Kolon eğikliğinin çerçeve betonarme binaların performansına olan etkilerinin incelenmesi
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Düşey olmayıp belirli bir eğikliğe sahip kolonlar betonarme yapılarda daha önceleri çok nadiren görülmesine rağmen son yıllarda daha fazla görülmektedir. Bunların uygulanmasındaki gerekçenin daha çok mimari tasarımdan kaynaklandığı belirtilebilir. Eğik kolonların yapıların statik ve dinamik davranışına olan etkileri konusunda yapılan çalışmaların yok denecek kadar az olduğu belirtilebilir. Ayrıca, yapıların hesap ve tasarımıyla ilgili yönetmelik ve standartlarda da eğik kolonlar konusunda ayrıntılı bilgilerin olduğu söylenemez. Bu nedenle mühendisler için eğik kolonları kullanmak genel olarak karmaşık ve davranışının belirlenmesi oldukça zor olarak görülmüştür. Bu tezin amacı kolon eğikliğinin binanın statik ve dinamik davranışına olan etkilerini irdelemektir. Bu amaçla farklı kat sayısına (3, 5, 9, 12, ve 15 katlı) ve farklı yüksekliğe sahip binalar için, belirlenen kolonların düşey ve eğik olması durumları ayrı ayrı dikkate alınmıştır. Sadece kolon eğikliğinin etkisini ortaya koyabilmek için binadaki diğer parametrelerin aynı ya da benzer olmasına gayret gösterilmiştir. Düşey kolonlara sahip referans bina ile eğimli kolonlu binaların davranışları karşılaştırarak, eğimli kolon kullanımının betonarme çerçeve binaların sismik davranışı üzerindeki etkileri araştırılmıştır. Binanın doğal periyodu, kat rijitliği, kat ötelenmesi, taban kesme kuvveti vb. parametrelerinde meydana gelen değişimleri karşılaştırmalı olarak ortaya koyabilmek için sismik analizler gerçekleştirilmiştir. Sözkonusu sismik analizler, TBDY-2018 Türkiye Bina Deprem Yönetmeliği hükümleri dikkate alınarak ve ETABS V.19.0.0 yazılımı kullanılarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Gerçekleştirilen analizler sonucunda eğimli kolonlara sahip binalarda doğal titreşim periyodlarının azaldığı gözlemlenmiştir. Buna karşılık, eğimli kolonlara sahip binalarda eğim derecesinin 1'den 5'e kadar artması durumunda daha yüksek yanal rijitlik elde edilmiştir. Bununla birlikte eğimli kolonlara sahip binalarda kolon eğikliğinin kat ötelemesi üzerindeki etkisinin, kat ötelenme yönüne ve kolonların eğim yönüne bağlı olarak pozitif veya negatif olabileceği de fark edilmiştir.
Columns that are not vertical but have a certain inclination have been seen more in recent years, although they were rarely seen in reinforced concrete structures before. It can be stated that the reason for their implementation is mostly due to architectural design. It can be stated that studies on the effects of inclined columns on the static and dynamic behavior of structures are scarce. In addition, it cannot be said that there is detailed information about inclined columns in the regulations and standards related to the calculation and design of the structures. For this reason, using inclined columns has generally been seen as complex and rather difficult to determine behavior for engineers. In this thesis, it is aimed to examine the effects of column inclination on the static and dynamic behavior of the building. For this purpose, for buildings with different number of story (3, 5, 9, 12, 15 story) and building heights, vertical and inclined columns were taken into account separately. Efforts were made to ensure that other parameters in the building were the same or similar just to reveal the effect of column inclination. By comparing the behavior of the reference building with vertical columns and buildings with inclined columns, the effects of the use of inclined columns on the seismic behavior of reinforced concrete frame buildings were investigated. The natural period of the building, floor stiffness, floor offset, base shear force etc. Seismic analyzes were carried out in order to comparatively reveal the changes in the parameters. The aforementioned seismic analyzes were carried out by taking into account the provisions of TBDY-2018 Turkey Building Earthquake Code and using ETABS 2019 software. As a result of the analyzes carried out, it was observed that the natural vibration periods decreased in buildings with inclined columns. On the other hand, in buildings with inclined columns, especially heigh-rise buildings higher lateral stiffness was obtained. However, it has also been noticed that the effect of column inclination on the story drift in buildings with inclined columns can be positive or negative depending on the story drift direction and the inclination direction of the columns.
Columns that are not vertical but have a certain inclination have been seen more in recent years, although they were rarely seen in reinforced concrete structures before. It can be stated that the reason for their implementation is mostly due to architectural design. It can be stated that studies on the effects of inclined columns on the static and dynamic behavior of structures are scarce. In addition, it cannot be said that there is detailed information about inclined columns in the regulations and standards related to the calculation and design of the structures. For this reason, using inclined columns has generally been seen as complex and rather difficult to determine behavior for engineers. In this thesis, it is aimed to examine the effects of column inclination on the static and dynamic behavior of the building. For this purpose, for buildings with different number of story (3, 5, 9, 12, 15 story) and building heights, vertical and inclined columns were taken into account separately. Efforts were made to ensure that other parameters in the building were the same or similar just to reveal the effect of column inclination. By comparing the behavior of the reference building with vertical columns and buildings with inclined columns, the effects of the use of inclined columns on the seismic behavior of reinforced concrete frame buildings were investigated. The natural period of the building, floor stiffness, floor offset, base shear force etc. Seismic analyzes were carried out in order to comparatively reveal the changes in the parameters. The aforementioned seismic analyzes were carried out by taking into account the provisions of TBDY-2018 Turkey Building Earthquake Code and using ETABS 2019 software. As a result of the analyzes carried out, it was observed that the natural vibration periods decreased in buildings with inclined columns. On the other hand, in buildings with inclined columns, especially heigh-rise buildings higher lateral stiffness was obtained. However, it has also been noticed that the effect of column inclination on the story drift in buildings with inclined columns can be positive or negative depending on the story drift direction and the inclination direction of the columns.
Eğik/eğimli kolon, Çerçeve sistem binalar, Sismik analiz, Column inclination, Inclined column, Frame system buildings, Seismic design
Mohieldin, O. E. E. (2021). Kolon eğikliğinin çerçeve betonarme binaların performansına olan etkilerinin incelenmesi. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.