Merkezi ve periferik olarak uygulanan Glisil–L–Glutamin’in normal ve hipotansif koşullarda plazma adipokin düzeylerine etkileri
Özdemir, Ömer Faruk
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Propiyomelanokortin (POMC) ürünü olan β–endorfin’in 30-31 sekansı glisin ve glutamin (Gly–Gln) aminoasitlerinden oluşur ve biyolojik aktivite gösteren bir dipeptittir. Bu dipeptitin siklik (halkalı) hale getirilmesi ile (siklo)Gly–Gln elde edilmektedir. Gly–Gln’nin aksine (siklo)Gly–Gln periferik dolaşım sisteminden santral sinir sistemine geçerek, orjinal dipeptite benzer etkiler göstermektedir. Bu çalışmada periferik (siklo)Gly–Gln veya santral sinir sistemine uygulanan Gly–Gln’nin, sıçanlarda oluşturulan hemorajik şok modelinde hemodinamik parametrelere ve plazma adipokin seviyelerine olan etkilerinin araştırılması amaçlandı. Çalışmada 64 adet 195 – 300 g ağırlığındaki, Sprague — Dawley cinsi erkek sıçan kullanıldı. Hemorajik şok modeli, deney öncesi yerleştirilen arteriyel kateterden 2 ml/100 g kanın 10 dakika içerisinde sabit hızda alınması sonucu oluşturuldu. Kanatma başlangıcından yarım saat sonra ilaç uygulaması yapıldı. Kanatma öncesi başlanan kan basıncı ve kalp hızı kaydına 6 saat boyunca devam edildi. Kanatma başında ve deney bitiminde alınan 500 μl kan örneklerindeki apelin, adiponektin, leptin ve resistin düzeyleri ELISA yöntemi ile ölçüldü. Uygulanan hemorajik modelin tedavi uygulamasından önce kan basıncını düşürdüğü, Gly–Gln’in ve (siklo)Gly–Gln’in yarım saat tedavi edici etkinliği olduğu görüldü. Normotansif koşullarda ICV olarak uygulanan Gly– Gln, ortalama arteriyel kan basıncını 20,9 ± 5,32 mmHg düşürdü, (siklo)Gly– Gln kan basıncına etki etmedi. Normotansif sıçanlarda (siklo)Gly–Gln leptin, apelin ve resistin seviyelerinin düşürürken adiponektin seviyeleri değişmedi. Adipokinlerin arkuat nükleusta aktivite gösterdiğine dair kanıtlar her geçen gün artmaktadır. İştah, kardiyovasküler tonus, gibi birçok temel fonksiyonun düzenlenmesinde rol alan arkuat nükleusta; obezite, kardiyovasküler hastalık, insülin direnci, hipertansiyon gibi kronik hastalıklar ile ilişkisi gösterilen adipokinlerin etkilerinin yine aynı çekirdekte sentezlenen Gly–Gln sayesinde düzenleniyor olabilir.
The 30-31 sequence of β–endorphin, a product of proopiomelanocortin (POMC), consists of glycine and glutamine (Gly–Gln) amino acids and constitutes a biologically active dipeptide. Cyclization of this dipeptide yields (cyclo)Gly–Gln. Unlike Gly–Gln, (cyclo)Gly–Gln can pass from the peripheral circulation system to the central nervous system and exhibit effects similar to the original dipeptide. This study aimed to investigate the effects of peripherally administered (cyclo)Gly–Gln or centrally administered Gly–Gln on hemodynamic parameters and plasma adipokine levels in a rat model of hemorrhagic shock. Sixty-four male Sprague–Dawley rats weighing between 195 and 300 g were used in the study. The hemorrhagic shock model was induced by withdrawing 2 ml/100 g of blood at a constant rate over 10 minutes through an arterial catheter placed before the experiment. Drug administration occurred half an hour after hemorrhage initiation. Blood pressure and heart rate recordings initiated before hemorrhage were continued for 6 hours. Plasma levels of apelin, adiponectin, leptin, and resistin were measured using the ELISA method in 500 μl blood samples collected before hemorrhage and at the end of the experiment. The applied hemorrhageic model, reduced blood pressure before treatment, and both Gly–Gln and (cyclo)Gly–Gln exhibited therapeutic effect for half an hour. Gly–Gln administered intracerebroventricularly under normotensive conditions reduced mean arterial blood pressure by 20.9 ± 5.32 mmHg, whereas (cyclo)Gly–Gln had no effect on blood pressure. In normotensive rats, (cyclo)Gly–Gln reduced leptin, apelin, and resistin levels while adiponectin levels remained unchanged. Evidence supporting the activity of adipokines in the arcuate nucleus is growing. The effects of adipokines, which are associated with obesity, cardiovascular disease, insulin resistance, hypertension, and regulate many fundamental functions such as appetite and cardiovascular tone, may be regulated by Gly– Gln synthesized in the same nucleus.
The 30-31 sequence of β–endorphin, a product of proopiomelanocortin (POMC), consists of glycine and glutamine (Gly–Gln) amino acids and constitutes a biologically active dipeptide. Cyclization of this dipeptide yields (cyclo)Gly–Gln. Unlike Gly–Gln, (cyclo)Gly–Gln can pass from the peripheral circulation system to the central nervous system and exhibit effects similar to the original dipeptide. This study aimed to investigate the effects of peripherally administered (cyclo)Gly–Gln or centrally administered Gly–Gln on hemodynamic parameters and plasma adipokine levels in a rat model of hemorrhagic shock. Sixty-four male Sprague–Dawley rats weighing between 195 and 300 g were used in the study. The hemorrhagic shock model was induced by withdrawing 2 ml/100 g of blood at a constant rate over 10 minutes through an arterial catheter placed before the experiment. Drug administration occurred half an hour after hemorrhage initiation. Blood pressure and heart rate recordings initiated before hemorrhage were continued for 6 hours. Plasma levels of apelin, adiponectin, leptin, and resistin were measured using the ELISA method in 500 μl blood samples collected before hemorrhage and at the end of the experiment. The applied hemorrhageic model, reduced blood pressure before treatment, and both Gly–Gln and (cyclo)Gly–Gln exhibited therapeutic effect for half an hour. Gly–Gln administered intracerebroventricularly under normotensive conditions reduced mean arterial blood pressure by 20.9 ± 5.32 mmHg, whereas (cyclo)Gly–Gln had no effect on blood pressure. In normotensive rats, (cyclo)Gly–Gln reduced leptin, apelin, and resistin levels while adiponectin levels remained unchanged. Evidence supporting the activity of adipokines in the arcuate nucleus is growing. The effects of adipokines, which are associated with obesity, cardiovascular disease, insulin resistance, hypertension, and regulate many fundamental functions such as appetite and cardiovascular tone, may be regulated by Gly– Gln synthesized in the same nucleus.
β–endorfin 30-31, Hemorajik şok, Kan basıncı, Dipokin, Leptin, β–endorphin 30-31, Hemorrhageic shock, Blood pressure, Adipokine