Kur’ân’da “ğayb” kavramı
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
“Ğayb” kelimesi çeşitli morfolojik varyasyonlarıyla gündelik hayattan dini anlayışa, beşeri münasebetlerden hukuki yapılara değin Kur’ân’da ve İslamî bilimlerde çokça kullanılmıştır. İnsanın akıl ve duyumsama sınırları, tecrübe edip bilebileceği ve bilemeyeceği şeyler olmasına yol açmıştır. Bu sebeple Kur’ân’da evren “ğayb” ve “şehadet” olarak insan eksenli taksim edilmiştir. Bu durum evrenin iki farklı boyutu olduğundan dolayı değil, insanın, evrenin tamamının bilgisi ve duyumsamalarını edinmesinin mümkün olmamasından kaynaklanmaktadır. Tarihte sosyal ve fen bilimlerinin gelişimleri göstermiştir ki: insan hangi alanda bir keşif yapsa o alanla ilgili bilgisizliği, edindiği bilgilerden daha fazla artmaktadır. Dînî alanda da “Allah”, “melekler” ve “âhiret” gibi insan duyularıyla ilişkisiz inancın konusu olan konularda insana gizli olan taraflar hep var olmuş ve olacaktır. İslam öncesinde daha çok kâhin ve arrâflara hizmet eden cinlerin yaptıkları “kulak hırsızlıkları” çerçevesinde “ğayb”ten bilgi edinildiğine inanılmıştır. İslam’a göre “ğayb” âleminin cinler ve şeytanlardan korunmuş olduğuna, bu âlemle irtibatın yalnızca Allah’tan vahiy alan peygamberle gerçekleşebileceğine inanılır.
The word "ghayb" has been widely used in the Qur'an and Islamic sciences with its various morphological variations, from daily life to religious understanding and from human relations to legal structures. The limits of human reason and sensation have led to things that he can experience and know and the things he can not. Therefore, in the Qur'an, the universe has been divided human based as the "ghayb" and the "testimony". This is not because the universe has two different dimensions, but because it is not possible for man to acquire the entire knowledge and sensations of the universe. The development of social and natural sciences in history has shown that no matter which field man explores, his ignorance of that field increases more than the knowledge he has acquired. In the religious field, there have always been and will always be aspects that are hidden to man on issues that are the subject of faith unrelated to human senses such as "Allah", "angels" and "the Hereafter". It was believed that before Islam, knowledge was obtained from “ghayb” within the framework of "eavesdropping" committed by the jinn who served mostly soothsayers and fortune tellers. According to Islam, it is believed that the world of “ghayb” is protected from jinn and demons, and the connection with this world can only be through a prophet who receives revelation from Allah.
The word "ghayb" has been widely used in the Qur'an and Islamic sciences with its various morphological variations, from daily life to religious understanding and from human relations to legal structures. The limits of human reason and sensation have led to things that he can experience and know and the things he can not. Therefore, in the Qur'an, the universe has been divided human based as the "ghayb" and the "testimony". This is not because the universe has two different dimensions, but because it is not possible for man to acquire the entire knowledge and sensations of the universe. The development of social and natural sciences in history has shown that no matter which field man explores, his ignorance of that field increases more than the knowledge he has acquired. In the religious field, there have always been and will always be aspects that are hidden to man on issues that are the subject of faith unrelated to human senses such as "Allah", "angels" and "the Hereafter". It was believed that before Islam, knowledge was obtained from “ghayb” within the framework of "eavesdropping" committed by the jinn who served mostly soothsayers and fortune tellers. According to Islam, it is believed that the world of “ghayb” is protected from jinn and demons, and the connection with this world can only be through a prophet who receives revelation from Allah.
Ğayb, Şehâdet, Tefsir, Kur’ân, Semantik, Ghayb, Testimony, Tafseer, Qur’an, Semantics
Toy, K. (2021). Kur’ân’da “ğayb” kavramı. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.