Etik dışı uygulamaların muhasebe meslek mensuplarının tükenmişlik düzeyine etkileri ve Bursa ilinde bir uygulama
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Değişen hayat koşullarıyla birlikte geçen zaman içinde ekonomik sistemler karmaşıklaşmıştır. Karmaşıklık ise devamında olumsuzluklar getirmiştir. Değişen koşulların insan hayatı için getirdiği en büyük olumsuzluklardan biri tükenmişliktir. Tükenmişliğin getirdiği olumsuzlukların günümüzde verdiği zararlar insan hayatı için önemli hale gelmiştir. Muhasebe mesleğinde etik özellikle gelişen ekonomiyle birlikte günümüzde önemli etkilere sahiptir. Muhasebe mesleğinde etiğe uygun olmayan etik dışı davranışlar gerek ekonomi gerek işletmeler gerekse insan hayatı üzerinde çeşitli olumsuzluklar yaratmaktadır. Bu olumsuzluklardan biri de şüphesiz insan hayatını etkileyen tükenmişliktir. Muhasebe mesleği de iletişimde olduğu tarafların çokluğu, yoğun iş temposu, düşünsel olarak çok dikkat gerektiren bir meslek olması gibi çeşitli etmenler nedeniyle tükenmişlik olgusuyla karşı karşıya kalmaktadır. Muhasebe meslek mensuplarını olumsuz etkileyen tükenmişlik bir çok tarafı ilgilendiren önemli bir sorundur. Bu nedenle muhasebe meslek mensuplarının tükenmişlik düzeyine etki eden değişkenlerin tespiti önemli hale gelmiştir. Muhasebe mesleğinde etiğin önemiyle birlikte meslek mensuplarının meslek hayatlarında karşılaştıkları etik dışı uygulamaların yarattığı olumsuzlukların tükenmişlik düzeylerine etkisini tespit etmek amacıyla hazırlanan bu çalışmada ilk olarak muhasebe mesleğinde etik kavramı ayrıntılı olarak incelenmiş sonrasında meslekte karşılaşılan etik dışı uygulamalar örnek olaylarla birlikte değerlendirilerek devamında tükenmişlik kavramı açıklanmıştır. Çalışmanın son bölümünde muhasebe meslek mensuplarının karşılaştıkları etik dışı uygulamaların tükenmişlik düzeyine etkileri Serbest Muhasebeci Mali Müşavirlerin görüşleriyle birlikte SPSS 23.0 paket programıyla analiz edilmiştir. Analiz sonucunda muhasebe meslek mensuplarının daha çok kişisel başarılarında azalma yaşadıkları bunu daha düşük seviyede duygusal tükenmenin takip ettiği ancak mesleğe karşı duyarsızlaşma yaşamadıkları tespit edilmiştir.
With the changing life conditions, economic systems have become more complex in the course of time. Complexity brought negativities. One of the biggest negativities brought by changing conditions for human life is burnout. The damages caused by the negative effects of burnout have become important for human life today. Ethics in the accounting profession has important effects today, especially with the developing economy. Unethical behaviors in the accounting profession that are not in accordance with ethics create various negative effects on both the economy, businesses and human life. One of these negativities is undoubtedly burnout, which affects human life. The accounting profession is also faced with the phenomenon of burnout due to various factors such as the multiplicity of the parties with which it is in communication, the intense pace of work, and the fact that it is a profession that requires a lot of intellectual attention. Burnout, which negatively affects accountants, is an important problem that concerns many parties. For this reason, it has become important to determine the variables that affect the burnout level of accounting professionals. In this study, which was prepared in order to determine the effect of the negative effects of unethical practices that professionals encounter in their professional lives, on the level of burnout, together with the importance of ethics in the accounting profession, first the concept of ethics in the accounting profession was examined in detail, then the unethical practices encountered in the profession were evaluated together with case studies, and then the concept of burnout was explained. In the last part of the study, the effects of unethical practices faced by professional accountants on the level of burnout were analyzed with the SPSS 23.0 package program together with the opinions of Certified Public Accountants. As a result of the analysis, it was determined that professional accountants experienced a decrease in their sense of achievement, followed by a lower level of emotional exhaustion, but they did not experience depersonalization.
With the changing life conditions, economic systems have become more complex in the course of time. Complexity brought negativities. One of the biggest negativities brought by changing conditions for human life is burnout. The damages caused by the negative effects of burnout have become important for human life today. Ethics in the accounting profession has important effects today, especially with the developing economy. Unethical behaviors in the accounting profession that are not in accordance with ethics create various negative effects on both the economy, businesses and human life. One of these negativities is undoubtedly burnout, which affects human life. The accounting profession is also faced with the phenomenon of burnout due to various factors such as the multiplicity of the parties with which it is in communication, the intense pace of work, and the fact that it is a profession that requires a lot of intellectual attention. Burnout, which negatively affects accountants, is an important problem that concerns many parties. For this reason, it has become important to determine the variables that affect the burnout level of accounting professionals. In this study, which was prepared in order to determine the effect of the negative effects of unethical practices that professionals encounter in their professional lives, on the level of burnout, together with the importance of ethics in the accounting profession, first the concept of ethics in the accounting profession was examined in detail, then the unethical practices encountered in the profession were evaluated together with case studies, and then the concept of burnout was explained. In the last part of the study, the effects of unethical practices faced by professional accountants on the level of burnout were analyzed with the SPSS 23.0 package program together with the opinions of Certified Public Accountants. As a result of the analysis, it was determined that professional accountants experienced a decrease in their sense of achievement, followed by a lower level of emotional exhaustion, but they did not experience depersonalization.
Etik, Hile, Muhasebe etiği, Tükenmişlik düzeyi, Ethic, Fraud, Accounting ethics, Burnout level
Zarper, A. (2023). Etik dışı uygulamaların muhasebe meslek mensuplarının tükenmişlik düzeyine etkileri ve Bursa ilinde bir uygulama. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.