Muhaddis ve fakîh ulemâ arasında te‘âruz meselesi
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Çalışmamızın konusu, hadis ilminde hadislerin birbirleri ve diğer ilimlerle çelişkisi ile fıkıh usulündeki delillerin te‘âruzu ve söz konusu iki ilmin te‘âruz meselesindeki muhtelif ve benzer yaklaşımları ile etkileşimleri olarak ortaya konulmuştur. Te‘âruz meselesinin hadis ve fıkıh ilmi çerçevesinde ele alandığı çalışmada amaçlanan, hadis ve fıkıh ilminin ilişkisinin ve bu arada te‘âruz meselesinin mahiyetinin tespitini izâh edebilmektir. Nitekim hadis ve fıkıh usulü eserlerinde genel anlamında kullanılan ve dağınık olarak yer alan te‘âruz/ihtilâf meselelerine araştırmanın delillerin te‘âruzuna yönelik sınırlandırma ile gerçekleştirilmiş olması sebebiyle değinilmemiştir. Te‘âruz kavramı, şartları, sebepleri konusu ve giderme yolları içerikleri ile birinci bölümde söz konusu muhtevanın hadis usulündeki yeri ikinci bölümde ise fıkıh usulünde yerleri dikkate alınmak suretiyle işlenmiştir. Araştırmanın üçüncü bölümü ise önceki bölümlerde iki ilimde ele alınan te‘âruz meselesinde muhaddis ve fakih ulemânın kanaatlerinin ortaya koyulup benzer ve farklı yanların ardından söz konusu ilimlerin etkileşimlerinin te‘âruz zemininde ortaya konmaya çalışıldığı bir değerlendirme bölümüdür. Çalışmada iki ilimde ele alınan muhtelif görüşlerin, genel kanaatlerin ve değerlendirmelerin ardından bahse konu iki ilmin cihet farklılıklarının yanı sıra ilişkili oldukları noktaların boyutu, iki ilim arasında bir bütünlüğün olduğu ve iki ilmin birbirinden bağımsız iki müstakil branş olarak kabul edilemeyeceği sonucuna varılmıştır.
The subject of our study has been revealed as the conflict of hadiths with each other and with other sciences in the science of hadith, the conflict of evidence in the fiqh method, and the interactions of these two sciences after their various and similar approaches to the issue of conflict. The aim of the study, which deals with the issue of ta'aruz within the framework of the science of hadith and fiqh, is to explain the relationship between the science of hadith and fiqh, and the nature of the issue of ta'arud. As a matter of fact, the issues of ta'aruz/dispute, which are used in the general sense and are scattered in the works of hadith and fiqh, are not mentioned because the research was carried out with the limitation of the conflict of evidence, but the concept of ta'arud, its conditions, the subject of its causes and the ways to resolve it are mentioned in the first chapter. The place of the content in the hadith method is studied in the second part, taking into account its place in the fiqh method. The third part of the research is an evaluation part in which the opinions of the muhaddis and jurist scholars on the issue of ta'arud, which were discussed in two sciences in the previous chapters, are tried to be revealed on the basis of the discussion after similar and different aspects. In the study, after the various opinions, general opinions and evaluations discussed in the two sciences, it was concluded that the two sciences in question, as well as the differences in direction, the size of the points they are related to, that there is a unity between the two sciences and that the two sciences in question cannot be considered as two independent branches.
The subject of our study has been revealed as the conflict of hadiths with each other and with other sciences in the science of hadith, the conflict of evidence in the fiqh method, and the interactions of these two sciences after their various and similar approaches to the issue of conflict. The aim of the study, which deals with the issue of ta'aruz within the framework of the science of hadith and fiqh, is to explain the relationship between the science of hadith and fiqh, and the nature of the issue of ta'arud. As a matter of fact, the issues of ta'aruz/dispute, which are used in the general sense and are scattered in the works of hadith and fiqh, are not mentioned because the research was carried out with the limitation of the conflict of evidence, but the concept of ta'arud, its conditions, the subject of its causes and the ways to resolve it are mentioned in the first chapter. The place of the content in the hadith method is studied in the second part, taking into account its place in the fiqh method. The third part of the research is an evaluation part in which the opinions of the muhaddis and jurist scholars on the issue of ta'arud, which were discussed in two sciences in the previous chapters, are tried to be revealed on the basis of the discussion after similar and different aspects. In the study, after the various opinions, general opinions and evaluations discussed in the two sciences, it was concluded that the two sciences in question, as well as the differences in direction, the size of the points they are related to, that there is a unity between the two sciences and that the two sciences in question cannot be considered as two independent branches.
Hadis usûlü, Fıkıh usûlü, İhtilâfü’l-hadîs, Muhtelifü’l-hadîs, Te‘âruz, Tercîh, Usul al-hadith, Usul al-fiqh, Ikhtilâf al-hadith, Mukhtelif al-hadith, Ta'arud, Tarjih
Hardashov, H. Y. (2023). Muhaddis ve fakîh ulemâ arasında te‘âruz meselesi. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.