İsmail Hakkı İzmirli’de tasavvur mantığı
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
İzmirli İsmail Hakkı, Türkiye mantık tarihi açısından önemli bir şahsiyettir. O, çok dil bilmenin avantajıyla ve birikimleri sayesinde bir çok eser vermiştir. Onun tasavvur mantığı konusunda ortaya koydukları da oldukça önemlidir. Onun tasavvur tanımı dikkat çekicidir. O birçok mantıkçının aksine tasavvur kelimesini kavram yerine değil, kavram öncesi hazırlık olarak değerlendirir. Bu açıdan tasavvur başlığı altında tasavvur çeşitlerine de yer verir. Ayrıca o, ‘marifet’ kavramını ‘doğru bilgi’ anlamında kullanır. Bu anlamda ilim bir marifetler yığınıdır. İzmirli’ye göre ilmin üç temel özelliği vardır: yakîn (kesinlik), umûm (genellik) ve metot (menhec). Bedenin ihtiyacı kuvvet ise aklın ihtiyacı da ilimdir. Mantık, tasdikât ve tasavvurâtın lazım olan bütün konularını içeren ilimdir. Mantık bilen ilmen kuvvetli yetişmiş olur. İzmirli kategorileri sorulan sorulara ve verilen cevaplara göre sınıflandırır. Bir şeyin sınırlarını o şeyin kendisi için mümkün olan fert ve sıfatlar belirler. İzmirli’ye göre, içlem o şeyin özel maddesi, kaplam onun uygulama dairesidir. Her tasavvur, beş tümelden birine dahildir. İzmirli’ye göre ilk dördü ( cins, tür, fasl, hassa) zâtı teşkil eder. Beş tümel tasavvurâtın en (külli) genel tertibi olduğundan ‘Külliyât’ adıyla anılmıştır. İzmirli, tarifi, ‘bir tasavvurun içlemini ve tasavvur aracılığıyla bir lafzın manasının tam tahlilidir.’ şeklinde ifade eder. Ona gore, ‘hadd’ ve ‘resm’ kelimeleri tarif yerine kullanılamaz. Tarifteki hatalar ya mana yönünden ya lafız yönünden ya da her ikisinden kaynaklanır. Taksim (bölme) ise, bir tasavvurun içleminin tahlilinden ibarettir. Külliyi cüzlerine bölmektir. Bir şeyin yerini belirtmek açısından önemlidir. Tüm bu tasavvurât konuları, epistemoloji açısından oldukça önemlidir. Her biri bilginin ayrı bir basamağını oluşturur.
İsmail Haqqı is an important person in terms of logic history in Turkey. He has written many works thanks to the advantages and knowledge of knowing many languages. It is also very important that they put forward the logic of his imagination. The definition of that imagination is remarkable. He sees the concept of conception as pre-concept preparation rather than concept, unlike many other logicians. In this respect, it includes imagination types under the title of imagination. In addition, he uses the concept of "ingenuity" in the sense of "correct knowledge". Therefore, science is a pile of knowledge. According to İzmir, science has three main characteristics: yakîn (reality), umûm (generality) and menhec (method). If the body's need is the force of mind is the science. Logic is the science that contains all the subjects that are necessary to certify and envision. if person logic reads, the information becomes strong. Izmirli classifies the categories according to the questions given. Persons and adjectives determine the limits of something as possible for that thing. According to Izmir, the special matter of that thing, the application of the application is application area. Each imagination is included in one of the five divisions. According to İzmirli, the first four (genus, genre, chapter, hassa) constitute zât. Since it is the general arrangement of the five universal envisions, it is called ‘Kulliyât’. Izmir, the recipe, "the inclusion of an imagination and through the imagination is a complete analysis of the meaning of a letter" is expressed as. The words cannot be used ‘hadd’ and ’picture‘ cannot be used instead of the definition. vii Taksim (classification) consists of the interior of an imagination. To divide the complexes. It is important to indicate the location of something. All of these imagination issues are very important in terms of epistemology. Each of them forms a separate step of information.
İsmail Haqqı is an important person in terms of logic history in Turkey. He has written many works thanks to the advantages and knowledge of knowing many languages. It is also very important that they put forward the logic of his imagination. The definition of that imagination is remarkable. He sees the concept of conception as pre-concept preparation rather than concept, unlike many other logicians. In this respect, it includes imagination types under the title of imagination. In addition, he uses the concept of "ingenuity" in the sense of "correct knowledge". Therefore, science is a pile of knowledge. According to İzmir, science has three main characteristics: yakîn (reality), umûm (generality) and menhec (method). If the body's need is the force of mind is the science. Logic is the science that contains all the subjects that are necessary to certify and envision. if person logic reads, the information becomes strong. Izmirli classifies the categories according to the questions given. Persons and adjectives determine the limits of something as possible for that thing. According to Izmir, the special matter of that thing, the application of the application is application area. Each imagination is included in one of the five divisions. According to İzmirli, the first four (genus, genre, chapter, hassa) constitute zât. Since it is the general arrangement of the five universal envisions, it is called ‘Kulliyât’. Izmir, the recipe, "the inclusion of an imagination and through the imagination is a complete analysis of the meaning of a letter" is expressed as. The words cannot be used ‘hadd’ and ’picture‘ cannot be used instead of the definition. vii Taksim (classification) consists of the interior of an imagination. To divide the complexes. It is important to indicate the location of something. All of these imagination issues are very important in terms of epistemology. Each of them forms a separate step of information.
İzmirli İsmail Hakkı, İzmirli İsmail Haqqı, Mantık, Tasavvur mantığı, Epistemoloji, Logic, Logic of imagination, Epistemology
Selçuk, R. (2019). İsmail Hakkı İzmirli’de tasavvur mantığı. Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.