Hurûf-ı Hecâ Üzre Mürettep Şiir Mecmû’ası (İnceleme-metin)
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bu çalışmada, XVIII. yüzyılda tertiplenmiş ve müellifi bilinmeyen “Hurûf-ı Hecâ Üzre Mürettep Şiir Mecmû’ası” başlıklı eser, transkribe edilerek söz konusu dönemde kaleme alınmış nazireler ve şiirler tespit edildi. Eserde 25 adet nazire bulunmakla birlikte söz konusu nazireler, Şiirine Nazire Yazılan Şair, Nazireyi Yazan Şair, Vezni, Gazelin Başlığı, Konusu, Redifi, Kafiyesi, Yüzyılları” başlıkları altında incelendi. Gazellerin her birinin hem “nazire” başlığı altında kaydedilmesi hem de model şiirle konu, vezin, kafiye ve redif bakımından benzerlik göstermesi söz konusu gazellerin nazire tanımına ve ölçütlerine uygun olduğunu gösterdi. Konunun daha iyi anlaşılabilmesi adına nazirelerle ilgili bilgiler ve tespitler tablo şeklinde sunuldu. Şairlerin mecmû’ada yer alan şiirleri ile divanlarında yer alan şiirleri ise gazel, beyit ve kelime bakımından karşılaştırıldı. Bu mukayese sonucunda “Nâ’ilî Efendi, Nâbî Efendi ve Fuzûlî” adlı üç şairin şiirlerinin farklı olduğu tespit edildi. Bazı gazellerin şairlerin divanlarında bulunan gazellerle büyük oranda farklılık gösterdiği, bazılarında beyit, bazılarında ise kelime değişikliği olduğu görüldü. Bütün bu unsurlar tablo hâlinde ayrıntılı ve düzenli bir şekilde ortaya konuldu. Yazma nüshada te’lif ve istinsah tarihine dair kesin bir bilgi verilmediği gibi eserdeki şairlere bakıldığında XVI, XVII ve XVIII. yüzyılda yaşamış isimler olduğu ii görüldü. Mecmû’ada dönem olarak diğer şairlerden geç bir yüzyılda yaşamış oldukları bilinen; Nahifî, Koca Ragıp Paşa ve Kuburizâde gibi şairlerin şiirlerinin kayıtlı olması eserin XVIII. yüzyılda yazıldığı ihtimalini doğurdu. Mecmû’ada XVI. yüzyıldan 9, XVII. yüzyıldan 20, XVIII. yüzyıldan 10 şair mevcut olmasına rağmen 5 şairin de hangi yüzyılda yaşadığı kesin olarak tespit edilemedi. Tez iki bölümden oluşmaktadır. Birinci bölümde “Eserin Müellifi, Eserin İsim Meselesi, Eserin Yazılış Tarihi Meselesi, Nüsha Tavsifi, Mecmû’anın Dış Özellikleri, Muhteva, Mecmû’ada Yer Alan Şairler ve Şairlere Ait Gazel Sayıları” konu başlıkları altında eserin incelemesi yapıldı. İkinci bölümde ise mecmû’anın transkripsiyonlu metni ve özel adlar dizini verildi.
In this study, “Hurûf-ı Hecâ Üzre Mürettep Şiir Mecmûası”, which was prepared in the 18th centuryand had no information about its author, was examined. 25 Nazires were identified in the work. These poems were examined under the titles Poet Written to Nazire, Poet Written to Nazire, Vezni, Gazel Title, Subject, Redif’s, Kafiye’s, Centuries”. And these poems were seen as examples of Nazire. Nazires; model’s poetry, poetry, subject, meter, rhy meand redif showed similarity. And meets the criteria of Nazire. In order to beter understand theissue, information and determinations about the Nazires were presented in the form of a table. The poems of the poets were compared with the poems in their divans. Divan of all poets were checkedand it was seen that the poems of three poets named “Nâ’ilî Efendi, Nâbî Efendi and Fuzûlî” were different. In some of the poems, ghazals, coupletsand words were found to be different. All these elements were prepared in a detailed and organized manner in the form of a table on the relevant page. There is no definite information about the important dates of the Magazine. The poets in the magazine are XVI, XVII and XVIII. century lived. XVI. century 9, XVII. century 20, XVIII. century there are 10 poets. The century of the 5 poets is unknown. There are more poets living in the 17th century. iv In the journal, it is known that they lived in a late century than other poets; Nahifi, Ragıp Pasha and Kuburizâde XVIII. since they lived in the 18th century, it can be estimated that the work was written in this century. The thesis consists of two parts. In the first chapter, “the author of the work, theissue of the name of the work, theissue of the date of writing of the work, copy advice, the external features of the magazine, the content of the poets and poets in the journal, the work of the subject under the headings of the study was examined. In these condpart, the transcribed text of the magazine and thein dex of special names are given.
In this study, “Hurûf-ı Hecâ Üzre Mürettep Şiir Mecmûası”, which was prepared in the 18th centuryand had no information about its author, was examined. 25 Nazires were identified in the work. These poems were examined under the titles Poet Written to Nazire, Poet Written to Nazire, Vezni, Gazel Title, Subject, Redif’s, Kafiye’s, Centuries”. And these poems were seen as examples of Nazire. Nazires; model’s poetry, poetry, subject, meter, rhy meand redif showed similarity. And meets the criteria of Nazire. In order to beter understand theissue, information and determinations about the Nazires were presented in the form of a table. The poems of the poets were compared with the poems in their divans. Divan of all poets were checkedand it was seen that the poems of three poets named “Nâ’ilî Efendi, Nâbî Efendi and Fuzûlî” were different. In some of the poems, ghazals, coupletsand words were found to be different. All these elements were prepared in a detailed and organized manner in the form of a table on the relevant page. There is no definite information about the important dates of the Magazine. The poets in the magazine are XVI, XVII and XVIII. century lived. XVI. century 9, XVII. century 20, XVIII. century there are 10 poets. The century of the 5 poets is unknown. There are more poets living in the 17th century. iv In the journal, it is known that they lived in a late century than other poets; Nahifi, Ragıp Pasha and Kuburizâde XVIII. since they lived in the 18th century, it can be estimated that the work was written in this century. The thesis consists of two parts. In the first chapter, “the author of the work, theissue of the name of the work, theissue of the date of writing of the work, copy advice, the external features of the magazine, the content of the poets and poets in the journal, the work of the subject under the headings of the study was examined. In these condpart, the transcribed text of the magazine and thein dex of special names are given.
Eski Türk Edebiyatı, Classical Turkish Literature, XVIII. Yüzyıl, Mecmû’a, Hurûf-ı Hecâ Üzre Mürettep Şiir Mecmû’ası, XVIII. Century, Poetry Magazine in Which The Poems Arrangedin Alphabetical order are Arranged, Magazine
Aydemir, N. Ç. (2019). Hurûf-ı Hecâ Üzre Mürettep Şiir Mecmû’ası (İnceleme-metin). Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.