İsmail Hakkî Bursevî Nakdü'l-Hâl (151a-225b) inceleme-metin
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bu çalışmada, 17-18. yüzyıllarda yaşamış, Rûhu'l-Beyân adlı tefsîriyle meşhur olmuş İsmail Hakkî Bursevî'ye ait Nakdü'l-Hâl isimli eserin 151a-225b numaralı varakları transkripsiyon alfabesiyle yeni harflere aktarılmış ve metin muhteva yönünden incelenmiştir. Bursevî çokça eser kaleme almış velûd bir yazardır; tefsîr, hadîs, fıkıh, kelam, tasavvuf vb. alanlarda eserleri bulunmaktadır. Nakdü'l-Hâl isimli eseri vâridât türünde kaleme alınmış Arapça-Türkçe tasavvufî bir eserdir. Bir tür olarak vâridât, kaleme alan kişinin kalbine doğan duygu, düşünce ve ilhamların (vârid) yer aldığı eserlerdir. Bu eserde Bursevî vâridâtını kaleme alıp ayet-i kerîme, hadîs-i şerîf ve manzumelerle zenginleştirmiştir. Bursevî bu eserini vefatından birkaç yıl önce, 1721-1722 yıllarında kaleme almıştır. Eserin müellif nüshası bulunmamaktadır. Beş adet müstensih nüshasına ulaşılmıştır. Çalışmamızda İstanbul Üniversitesi Nadir Eserler Kütüphanesi'nde No. TY. 2153'te bulunan Hâfız İbrahim el-Fehmî'ye ait müstensih nüshası esas alınarak transkripsiyonu yapılmış, aynı kütüphanede bulunan No. TY. 2161'de kayıtlı nüsha ile Süleymaniye Yazma Eser Kütüphanesi'ne bağlı Atıf Efendi Yazma Eser Kütüphanesi No. 1515'te bulunan müstensih nüshalarıyla mukâbelesi yapılmıştır. Çalışmanın giriş bölümünde Bursevî'nin yaşadığı dönem Osmanlı Devleti'nin siyâsî, kültürel ve ilmî durumu incelenmiştir. Birinci bölümde Bursevî'nin hayatı işlenmiş ve eserleri tanıtılmıştır. İkinci bölümde mutasavvıflarca bilgi kaynaklarından sayılan keşf ve ilham ile rüya konusu işlenmiştir. Devamında vâridât türü ve Bursevî'nin vâridât türünde yazılmış eserleri hakkında bilgi verilmiştir. Üçüncü bölümde; Nakdü'l-Hâl işlenmiş ve nüsha tavsifi yapılmıştır. Devamında ise "Nakdü'l-Hâl'de Mânâ ve Mefhûm" başlığı altında Nakdü'l Hâl'in incelediğimiz varaklarında yer alan tasavvufî kavramlar hakkında Bursevî'nin yaptığı açıklamalara yer verilmiştir. Tez çalışmasının dördüncü bölümünde metnin transkripsiyonu yapılmış, orijinal sayfaları verilerek çalışma tamamlanmıştır.
In this work number 151a and 225b foils of name of the Nakdü'l-Hal's work, which belongs to İsmail Hakkı Bursevi who lived between the century of 17th and 18th and is famaus for his gloss of Ruhu'l-Beyan, were transfered to new letter with the transcription alphobet. Bursevî is a productive writer who wrote a lot of works of art. He has got works of art in the areos of gloss, hadith, figh, kalam and islamic mysticism work which was written in the type of revenue. A revenue as a type is that it is a work in which there are emotions, thoughts and inspirotions that were born to the writer's heart. In this work Bursevî wrote his revenue by enriching with verses of the Koran , hadiths and poems. Bursevî wrote this work before a few years ago he died, between the years 1721 and 1722. There isn't an author's copy of this work. It was reached to the five scribal copies. In our study, it was done of transcriaption by basing on the author's copy which belongs to İbrahim el-Fehmî and takes place at the "Library og Nadir Eserler at İstanbul University" at the number of TY. 2153 and olso it was campared with the author's copies of both the number TY. 2161 at the same library and at the Lord Atıf Writing Production Library attached to Süleymaniye Writing Production Library. In the beginning part, it was examined of the Ottaman Empire's political, cultural and scientific situation in which period Bursevi was living. In the first part, it was handled of the Bursevi's life and it was introduced of his works. In the second part, dream subject with the explanation and inspiration which is regarded as information source by the mystics was handled. In addition to this it was given information about revenue type and works of Bursevi that were written in the type of revenue. In the third part Nakdü'l-Hal was handled and qualifying of the copy was done. Besides of these, it was given place to Bursevi's explanations related to the concepts of Islamic mysticism of Nakdü'l-Hal's foils which is under the Mana and Mefhum. In the fourt part of our study, text transcription was done and the study was completed by handling the original papers.
In this work number 151a and 225b foils of name of the Nakdü'l-Hal's work, which belongs to İsmail Hakkı Bursevi who lived between the century of 17th and 18th and is famaus for his gloss of Ruhu'l-Beyan, were transfered to new letter with the transcription alphobet. Bursevî is a productive writer who wrote a lot of works of art. He has got works of art in the areos of gloss, hadith, figh, kalam and islamic mysticism work which was written in the type of revenue. A revenue as a type is that it is a work in which there are emotions, thoughts and inspirotions that were born to the writer's heart. In this work Bursevî wrote his revenue by enriching with verses of the Koran , hadiths and poems. Bursevî wrote this work before a few years ago he died, between the years 1721 and 1722. There isn't an author's copy of this work. It was reached to the five scribal copies. In our study, it was done of transcriaption by basing on the author's copy which belongs to İbrahim el-Fehmî and takes place at the "Library og Nadir Eserler at İstanbul University" at the number of TY. 2153 and olso it was campared with the author's copies of both the number TY. 2161 at the same library and at the Lord Atıf Writing Production Library attached to Süleymaniye Writing Production Library. In the beginning part, it was examined of the Ottaman Empire's political, cultural and scientific situation in which period Bursevi was living. In the first part, it was handled of the Bursevi's life and it was introduced of his works. In the second part, dream subject with the explanation and inspiration which is regarded as information source by the mystics was handled. In addition to this it was given information about revenue type and works of Bursevi that were written in the type of revenue. In the third part Nakdü'l-Hal was handled and qualifying of the copy was done. Besides of these, it was given place to Bursevi's explanations related to the concepts of Islamic mysticism of Nakdü'l-Hal's foils which is under the Mana and Mefhum. In the fourt part of our study, text transcription was done and the study was completed by handling the original papers.
Türk islam edebiyatı, İsmail Hakkî Bursevî, Nakdü’l-Hâl, Tasavvufî eser, Vâridât, Keşf, İlham, Rüya, Ismail Hakkî Bursevî, Mystical work, Incomes, Discovery, Inspiration, Dream
Tuna, B. (2022). İsmail Hakkî Bursevî Nakdü'l-Hâl (151a-225b) inceleme-metin. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.