physiological properties and are known to contain a diverse range of lipid molecules. The core of the cytoplasmic structure is hydrophobic and encircled by a phospholipid layer. Cholesteryl esters are more non-polar compounds, formed through the conjugation of cholesterol with fatty acids comprising a long hydrocarbon chain. These ester molecules do not participate in the composition of cell membranes and are found in lipid droplets. Since this form of cholesterol can be packaged in larger amounts in lipoproteins, the transport of cholesterol is more efficient, and these esters also play an important role in cholesterol metabolism. Moreover, some of the hydroperoxide derivatives are biologically active components of minimally modified low-density lipoprotein (mmLDL). In recent years, these esters have attracted attention in many industrial and medical applications. In this study, the triphenylphosphine-sulfur trioxide catalyst was observed to catalyze esterification reactions between homologous long-chain saturated monocarboxylic or dicarboxylic fatty acids and a cholesterol molecule in toluene with high efficiency. In these reactions, the triphenylphosphine-based catalyst functions as a source of sulfur trioxide with Lewis acid properties. The reactions were conducted at 110 °C with cholesterol reacted with acids other than dicarboxylic acids in equivalent proportions, resulting in the formation of the corresponding homologous cholesteryl esters in good or excellent yields. The developed method offers several advantages over existing techniques, including simplicity, practicality, and environmental friendliness, as well as the ability to synthesize the corresponding esters in higher yields
Cholesteryl esters, triglycerides, and sterols are stored in the cell in fat droplets. These droplets possess distinct physiological properties and are known to contain a diverse range of lipid molecules. The core of the cytoplasmic structure is hydrophobic and encircled by a phospholipid layer. Cholesteryl esters are more non-polar compounds, formed through the conjugation of cholesterol with fatty acids comprising a long hydrocarbon chain. These ester molecules do not participate in the composition of cell membranes and are found in lipid droplets. Since this form of cholesterol can be packaged in larger amounts in lipoproteins, the transport of cholesterol is more efficient, and these esters also play an important role in cholesterol metabolism. Moreover, some of the hydroperoxide derivatives are biologically active components of minimally modified low-density lipoprotein (mmLDL). In recent years, these esters have attracted attention in many industrial and medical applications. In this study, the triphenylphosphine-sulfur trioxide catalyst was observed to catalyze esterification reactions between homologous long-chain saturated monocarboxylic or dicarboxylic fatty acids and a cholesterol molecule in toluene with high efficiency. In these reactions, the triphenylphosphine-based catalyst functions as a source of sulfur trioxide with Lewis acid properties. The reactions were conducted at 110 °C with cholesterol reacted with acids other than dicarboxylic acids in equivalent proportions, resulting in the formation of the corresponding homologous cholesteryl esters in good or excellent yields. The developed method offers several advantages over existing techniques, including simplicity, practicality, and environmental friendliness, as well as the ability to synthesize the corresponding esters in higher yields
Esterifikasyon, Kolesterol Esterler, Lipitler, Organokataliz, Trifenilfosfin-kükürt trioksit, Esterification, Chlesteryl Esters, Lipids, Organocatalysis, Triphenylphospine-sulfur trioxide