Effect of nitrogen fertilization on quality characteristics of four turf mixtures under different wear treatments

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Taylor & Francis


The effect of three nitrogen (N) application regimes on the color, turf quality, cover, and clipping weights of four different sports type mixtures were evaluated under different wear frequencies for three years in an irrigated field. Nitrogen was applied monthly at rates of low (2.5 g N m− 2), medium (5.0 g N m− 2), and high (7.5 g N m− 2). The turf mixtures were subjected to four different wear treatments at frequencies of zero (control), once per week, once biweekly, and once per month for approximately eight months each experimental year. Wear treatments reduced turf color and quality, cover percentage, and clipping yield. Application of wear every week was detrimental to turf characteristics, whereas wear once every month generally had no significant effect. Nitrogen fertilization resulted in improved color and quality, and increased cover percentage and clipping yield.



Wear damage, Color, Turf quality, Cover, Clipping yield, Kentucky bluegrass, Fall fertilization, Growth, Soil compaction, Resistance, Water-use, Tolerance, Plant sciences


Bilgili, U. ve Açıkgöz, E. (2007). ''Effect of nitrogen fertilization on quality characteristics of four turf mixtures under different wear treatments''. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 30(7-9), 1139-1152.
