Sarımsakta depolama süresince tiamin biyosentezinde görev alan THIC geninin ifade düzeyindeki değişiminin belirlenmesi
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Sarımsak (Allium sativum L.) uzun yıllardan beri insan beslenmesinde ve sağlığında önemli bir yere sahip olmuştur. Yetiştiriciliği dişleri yardımıyla yapılan bu bitkide diş dormansisi önemli bir gelişim basamağıdır. Bu yüksek lisans tez çalışmasının amacı sarımsak başlarında düşük sıcaklık ve oda sıcaklığı koşullarında depolama süresince tiamin biyosentezinde görev alan THIC geninin göreceli ifade düzeyindeki değişimin gerçek zamanlı PCR (RT-PCR) analizleri ile belirlenmesidir. Tez çalışmasında geççi bir genotip olan Kastamonu sarımsağı ve erkenci bir genotip olan PI515971 sarımsağına ait başlar 12 hafta süreyle düşük sıcaklık (4˚C) ve oda sıcaklığında (21˚C) depolanmıştır. Örneklemeler depolama başlangıcında ve depolama süresince dört hafta aralıklarla yapılmıştır. Elde edilen örneklerde toplam RNA izolasyonu ve cDNA sentezi yapıldıktan sonra THIC geninin ifade düzeyindeki değişimler aktin geni referans alınarak RT-PCR analizleri ile belirlenmiştir. Çalışmada elde edilen bulgulara göre, her iki genotipte de THIC genin göreceli ifade düzeyi 4˚C'de depolamada belirgin şekilde artmıştır. PI515971 genotipinin başlangıç örneklerinde 1,60 olan gen ifade düzeyi, 4˚C'de 12 hafta depolamadan sonra yaklaşık 25 kat artarak 40,58 düzeyine çıkmıştır. Bu genotipin 21˚C'de depolanan örneklerinde ise göreceli gen ifade düzeyi 4 hafta depolanan örneklerde başlangıç örneklerine (1,60) göre yaklaşık 2,5 kat artmış, ancak 12 hafta depolama sonuna kadar bu seviyede kalmıştır. Kastamonu genotipinde ise başlangıçta 0,78 olan THIC gen ifadesi 4˚C'de 12 hafta depolanan örneklerde 19,61 düzeyinde belirlenmiştir. Bu genotipin 21˚C'de depolanan örneklerinde ise başlangıca göre THIC geninin göreceli ifade düzeyinde anlamlı bir artış belirlenmemiştir. Elde edilen bu sonuçlar, sarımsakta dormansinin kırılmasında önemli bir rolü olan düşük sıcaklığın bitkilerde birçok metabolik süreçteki enzimlerin ko-faktörü olarak kullanılan tiaminin sentezinde de önemli olduğunu göstermektedir. Sonuç olarak, bu çalışma ile tiamin biyosentezinde görev alan bir enzimi kodlayan THIC geninin ifade düzeyinin incelenmesi yapılarak sarımsakta dormansinin kırılması sürecinde gen ifadesi ilk kez belirlenmiştir. Bu çalışmadan elde edilen bulgular sarımsakta dormansi ve vernalizasyon mekanizmasının aydınlatılmasına katkıda bulunabilir.
Garlic (Allium sativum L.) has an important role on human nutrition and health for many years. Production of garlic is done by using cloves and clove dormancy is an important development stage in this crop. The purpose of this master thesis is to determine changes in relative expression level of THIC gene which involves in thiamine biosynthesis pathway during storage under low temperature and room temperature conditions in garlic bulbs with Real Time PCR (RT-PCR) analyses. Bulbs of Kastamonu Garlic, which is a late maturing genotype and PI515971 which is an early maturing genotype, were stored at low temperature (4˚C) and room temperature (21˚C) for 12 weeks. Sampling was done at pre-storage and four weeks intervals during storage. After extraction of total RNA and cDNA synthesis from the samples of the genotypes, changes in expression level of THIC gene were determined with RT-PCR analysis by using actin gene as internal control. According to the results obtained in this study, relative expression level of THIC gene significantly increased in both garlic genotypes at 4 ˚C storage. While relative gene expression level of PI515971 genotype was 1,6 in pre-storage samples, it was about 25 times higher with a 40,58 expression level after 12 weeks storage at 4˚C. On the other hand, relative gene expression level of PI515971 genotype after four weeks storage at 21 ˚C was about 2,5 times higher than the pre-storage one and then it remained unchanged. While THIC Gene expression level of Kastamonu garlic was 0,78 at pre-storage samples, it increased to 19,61 after 12 weeks storage at 4 ˚C. However, there weren't any significant increase in the 21˚C storage samples of this genotype. These results show that low temperature which has an important role on breaking dormancy in garlic is also essential for synthesis of thiamine which is the co-factor of enzymes involved in important metabolic processes in most of the plants. In this research, gene expression during the dormancy breakage period in garlic was determined first time by analyzing expression level of THIC gene coding an enzyme that is a part of thiamin biosynthesis. The results obtained from this study could make contributions to explore mechanisms of dormancy and vernalization in garlic.
Garlic (Allium sativum L.) has an important role on human nutrition and health for many years. Production of garlic is done by using cloves and clove dormancy is an important development stage in this crop. The purpose of this master thesis is to determine changes in relative expression level of THIC gene which involves in thiamine biosynthesis pathway during storage under low temperature and room temperature conditions in garlic bulbs with Real Time PCR (RT-PCR) analyses. Bulbs of Kastamonu Garlic, which is a late maturing genotype and PI515971 which is an early maturing genotype, were stored at low temperature (4˚C) and room temperature (21˚C) for 12 weeks. Sampling was done at pre-storage and four weeks intervals during storage. After extraction of total RNA and cDNA synthesis from the samples of the genotypes, changes in expression level of THIC gene were determined with RT-PCR analysis by using actin gene as internal control. According to the results obtained in this study, relative expression level of THIC gene significantly increased in both garlic genotypes at 4 ˚C storage. While relative gene expression level of PI515971 genotype was 1,6 in pre-storage samples, it was about 25 times higher with a 40,58 expression level after 12 weeks storage at 4˚C. On the other hand, relative gene expression level of PI515971 genotype after four weeks storage at 21 ˚C was about 2,5 times higher than the pre-storage one and then it remained unchanged. While THIC Gene expression level of Kastamonu garlic was 0,78 at pre-storage samples, it increased to 19,61 after 12 weeks storage at 4 ˚C. However, there weren't any significant increase in the 21˚C storage samples of this genotype. These results show that low temperature which has an important role on breaking dormancy in garlic is also essential for synthesis of thiamine which is the co-factor of enzymes involved in important metabolic processes in most of the plants. In this research, gene expression during the dormancy breakage period in garlic was determined first time by analyzing expression level of THIC gene coding an enzyme that is a part of thiamin biosynthesis. The results obtained from this study could make contributions to explore mechanisms of dormancy and vernalization in garlic.
Gen ifadesi analizi, THIC geni, Tiamin, Allium sativum L., RT-PCR, Gene expression analysis, THIC gene, Thiamine, Allium sativum L.
Koççat, S. (2016). Sarımsakta depolama süresince tiamin biyosentezinde görev alan THIC geninin ifade düzeyindeki değişiminin belirlenmesi. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.